CAPT. SETH KESHEL: Ten Reasons I May Be Wrong About the 2020 Election
New York Soon To Become First State To Ban Natural Gas Hookups In New Buildings
Is Robert Kennedy, Jr. Bernie Sanders Deja Vu?
Do journalists have ethical standards anymore?
Left-Wing Billionaires Poised to Throw Millions into Biden’s 2024 Campaign to Stop Trump
Maine restaurant shocked after it orders new mugs and gets $3M worth of fentanyl
Saul Alinsky’s Eight Steps to Topple a Nation Matches Perfectly Biden’s Build Back Better Agenda
When Interracial Shootings Matter
The Watergate Cover-up Never Ends
When Ehrlichman moved on, John Dean got to be White House counsel, thanks to his connections to the Goldwater family. Dean needed government employment because he was fired from his law firm a few years earlier for betraying client information.
Ever ambitious and ruthless, he saw Ehrlichman’s investigative team, many of whom had moved over to work for Nixon’s campaign, as his ticket to bigger things. He set his private investigators looking into Xaviera Hollander’s black book. But she had as many Republican clients as Democrats. Then he looked into the operation Heidi Rikan was running right there next to the Watergate at the Columbia Plaza.
Rikan was roommates with Mo Biner, the gal Dean would later marry. Easily manipulating Nixon’s deputy campaign manager, the squishy Jeb Magruder, Dean got him to push a bugging operation into the Watergate offices of the DNC — Heidi’s biggest customer contact.
But unknown to Dean, this wasn’t any ordinary high-dollar D.C. brothel. It was an actual CIA honeytrap. Robert Maheu, one-time Howard Hughes executive and the real-life inspiration for Jim Phelps of Mission Impossible, would often set these up for the agency during his time there.
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United Nations, Harvard, And Facebook-Google Launch Push For Censorship Worldwide
Sudan rival forces extend truce while armed clashes continue
Survivors of ‘massacre’ in Burkina Faso blame security forces
Three-quarters of small earthquakes in South Korea related to mining explosions – study
Cocaine and Marijuana Fuel Ever-Higher Homicides in Costa Rica
Tusi, The High-Risk Drug Cocktail Produced in Colombia
De-dollarization kicks into high gear
Cash And The Collapse- The Debt Based Monetary System Is Dying Before Our Eyes.
A Torrent Of Layoffs! Here Are 16 Large Companies That Have Just Announced Mass Terminations
Coinbase exec uses ChatGPT ‘jailbreak’ to get odds on wild crypto scenarios
Fulton County and Jovan Pulitzer: DESTROYING Ballots, Dominion Voting ONLINE With China! Rumble
SatanCon: ANGELS and Demons Battle in Boston – Day 3 YT. Note: To gain admission to SatanCon, one had to be fully vaccinated and wear a SatanCon-approved surgical mask. The editor thinks these phobic pansies are incapable of harming anyone or anything.
What Is The Second Trimester Over/Under For Mail Truck Fires?
An Immodest Proposal: Eliminate The Secret Ballot
What would be the advantages of eliminating secret ballots?
1. Voter fraud would be virtually eliminated.
2. Election integrity would be restored.
3. Transparent ballots would raise the bar of citizenship. Only citizens willing to publicly take a stand would vote.
What are the disadvantages of eliminating secret ballots?
1. People could be wrongly harassed by government bureaucrats, possibly even arrested on inflated or even non-existent offenses.
We already have that. Walking into the Capitol has been morphed into an insurrection.
Starting in the Obama Administration and continuing to this day, critics of the Democrat Party have faced bureaucratic and judicial abuse. Congress is currently conducting hearings on the weaponization of government.
The solution is to curb, and ideally eliminate, government abuses of power. Secret ballots have not prevented US Stasi from abusing its citizens.
2. Merchants, doctors, lawyers, etc. might lose customers/clients/patients if they participated in a transparent ballot.
Then again, they might gain revenue. There is already a consumer trend to financially support political allies and shun political antagonists.
Isn’t it significant how the policeman, the Postal worker, and the history teacher vote? Shouldn’t this be public knowledge for all government employees?
What about pharmacists? Ministers? Housekeepers? Is one’s voting record important in making an informed choice?
Secret ballots have brought us chronic voter fraud. It is time to eliminate this practice.
1. We do not link To Fox News or Fox Business News.
2. We sometimes link to Fox affiliates.
3. We sometimes link to sites that contain a video that might have a snippet from Fox News (usually Tucker Carlson).
4. We try to avoid second hand news stories that are sourced from Fox News or Fox Business News.
5. We try to not link to sites with pay walls. This eliminates NYT and WaPo (who cares?) but also eliminates WSJ and Epoch Times. We hope that Epoch Times changes their business model because they are one of the best news outlets in the English language.
6. We believe it is more important than ever for Americans to monitor world affairs. The most influential man in America is probably George Soros and he is not in America–nor is he an American. Other understated influences on America include World Economic Forum, BBC, and CBC, to name but a few.
7. Most English language newspapers in non-English speaking countries are paid subscription sites. This presents an ongoing challenge to report on world affairs.
8. We try to avoid linking to mainstream media when possible We are not hesitant to link to mainstream sources if the news story involves raw data, such as the daily stock market or weather statistics or sports scores. Even then, we usually provide a “Mainstream” disclaimer.