
Truth For Truth's Sake

Top 25 News Stories (August 17, 2023)


How Jack Smith Is Twisting Our Election Process


Capt Seth Keshel Identifies Election Anomalies Happening Day One | Election Crime Bureau Summit Rumble


Report Shows GBI Strategies as Part of Massive Left-Wing Dark Money Voting Operation by Democrats in 2020 Election


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The Shadowbanning of the United States Internet


Was Weiss appointed Special Counsel legally?


GAGOP Stands Against Political Indictments 


Extensive Edits To Hunter Biden’s Wikipedia Page Prove Site’s Extreme Bias


Code Pink Used To Criticize China on Human Rights. Then Its Founder Married a Propagandist for the Regime


Word Of The Day: Rupar X


Thanks to Government, Maui’s Lahaina Fire Became a Deadly Conflagration Editor’s Note: It was more specifically bad governance rather than the premise of government or overreach that contributed to the disaster.


To review, a power company shielded from competition by the state placed electrical infrastructure among highly flammable state-owned grass fields above the historic city of Lahaina, which the government was twice warned were highly susceptible to fire. And once a fire broke out, a combination of defective water infrastructure, terrible communication by government officials, and only one escape route doomed the people of Lahaina to the worst wildfire experienced in this country in over a hundred years.

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1. We do not link To Fox News or Fox Business News.

2. We sometimes link to Fox affiliates.

3. We sometimes link to sites that contain a video that might have a snippet from Fox News (usually Tucker Carlson).

4. We try to avoid second hand news stories that are sourced from Fox News or Fox Business News.

5. We try to not link to sites with pay walls. This eliminates NYT and WaPo (who cares?) but also eliminates WSJ and Epoch Times. We hope that Epoch Times changes their business model because they are one of the best news outlets in the English language.

6. We believe it is more important than ever for Americans to monitor world affairs. The most influential man in America is probably George Soros and he is not in America–nor is he an American. Other understated influences on America include World Economic Forum, BBC, and CBC, to name but a few.

7. Most English language newspapers in non-English speaking countries are paid subscription sites. This presents an ongoing challenge to report on world affairs.

8. We try to avoid linking to mainstream media when possible We are not hesitant to link to mainstream sources if the news story involves raw data, such as the daily stock market or weather statistics or sports scores. Even then, we usually provide a “Mainstream” disclaimer.