Zamisdat will return shortly, bigger and better than ever.
For roughly two years,, we have provided links to news articles that are mostly suppressed or underpublicized.
Loyal to our motto, “Truth For Truth’s Sake”, we have consistently provided access to information that is often heretical and is always pertinent and useful.
“Evening News” gave way to “Top 25 News Stories”.
One column gave way to four columns.
We recruited sponsors with integrity who offer a range of valuable goods and services. We also rejected sponsors for a multitude of reasons. Please visit our beloved patrons for your sake. You will find something you like.
“Top 25 News Stoiries” will remain the flagship of, but she will soon share the spoitlight with other news fora.
We will be expanding our pool of talented editors in the coming weeks, and we will commit further to multimedia content.
You are living in interesting times and Zamisdat will be there to help you navigate the strife and turmoil and good cheer.
Stay tuned.