
Truth For Truth's Sake


“Evening News” (March 6, 2023)


Whistleblower: FBI’s D.C. Office Tried To Sic Local Agents On Innocents After Bank Of America Volunteered Gun Records


Southern Poverty Law Center Attorney Charged With Domestic Terrorism


The Flap Over Biden’s Comment About 2 Fentanyl Deaths Obscures Prohibition’s Role in Causing Them


Biden Admin Proposes Nearly $15 Billion In New Regulations Over Just One Week


Riot Tourism: Only 2 of 23 Charged In Atlanta Antifa Mayhem Are Georgia Citizens Mainstream


CNN suppressed lab leak theory to hurt Trump




Louisiana, Missouri AGs Request Court Block Biden Admin From Allegedly ‘Coercing And Colluding With Big Tech’


Texas Tech Suspends Head Basketball Coach For Quoting The Bible


Life Among the Ruins

How did all of this so quickly erode our great country? Our crisis was not the next generation of foreign Hitlers and Stalins. It was not earthquakes, floods, or even pandemics. It was not endemic poverty and want. It was not a meager inheritance from past generations of incompetents. Nor was it a dearth of natural resources or bounty.

Instead our catastrophe arose from our most highly educated, the wealthiest and most privileged in American history with the greatest sense of self-esteem and sanctimoniousness. Sometime around the millennium, they felt their genius could change human nature and bring an end to history—if only they had enough power to force hoi polloi to follow their abstract and bankrupt theories that they had no intention of abiding by themselves.

Guest Editorialist:

Walter Williams


Prior to capitalism, the way people amassed great wealth was by looting, plundering and enslaving their fellow man. Capitalism made it possible to become wealthy by serving your fellow man.

“Evening News” (March 6, 2023) Read More »

“Evening news” Weekend Edition (March 5, 2023)


FBI Whistleblower Claims Agency Forced Him To Juice Domestic Terrorism Numbers


Utah Considers Ranked-Choice Voting In Primaries Despite Disasters In Alaska And Maine


Now published in the peer-reviewed scientific literature: “The mRNA vaccines are neither safe nor effective, but outright dangerous”


Biden’s Nominee To Lead FAA Can’t Answer A Single Question About Aviation & Air Travel Ted Budd Asks YT


Georgia Senate Passes Bill To Close Sneaky ‘Zuckbucks 2.0’ Loopholes


Holy Cow! Pfizer Subsidiary Has Injected 100 Million Animals With mRNA Technology! Rumble


The Mary Poppins of Defamation? Nina Jankowicz Solicits Funds to Sue Fox News


Marianne Williamson rips Democratic elites, says ‘DNC should not be rigging the system’


Welp, Google burning my books again.


The Attack of the Subversive Elites

The cozy relationship between multinational corporations and governments has even aroused the scorn of a few leftist academics. Some note that the UN-WEF partnership and the governance model of the WEF represent at least the privatization of the UN’s Agenda 2030, with the WEF bringing corporate partners, money, and supposed expertise on the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4-IR) to the table. And the WEF’s governance model extends well beyond the UN, affecting the constitution and behavior of governments worldwide. This usurpation has led political scientist Ivan Wecke to call the WEF’s governmental redesign of the world system “a corporate takeover of global governance.”


This is true, but the WEF model also represents the governmentalization of private industry. Un­der Schwab’s stakeholder capitalism and the mul­tistakeholder governance model, governance is not only increasingly privatized, but also and more im­portantly, corporations are deputized as major addi­tions to governments and intergovernmental bodies. The state is thereby extended, enhanced, and aug­mented by the addition of enormous corporate as­sets. These include funding directed at “sustainable development” to the exclusion of the noncompliant as well as the use of Big Data, artificial intelligence, and 5G to monitor and control citizens.




The Dominion vs Fox Lawsuit Does Not Pass The Smell Test



Why would a glass-house-dwelling, ostensibly for-profit corporation sue another party–let alone a lawyered-up gaggle of big-megaphone parties–who would as a matter of due diligence, expose said company’s massive flaws, inefficiencies, and vulnerabilities in the process of discovery?


By the same token, why would a glass-house-dwelling, ostensibly for-profit corporation sue another party–let alone a lawyered-up gaggle of big-megaphone parties–when the dubious motives for the litigation might result in countersuits that could bankrupt said corporation?


According to Reuters “Fox alleged Dominion’s lawsuit serves only to “generate headlines, chill First Amendment-protected speech, and unjustly enrich” the company’s investors, who according to Fox’s filing have valued Dominion at roughly $80 million.”

The lawsuit has generated headlines. Headlines that are embarrassing to Fox News but not because Fox News was led down a dry well of election fraud. Fox News adamantly refused to touch the subject from the onset. Lou Dobbs, a Fox Business News host with high viewer ratings and a platinum reputation for candor, was fired as soon as he stuck his toe in the water.


Fox News also smeared Sidney Powell and Rudy Guiliani publicly as well as in private text messages. The process of discovery revealed that Fox News held their viewers in low regard and that they were committed to squelching anything related to election fraud. Election malfeasance was the third rail and Hannity, Ingraham, and Carlson were not going to sacrifice their movie star salaries for their viewer’s sake. Truth be damned!
The mainstream media have performed a masterful job of distorting the story to their advantage. The standing headline “Fox News Lies About Stolen Election” insinuates that they actually reported on election fraud. The headlines are often juxtaposed with a picture of Donald Trump, of “Trump’s Big Lie” fame.

The MSM gets to have it both ways. Donald Trump claims that an election was stolen. Fox News 2020 election coverage was less than forthright (and they admit as much) for their craven refusal to cover the 2020 election irregularities. In Googleland, Trump’s assertion of election theft is promoted as” The Big Lie” and Fox News whitewashing of election fraud is rolled into the same “Big Lie” headline.


“Order Tucker Carlson… to Stop Spreading the Big Lie” Senator Chuck Schumer recently commanded. Schumer might be habitually dishonest, but he is not stupid. He knows that Carlson has been a reliable backstabber who can be counted on to avoid the topic of election fraud in much the same way that Clark Kent would dodge a chunk of kryptonite. Schumer also knows that most news consumers–especially those who always seek bias confirmation–only read headlines, taglines, and blurbs. Schumer’s quote was retweeted profusely, and I suppose one could say that it went viral.


If “The Big Lie” is already copyrighted, the whopper that Tucker Carlson has investigated the subject invites a Brobdingnagian gargantuan leviathan adjective of its own. “Big” does not suffice.


So yes, Fox’s lawyers are correct to state that Dominion wanted to generate headlines. And they are correct in asserting that Dominion wants to suppress free speech, as evidenced by their scorched Earth lawsuits against Sidney Powell, Lou Dobbs, and Rudy Guiliani. What about the accusation of unjust enrichment?

Maybe Dominion does want to hit the Litigation Lottery. Do the right judge-shopping, screen the right jurors featuring twelve angry Trump and/or Fox haters, and lightning might strike your flagpole. These days, it might be worth the gamble.


The big problem with that strategy is that Fox News bent over backward to not discuss Dominion Voting Systems. Fox News was dutifully MIA. This notattorney is stating the obvious: they don’t have a case. As well, Dominion might have opened itself up to countersuits. They have already spent nine or ten figures in legal fees to defend a company worth “roughly 80 million” according to Fox News attorneys. Dominion’s reputation took a nosedive without Fox’s help and the parent company might have devised a brilliant go-for-broke liquidation strategy.


This brings us to the parent company, Staple Street Capital. Just because SSC is frequently described as murky, does not mean that they are murky in the least. SSC, to be polite, is discreet.


The Murky Foreign Actors Behind US Election Fraud


From Internet Archive


Media Reverses Position After Smartmatic Legal Threats


On Dec. 4, The Epoch Times reported: “Three of four board members of UBS Securities LLC are Chinese according to Bloomberg, at least one of whom appears to reside in Hong Kong.” However, the same Bloomberg profile today shows only one Board Member, Samuel Molinaro.


One of the Chinese names previously found in the profile was Ye Xiang, founder of VisionGain Capital who was Secretary for Foreign Financial Institutions for the People’s Bank of China.


The Epoch Times stated: “Staple Street Capital made significant changes to its website recently. Information about Team, Executive Board, and Portfolio have all been deleted.”


Staple Street probably has multiple motives for suing Fox News but some weigh heavier than others. If collecting damages was their primary goal, they probably would not have released a trove of Fox internal memos that do not bolster their case. Clearly, the plaintiffs want to besmirch Fox’s reputation, such as it is.


And now, this writer is going to go a little bit “Pulp Fiction” on you. Instead of wrapping it up and rolling the credits, the writer is going to ask to sit back down and read a shorter editorial that involves the characters we have come to know, if not love.

Why would an institution that wants to defeat Donald Trump do anything to harm Fox News? The Democrat/RINO axis has one essential, if not indispensable weapon they cannot afford to damage. That weapon is Fox News.


The Soviet Union was smart enough to sanction dissidents to serve up tepid criticism for the state-supported media. I don’t know what the controlled opposition said; but it was probably something like, “There are some wacky characters in the Kremlin.” Dissidents who could be counted on to pound their chests and pull their punches and divert the audience as the rabbit was lifted from the hat. Something like what Fox News does routinely.


Yes, your braindead lefty relative might say” “duh duh duh Fox News duh duh duh Right Wing duh duh duh Fox News duh duh duh Trump duh duh duh” but that is because your braindead lefty relative consciously embraces stupidity as a badge of honor. Many Fox News viewers knew they were being played by the Never-Trump backstabbers and started looking elsewhere for information.


In 2021, Fox News produced its lowest ratings in twenty years and they continue to bleed viewers. The once loyal audience has gone elsewhere for information. Still, they maintain an audience sizable enough to swing a presidential election.


I am not sure who said it first but here is a maxim worth repeating: The Left always overplays its hand. They are Borg. They cannot brook any resistance, even the snarky comments that Fox News serves up in lieu of journalism. Does it really aid the Dems’ agenda to showcase Fox News’ duplicity? Probably not. But they just can’t help themselves.


The Editor-In-Chief

“Evening news” Weekend Edition (March 5, 2023) Read More »

“Evening News” (March 3, 2023)


How This US Lie Will Likely Lead to War

Colorado: The Election Fraud Test Kitchen

How One CA Republican Mayor Eliminated Homeless Population In His Liberal State

Police pursuing charges for students in racial incident at Springfield, Ohio elementary school

More than a DOZEN whistleblowers came forward to claim Hunter Biden was involved in ‘potentially criminal’ activity, Republican Senator reveals for the first time during grilling of AG Merrick Garland

General Michael Flynn Sues DOJ, FBI and US Government for $50 Million for Malicious Persecution and Gross Abuse of Power

If There’s A Theme To Extremism-Related Murders, It’s Environmentalism

Mike Lindell: Fighting for Election Integrity Against the Uniparty

Nonprofits that Help Pregnant Women Under Attack

Secession Is Inevitable. War to Prevent It Is Optional.

The reality is that the current shape of any regime is more tenuous than many hope. The debate is not whether the US regime will fundamentally change in size and nature. The question is when and in what way. Those who are willing to examine the possibility of gradually unwinding state power peacefully through decentralization—rather than letting internal national conflicts explode into violence and revolution eventually—display a far better grasp of political history than the knee-jerk unionists.

The emotional nature of this opposition to secession can be seen in the fact that the opposition grants no middle ground in the debate. The only allowable options are the status quo or war.

Guest Editorialist:

Thomas Szasz: 

“It taught me, at an early age, that being wrong can be dangerous, but being right, when society regards the majority’s falsehood as truth, could be fatal.”

“Evening News” (March 3, 2023) Read More »

“Evening News” (March 2, 2023)


If The Dominion Defamation Lawsuit Is A Slam Dunk, Why Are CNN And The New York Times Lying About It?


The Department of Homeland Security Turns 20. Its Legacy Is Disastrous


Biden’s DHS Just Revealed How It Plans To Use Your Tax Dollars To Interfere In U.S. Elections


Former FBI Special Agent Sentenced to 6 Years in Prison for Accepting Bribes Paid by

Attorney Linked to Organized Crime Figure


Sheriff’s Employee Embezzled Funds in Keeping with the Spirit of Civil Asset Forfeiture


New York City to Pay Up to $6 Million to George Floyd Protesters


Would Vitamin D Have Saved Half of Covid Deaths?


Rasmussen Poll Results Show Over 60% of Likely Voters Believe Undercover Government Agents Provoked Jan 6 Riots


Most Logical Argument for Article V You Will EVER Hear made by NH State Rep. Linda Massimilla YT


How to Lose in 2024

If you want to know how America is going to get screwed in 2024, follow the dough. That is the Zuckerberg dough. Zuck and pals are spending tens of millions of dollars, not padding voter rolls, not fighting lawsuits, not getting voters out early… they are spending the dough infiltrating and controlling election commissions.

For those who think cleaning the voter rolls and voting early are enough protect 2024, our data proves you are delusional. The Left is all in controlling election commissions. Expect Kari Lake’s outcome to move from an outlier to a standard outcome in 2024. Election commission fraud, which we coined as sovereign fraud two years ago, has attractive characteristics for the Left.

It always works — because it is invisible.



Gabby once more


Madonna as drawn by Renoir


Madonna as drawn by Hopper


Madonna as drawn by Frazetta



“Evening News” (March 2, 2023) Read More »

“Evening News” (March 1, 2023)


Leftist Group Running Massive Election Bribery Scheme in Supreme Court Race




Wray Confirms that FBI Accepted Lab Theory as Likely “For Quite Some Time Now”


The Cyberwar Is Here


CDC Confirms That Majority of Fatal Covid Vaccines Were Knowingly Sent to Red States


WHO Pandemic Treaty: The Back Door to CCP Control Over America


Actor Tells Truth, Media Goes Berserk


6 Ways The Censorship Complex Silences Speech It Doesn’t Want You To Say Or Hear


A Partisan Judge’s Parting Rampage


The Façade of Democracy

It appears that the definition of “democracy” is rather fluid. In fact, it doesn’t really mean democracy at all. Rather, it is an authoritarian and undemocratic term used by self-interested politicians to defend and promote their own desired outcomes. Last time I checked, violent coup d’état wasn’t emblematic of “democracy.”

The Democratic Party and even many RINOs assign the same undemocratic meaning to their use of the term “democracy” in the United States.

The United States supported the 2014 coup d’état in Ukraine, which has been called a “Revolution of Dignity.” But Americanprotesters on January 6, 2021, who were overwhelmingly peaceful—the only murder was committed by a Capitol police officer, who shot an unarmed female protestor named Ashli Babbitt—were called “insurrectionists.”



Gabby Again

Alfred E. Newman as drawn by Renoir


Alfred E Newman as drawn by Michaelangelo


Alfred E. Newman as drawn by Frazetta

“Evening News” (March 1, 2023) Read More »

“Evening News” (February 28, 2023)


A Many-Sourced Thread Covering Sinola/Hobbs Allegations


New Database Launched To Help Pressure States To Clean Up Voter Rolls

Massive Voter Roll Clean Up In LA County!


Georgia Committee Passes Bill To Stop Counties From Accepting ‘Zuckbucks 2.0’ Ahead Of 2024 Elections


With A Split Congress, Democrats Are Taking Their Election Takeover Scheme To The States

Disinformation Inc: Government-backed group tried to punish sites boosting COVID lab leak theory


Scandal: The Air Force Repeatedly Leaked Military Records to Democratic Operatives

No More Ukraines


Was the CDC Lying All Along About “Vaccine Effectiveness”?

Russian Sanctions Have Proved as Useless as COVID Vaccines

My goodness, the Triggered Generation — those poor, fragile saps who never learned that “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me” — would rather enter a currency death spiral and rah-rah Ukraine right into some U.S.-Russia “mutually assured destruction” than suffer the indignity of living in a world where people are allowed to express ideas with which they might disagree! From “disinformation boards” and government-directed social media censorship to government-funded blacklisting of websites accused of promoting something as moronically vaporous as “hate,” the left’s public enemy number one is none other than free speech. So sorry food is expensive, toxic train spills and industrial fires keep inexplicably happening, and a forthcoming nuclear wasteland might crush Greta’s “green” dreams, but at least President Mush-for-Mind never hurts your feelings!




This Bizarre Line Explains The Upcoming Housing CRASH YT


Government As the Bailout Solution Is the Path to Economic Decline


Apartment Rents Slide Across All US Cities Amid “Crush” Of New Supply


    Find a Lab Near You





A 1998 Ford Escort For $289 A Month For 84 Months??? – Inflation Is Completely Destroying Our Standard Of Living


Stainless Steal. Editor’s Note: For about 30 years, this editor has been telling younger people about a time when flatware and cutlery DID NOT Rust. I can remember the early 90’s when I would be slightly chagrined that the steak knife made in China had started to rust around the handle. I was hoping China would correct this flaw over time. Nope. They made rust the new standard.



Seroquel Horror Stories



What is the ‘Ndrangheta?




Berlusconi’s acquittal in ‘bunga-bunga’ case reveals how Italy’s judicial system was weaponized to keep conservatives out of power




Roald Dahl and James Bond Books Are Getting Woke Rewrites. Copyright Law Ensures You Can’t Stop Them.



Stadium collapses at rugby match in Australia Rumble


While AI-Generated Art Still Has A WOW! Factor…

There is a brief, shining moment when you can impress people with new technology. It’s a small window. Back in the day, had a lot of fun with a Photoshop equivalent. Briefly, very briefly, I was a magician. Hard to impress anyone with doctored photos these days.

Here is hoping AI-generated art still smells new. I used Gab’s Gabby

to generate this gallery in under a matter of minutes.  I rephrased the request but each was a variation of “Draw Ronstadt in the style of_______” 


El Greco





Grant Wood


Also Grant Wood




Also Remington


Edward Hopper


Also Edward Hopper


Gilbert Hernandez


Frank Frazetta


Al Capp


Stan Lee


R Crumb


Scott Adams


1. We do not link To Fox News or Fox Business News.

2. We sometimes link to Fox affiliates.

3. We sometimes link to sites that contain a video that might have a snippet from Fox News (usually Tucker Carlson).

4. We try to avoid second hand news stories that are sourced from Fox News or Fox Business News.

5. We try to not link to sites with pay walls. This eliminates NYT and WaPo (who cares?) but also eliminates WSJ and Epoch Times. We hope that Epoch Times changes their business model because they are one of the best news outlets in the English language.

6. We believe it is more important than ever for Americans to monitor world affairs. The most influential man in America is probably George Soros and he is not in America–nor is he an American. Other understated influences on America include World Economic Forum, BBC, and CBC, to name but a few.

7. Most English language newspapers in non-English speaking countries are paid subscription sites. This presents an ongoing challenge to report on world affairs.

8. We try to avoid linking to mainstream media when possible We are not hesitant to link to mainstream sources if the news story involves raw data, such as the daily stock market or weather statistics or sports scores. Even then, we usually provide a “Mainstream” disclaimer. 

“Evening News” (February 28, 2023) Read More »

“Evening News” (February 27, 2023)


We estimate 3% of the U.S. voter population is registered to vote in two states


How Reliable Are Your State’s Voter Rolls?


The Solution to Ballot Fraud


Supreme Court could strike down Elizabeth Warren’s consumer financial watchdog legacy


An Open Letter from Omega4America to ERIC Systems…


David Horowitz: An Open Letter to the YouTube Censors Who Cancelled My Interview 


Rabbani brothers leave Guantanamo Bay without charge after almost 20 years Mainstream


Index of Economic Freedom Reveals ‘How Fragile the World’s Economy Has Become,’ Even as Taiwan Rises


Woman with USPS in Cushing, Oklahoma allegedly attacked on daily route


Sundance’s Detailed Analysis Of The Multi-Faceted Sinola/Hobbs Accusations


Yes, that is correct, John Thaler claims he found out his wife Brittany Rae-Chavez-Thaler was the person behind the widespread fraud he was investigating while they were married.


John and Brittany are now divorced.


The love interest in John Thaler’s life is Jacqueline Breger, the forensic investigator who delivered the senate testimony.


Everything John Thaler and Jacqueline Breger are claiming may be true. However, the motive for them saying it must be made clear.

AI’s First Victim: The Search Engine


Google’s revolutionary search engine was one of the most significant developments in the history of the Internet. There used to be about a dozen different search engines, and they were all terrible. 




Alta Vista



Ask Jeeves


Jump Station



Anyone feeling nostalgic?  I didn’t think so.


Google arrived like a breath of fresh air. I don’t know why Google was vastly superior to its predecessors, but superior it was. Not long after its arrival Google mimicked Xerox’s noun as verb status. People no longer searched topics; they Googled them.


It’s an old story. A success becomes a monopoly, and the monopoly grows morphs into a fat, lazy bully. In the early days, Google would list two or three paid advertisers followed by thousands of nonpaying sites. 


Over time, non-commercial sites became harder to find. Obscure sites became harder to find. Sites that strayed from political orthodoxy got buried. There were and are other search engines. There are strengths and weaknesses to all of them but none of them have threatened Google’s dominance or livelihood. AI in general, and Chat GPT in particular, threaten both.


I don’t know when AI will start writing sitcoms, or devising original designs that you can race to the patent office or devise a better legal strategy than the Brioni-clad counselor. What I can tell you is that Chat GPT can outperform search engines on a jet engine to lawn mower scale.


Put another way, Alta Vista helped us find the needle in the haystack. Google gave us smaller haystacks. Chat GPT just gives us the damn needle. Google that.



“Evening News” (February 27, 2023) Read More »

“Evening News” Weekend Edition (February 26, 2023)


Congress To Probe COVID Vaccines — And It’s About Time


Election-Rigging from Abroad? I Am Shocked, Shocked!


Power grid attacks up 71% and Biden acolytes tell us it’s all those white supremacists


FBI Whistleblower Exposes FBI Politicization and Abuse Against Conservatives


Wisconsin: A state without convictions




So, the Federal Government Is Shooting Cows From Helicopters in New Mexico


If You Like To See Rude, Smug, Condescending MSM Stalwarts Get Put In Their Place…YT


Virginia teachers union, Democrats oppose teaching about victims of communism


Five Lessons from Three Years of Authoritarianism

The most egregious recent example of this worship and the power of the 21st century technocrat is embodied by the former Director of NIAID, Anthony Fauci, who was the public face of the disastrous Covid response for nearly three full years. The myopic reverence for this man is dangerous on many levels, but it also showcases a grave weakness of modern humanity; many of us will give up even the most basic freedoms because we blindly trust a technocratic “savior” who just may have all the wrong data or simply be a mendacious, cunning bureaucrat.

Yet, before Covid many of us, including myself, trusted unelected bureaucrats like Fauci far too often with little questioning of their motives. Lockdowns showed their hand and tipped the balance toward egregious authoritarianism. Unelected administrative-state actors should not have any ability to create policy by fiat, and groups such as the NCLA are fighting many of the unconstitutional edicts pushed forward by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the NIH as part of the Covid response.



A Succinct Sunday Editorial By The Editor-In-Chief

Words matter.

“They” stopped using the term, “illegal alien”. They being not just the MSM and their goose-stepping followers,  but the alternative media as well. “Illegal alien” became “illegal immigrant” which became “immigrant” which became “migrant”. Legal status is dismissed altogether and legal status is relevant.

“No human being is illegal” is a slogan that litters many an American lawn, but it is silly if not outright false. A person might not be inherently illegal, but their unauthorized presence renders their status illegal until such time that they legally correct their status.

Nullifying the distinction between legal and illegal does not change that person’s status.  Yes, Virginia, there is an illegal immigrant.

Words matter.

“Evening News” Weekend Edition (February 26, 2023) Read More »

“Evening News” (February 24, 2023)


Dust Mystery Solved? Accuweather Weighs in on Dust Reported in West Virginia


FBI Gone Wild: Internal memos chronicle years of drunk driving, lost weapons and other misconduct


Calls Grow For Georgia Officials To Investigate DeKalb County’s Acceptance Of Shady Election Funding


Oklahoma Senate Moves To Ensure Only U.S. Citizens Are Voting In State Elections


‘Like a cover-up’: Mike Lindell says he will sue Kevin McCarthy for sharing January 6th footage with Fox News


California Democrats want gender-neutral bathrooms mandatory in all K-12 schools


LA DA George Gascón Suspends Lead Prosecutor For Misgendering Suspect


“The planet has a fever.”: LA Blizzard Warning


Watchdogs Press JPMorgan Chase Bank for Answers on Cancellation of Religious Freedom Group’s Account



For the last two decades I’ve been befuddled by the inane foolishness of our leaders, as they have driven the nation into a bottomless pit of debt at an astoundingly ridiculous pace, initiated military conflict across the globe, and in the last three years initiated anti-human policies guaranteed to destroy our economic system, depopulate the planet, increase human suffering, and turn the world into a techno-gulag where we will own nothing, eat bugs, and bow down to the commands of globalist overlords.


None of what is being jammed down our throats is based upon reason, facts, or common sense. Why do governments initiate policies destined to destroy the nations they have been entrusted to administer? Is it purely incompetence and stupidity, or is it purposeful and evil?

A Succinct Friday Editorial By The Editor-In-Chief


Words matter. “Gain of function” displaced the more explicit term, “weaponization”.  Some people might find the word offensive. So what? Candor is sometimes offensive. Do not hesitate to use the word “weaponize” when it is the most appropriate choice. 


Words matter.


“Evening News” (February 24, 2023) Read More »

“Evening News” (February 23, 2023)


Why the 2020 Election was Unverifiable


Lunatic’ Forewoman In Trump-Georgia Case Shocks Media With Overt Bias, Trump Lawyers Pounce


2023 Greg Abbott Declares War On 2020 Greg Abbott


J6 Police Brutality Montage Twitter


J6 Random Tasing Twitter


J6 Indiscriminate Shooting Order Twitter


ANDY NGO REPORTS: Antifa ringleader faces 16 felony charges in brutal San Diego attack—mob used tear gas, beat teenagers in ‘MAGA’ clothing


JEROME CORSI: Obama Went After General Flynn Because He Was a Risk of Indicting Him and Hillary for High Crimes and Misdemeanors


Fact Check: Pete Buttigieg Blames Trump for Ohio Train Disaster


Biden’s Wonderful World of ‘Equity’

The use of the word “equity” is a deliberate attempt to hoodwink the American public, who are fully are on board with a similar-sounding word “equality.” Equity, unlike equality, isn’t equal access to opportunity or equal protection before the law. Equity, per the American Marxists, is the redistribution of societal status, legal protection, and economic goods (i.e., jobs and material possessions) in accordance with their politized assessment of disadvantages and demographics.


Equity, in the Marxist context, requires a clearly defined villainous group, and not coincidentally a political adversary, in order to manipulate the masses into believing that they have the best interests of the people at heart. But first the population has to be segmented or tribalized and then indoctrinated into believing they as distinct groups have been and continue to be victimized and, thus, deserving of equal outcomes as merit or ability is immaterial.



Guest Editorialist:



Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.

“Evening News” (February 23, 2023) Read More »