Michelle Backus: Machines Shut Down In GOP Primary Voting Center After Internet Goes Down (Rumble)
This Is How Biden Gets to 81 Million Votes Again
Sprawling Cattle Barn Complex Engulfed by Inferno, Nothing Expected to Be Salvageable
A dangerous era of lawfare in America.
From CIA To ‘Trust & Safety’: The Silicon Valley-US Intel Revolving Door Is Bigger Than You Thought
What Federal Health Agencies Aren’t Disclosing About COVID-19 Vaccines
FCC To Force Broadcasters To Publish Race And Sex ‘Scorecards’ Of Employees
The Persecution of Donald Trump Means Turning Ordinary Activities Into Crimes
Jen Psaki and Nancy Pelosi Push a Conspiracy Theory About Trump and Putin
Charlottesville and Trump: Will the Big Lie Finally Die?
But despite the clear transcript and video evidence exonerating Trump on this issue, many millions of Americans still believe that the 45th President was an open, brazen racist. For this reason, the Charlottesville lie represents perhaps the most damaging myth in American political history. It is hard to exaggerate the fallout from a lie as corrosive and racially charged as this deception.
This Charlottesville hoax surfaces often in American politics, and it formed the stated predicate for Joe Biden’s 2020 campaign for the presidency. Biden recklessly lied about Trump, stating: “The president of the United States assigned a moral equivalence between those spreading hate and those with the courage to stand against it.”
Just last week, reporting from Politico Playbook explained that Biden privately refers to Trump as a “sick fuck.” That animus, according to Politico writer and MSNBC talking head Jonathon Lemire, flows from this hoax: “what really sets Biden off about Trump… Charlottesville.”
Brussels to unlock Poland’s €137 billion of frozen EU funds, announces von der Leyen in Warsaw
Governments Must Reject New Amendments to International Health Regulations
Niger: 2 years after, NDDC distributes relief materials to flood victims
China arrests more than 1,000 Tibetans protesting dam project
Uganda: Police intervene after adulterous couple gets stuck
B.C. Conservatives challenge province’s plan to grant First Nations joint power over public land use (Rumble)
Colombia May Struggle to Import Venezuelan Natural Gas in 2024
Despite complaints of human rights violations, the army has restored peace to Ecuador prisons
Revolutionary robotic exoskeleton helping paralyzed people walk again
Governor Stitt Celebrates End of State Grocery Tax
California’s Impossible War on Oil and Gas
Facts Are Stubborn: Tax Hikes Don’t Shrink Debt
Vice Is Basically Dead (Mainstream)
Illegal ‘cigarette factory’ closed down in Dublin
McDonald’s offering free menu item to Californians who get vaccine from restaurant’s pop-up clinics (YT)
DOJ Funded Censorship Database Targets Christians, Gateway Pundit, Ron Paul Forums
Libs of TikTok Meets Taylor Lorenz (X) Editor’s Comment: I have even more respect for LOTT after watching this. Love how she answers each question with a question.
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