
Truth For Truth's Sake

Top 25 News Stories Weekend Edition (February 10, 2024)


‘Biden Should Be Removed’: X Reacts To Biden Avoiding Docs Prosecution Due To Mental Deficiencies


D.C. Jury Awards $1M in Damages to Suppress “Climate Denialism”


“Family Abolition” and the COVID Pandemic


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Detransitioner Medical Malpractice Lawsuits Will Yield $10M Judgments, Lawyer Says


Senator Dick Durbin Wants To Make It Possible For Illegal Immigrants To Join The US Military


Leaked Iranian Gov Docs Show Soros Group Acted as Foreign Agent


Peter Meijer: Can the GOP Change?


Democrats Spun Biden’s Classified Docs As ‘Six Items,’ But Special Counsel Report Reveals It Was 300-Plus



PART 2 of 3 CANDY COATED CRAP! FRACTURED FRACTALS – REALISTIC REVIEW (Rumble) Editor’s Note: This is a harsh rebuke of a Jay Valentine video linked earlier. Zamisdat continues to offer diverse, credible, and sometimes discordant viewpoints.


Jeff Clark: The Fight of His Life

Clark met with President Trump in the Oval Office on January 3rd, 2021, as Trump strongly considered appointing Clark as acting attorney general over then-newly appointed acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen, who had assumed that role following William Barr’s resignation.

For the alleged “crime” of drafting a letter — which was submitted for review and approval within the DoJ — that rightfully points out rampant election irregularities and details how to work toward rectifying them, Clark is outrageously being charged with violation of the Georgia RICO Act and criminal attempt to commit false statements and writings. At the same time, the District of Columbia Bar’s Office of Disciplinary Counsel, in an attempt to disbar Clark, is bringing contrived charges, based on the same drafted letter, of “dishonest” conduct and seeking to “seriously interfere with the administration of justice.” 

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6. We believe it is more important than ever for Americans to monitor world affairs. The most influential man in America is probably George Soros and he is not in America–nor is he an American. Other understated influences on America include World Economic Forum, BBC, and CBC, to name but a few.

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