
Truth For Truth's Sake

“Evening News” Early Edition (March 14, 2023)

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Collapse of Silicon Valley Bank rocks China’s tech start-ups, venture capital industry


Silicon Valley Bank collapse is impacting many Indian startups


Sillicon Valley Bank collapse: How are governments in Europe dealing with the SVB fallout?


Korean’s national pension hit by Silicon Valley Bank collapse 


Trading Up: Gold rush in Australia after Silicon Valley Bank collapse in the US


Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi receives a standing ovation and a hero’s welcome in his hometown in Germany


Iran pardons 22,000 protesters



Canada, other governments hustle to stop Silicon Valley Bank crisis from spreading


Red Cross Packets Show Migrants Where To Cross The US Border


Gulf Cartel on the Defensive After Kidnapping, Killing of U.S. Citizens




Silicon Valley Bank Provided Massive Amounts of Capital to Chinese Tech Ventures


Was Silicon Valley Bank’s collapse triggered by a NEWSLETTER? Well-regarded tech expert’s mailer first flagged bank’s 185:1 debt-to-asset ratio in February, spooking VCs who follow him avidly


Exchanges halt trading of several bank stocks, amid volatile trading after two banks fail Mainstream


Is A Wild Bank Implosion The Meltdown That Will Eclipse ’08?


Senator Mark Kelly Called For Social Media Censorship To Prevent Bank Runs


How Biden and the Fed Caused Silicon Valley Bank to Tank


‘Bail Out Rich People’: What You Need to Know About Biden Administration’s Silicon Valley Bank Action


Retail Shoplifting On A Wholesale Basis, Woodland, CA Rumble


USA BANK RUN PANIC as Third Bank COLLAPSES in 5 Days. Signature Bank Closed by FDIC after BANK RUN YT


More Speculation From Badlands Media

If you enter “Schedule F” into the search query on their homepage, as I did recently, you’ll get quite a range of articles. Clearly, Schedule F is a subject of existential interest to our overlords hovering around the federal government.


Side note of interest to me: I performed a similar search on the “Reason” magazine website, an online gathering place for libertarians, a group reportedly deeply interested in “limited government,” etc., and to my genuine surprise, no results for Schedule F were presented. My, my, my.

Guest Editorialist:
Milton Friedman


The only corporate social responsibility a company has is to maximize its profits.