You are Borg and I am not Borg. If Borg allowed you to observe your designated enemies, your social inferiors, you would see people whose thinking is radically different from yours. Not just, different in outcome, but different in process as well.
To be a good member of the hive is to forsake all other influence. You do not read indexed books or view censured videos. Impure ideas will clutter your mind and cause much fright. Borg will guide you. Do not step off the path. Eyes forward.
Because your only point of reference is your flattering mirror, you can only see non-Borgs in your own image. You wrongly assume that those who are not Borg are ruled by an evil Anti-Borg. Surely, they too, have their opinions and beliefs, and values spoon-fed from on high. So encompassing is this belief, it is impossible for you to entertain the idea of eclectic thought, an appreciation of heretical ideas or a tolerance for a difference of opinion.
Yours is a binary world of good and evil. Yours is a world without independent thinking, a world without dissidence, a world that prohibits unsanctioned thought and feeling. There is no objective truth in your universe so there can be no concept of truth for truth’s sake. You embrace “your truth” or subjective truth, which is to say that you only accept bias confirmation. That is the metaphysical gulf that divides us.
We are unwilling to surrender our hearts and minds and you are unwilling to exercise your hearts and minds. We would not be comforted by the hive’s approval. You cannot imagine life without the hive’s approval. You have found solace in submission. You are Borg.