
Truth For Truth's Sake

Top 25 News Stories (February 28, 2024) Happy Birthday, Linda!


Four wildfires burn thousands of acres in Texas panhandle. Track wildfires in real-time (Mainstreamish)


Highway Robbery Continues to Be the Law of the Land


Bidenbucks Laundered Through Education Department Target Likely Biden Voters


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Biden Admin Planted Operative Jeff DiSantis in Fani Willis’ Office to Target Trump, Sources Say


Federal Court Rules Major Biden Spending Bill Was Passed Unconstitutionally


Catholic Churches Attacked 400 Times Since 2020, Tracker Finds

Catastrophic Numbers of Migrant Criminals Coming Through


‘Blood Money’: The Secret Chinese Military ‘Disintegration Warfare’ Manifesto to Rip America Apart Using Drugs, Social Chaos, and More


Climate Cultists Will Do Anything To Save The Planet, Except Stay Home


Just How Alienated Are Our Masters and Commanders?

Yes, he has rhetorical skill, but there is more going on than pure demagoguery. 


We look for writers in the corporate press who seem to understand why. They’re hard to find. Most writings on this topic attribute it all to a wave of cult behavior, the rise of theocratic Christian nationalism, xenophobia, or just ignorance. Sure, there might be signs of this or that, but come on! At some point, one might suppose these people would consider the possibility that normal people are not keen to be forever ruled by a rarified elite that represents the powerful and rich and has no regard for the life aspirations of the regular person. 


After the 2016 election, the New York Times sent out an apology of sorts about how they could have been so incredibly wrong. There was some effort to reform under the idea that it is supposed to be the nation’s newspaper of record and hence a downside to completely misunderstanding something so fundamental. But the mea culpa didn’t last. A new op-ed editor was hired and then quickly fired as woke reporters and management dug in with their desire to represent only one point of view. 

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1. We do not link To Fox News or Fox Business News.

2. We sometimes link to Fox affiliates.

3. We sometimes link to sites that contain a video that might have a snippet from Fox News.

4. We try to avoid second hand news stories that are sourced from Fox News or Fox Business News.

5. We try to not link to sites with pay walls. This eliminates NYT and WaPo (who cares?) but also eliminates WSJ and Epoch Times. We hope that Epoch Times changes their business model because they are one of the best news outlets in the English language.

6. We believe it is more important than ever for Americans to monitor world affairs. The most influential man in America is probably George Soros and he is not in America–nor is he an American. Other understated influences on America include World Economic Forum, BBC, and CBC, to name but a few.

7. Most English language newspapers in non-English speaking countries are paid subscription sites. This presents an ongoing challenge to report on world affairs.

8. We try to avoid linking to mainstream media when possible We are not hesitant to link to mainstream sources if the news story involves raw data, such as the daily stock market or weather statistics or sports scores. Even then, we usually provide a “Mainstream” disclaimer.