
Truth For Truth's Sake

Top 25 News Stories (August 7, 2023)


Trump DC Indictment – Where is the crime?


Yielding to Temptation: Jack Smith’s Indictment Seeks to Bag Donald Trump at any Cost


Arizona County Rejects Proposal To Hand-Count Ballots In 2024 Election


Ken Paxton’s legal team files two impeachment-related motions with Texas Senate before deadline hit


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Majority of GOP, Independent Voters Want to End US Aid to Ukraine


Who Are Democrats Kidding? Of Course Trump Indictment is Political


Mainstream Journalists Are Cloistered Ivy League-Educated Trust Fund Kids


New warning about rise in ‘crime tourism’ Mainstream


Gov. Kim Reynolds deploys Iowa National Guard to border


Still Doubting the 2020 Election


Editor’s Comments: This article is the stupidest verbiage “American Thinker” has ever produced. Yes, there was blatant fraud but “At that point — though it violated everything he stood for — he should have danced the dance.”


Danced the dance?  Trump should have placed his imprimatur on a stolen election and stamped his seal of approval on the very premise of corruption? Trump would have thereby surrendered the moral high ground and he would have lost the respect of his supporters.


Jackson and Tilden might have folded like folded like a bath mat but what options did they have? It was not honorable for Nixon to “wait his turn” after the 1960 election. It was not high-minded of Hillary to concede to Obama in 2008. There is nothing noble about Sanders conceding to first Hillary, then to Biden. In each of these cases, the craven and corrupted warrior chose to place his own comfort, well-being, and political capital far above any notions of integrity.


We are witnessing Kari Lake battle the proudly-evil Arizona Democrats and their more sinister GOP counterparts. She too, was approached by kingmakers who suggested that she “dance the dance.” Lake declined the offer. She would rather fight for what is right than bide her time and ultimately reappear as the next Flake McCain. If Larry Elder and Lee Zeldin and every other GOP doormat had Lake’s integrity, the world would be a better place.


“Here is where Trump made a mistake: he went into battle mode.”  This is what we are up against. Our own pundits telling us to fold, submit and accept cheating.  Say it ain’t so, AT.


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6. We believe it is more important than ever for Americans to monitor world affairs. The most influential man in America is probably George Soros and he is not in America–nor is he an American. Other understated influences on America include World Economic Forum, BBC, and CBC, to name but a few.

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