
Truth For Truth's Sake

Top 25 News Stories (August 21, 2023)


Shocking Details of the Michigan Voter Fraud Investigation


The Corrupt DoJ has Charged Trump with a Fake Crime


How Sleazy “Non-Profits” Decide Elections


Democrats Want Their Private Security Looking Over GOP Poll Watchers’ Shoulders

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Six Obama Admin Officials Used Alias Emails: Obama, Hillary, Holder, Lynch, Jackson, Biden Editor’s Comment: Obama’s personal emails used to conduct government business is old (2016) news.


Obama’s Conflict Tanked the Clinton E-mail Investigation — As Predicted


Wiki WOW! Damning Emails Reveal Manipulated Biden Wikipedia Entries


Google Will Bar All Independent Media from Search Results


Elon Musk praises pro-crypto Republican presidential candidate


How President Trump Can Use Political Pressure to Defeat the Biden Witch Hunt


But they do have options. For one, the Trump campaign should start now by laying the groundwork for widespread pro-Trump rallies and protests if the President is unjustly imprisoned. The trucker rally in Canada is the model. At its height, the Canadian government nearly imploded in the face of this public pressure.


President Trump could easily capture that energy. But he shouldn’t just aim to motivate truckers. The American rail networks are even more vulnerable to a widespread strike. The rail companies treat their employees like serfs and the federal government won’t even allow them to strike for better wages. President Trump should start now by promising to support our tough and unheralded rail workers in receiving the wage increases, health benefits, and vacation days they deserve.


When the moment comes, if President Trump is thrown in jail by our corrupt regime or is denied his rightful election victory, the moment will be perfect for a strike. The Biden regime believes that by controlling the nation’s financial sectors and federal law enforcement agencies that they are all-powerful.


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6. We believe it is more important than ever for Americans to monitor world affairs. The most influential man in America is probably George Soros and he is not in America–nor is he an American. Other understated influences on America include World Economic Forum, BBC, and CBC, to name but a few.

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