Top 25 News Stories (December 10, 2024)
Trump Shreds FBI Director Christopher Wray—’He Invaded My Home’
Feds Use Bank Loophole To Surveil Americans’ Financial Data Without Warrants, House Judiciary Says
How Democrats ‘debanked’ political opponents in shocking attack on American freedoms (Mainstream)
Taylor Lorenz Loses Podcasting Deal After Celebrating Murder
Mass Immigration and Socialist Sanctuaries
Trump Already “Basically Running Things”
Glenn Beck JUST MET with Donald Trump — Here’s What He Learned (YT)
Julie Kelly EXPOSES New RAID By FBI of January 6th Protester | ‘Kash Patel Will REVEAL the Truth!’ (YT)
Congressional Committee Condemns (Nearly) Every Feature of the Covid Response
Coming in for heavy criticism: gain-of-function research, the deference to the WHO, the lab-leak coverup, the funding of pharma cutouts, business and school closures, mask mandates, the lack of serious attention to disease monitoring, vaccine mandates, the sloppy approval process, the vaccine injury system, the banning of off-the-shelf therapeutics, social distancing, the rampant fraud in business loans, the effects of monetary policy, and more…
…Ignored in the report: the rental moratorium, the frenzy of Plexiglas and air filtration, the push for sanitizing all things, the reopening racket designed to prolong lockdowns, domestic capacity restrictions, the division of the workforce between essential and nonessential, the role of CISA and the intelligence agencies, the CDC’s push for mail-in ballots that might have been decisive in the national election, and the astonishing gibberish over the infection fatality and case fatality rates.
There is so much more to chronicle and criticize that the report could have been 10 or 100 times as long.
President Erdoğan vows support for united Syria
Romania’s Election Nullified After Right-Wing Candidate Wins
Has Nuclear Energy Finally Overcome the Chernobyl Disaster?
Nigeria: Defamation = Cyber Crime
Opinion: Genocide is Their End Game
More than 2,300 types of assault-style firearms are now banned in Canada
Dave Turmel of Blood Family Mafia is Canada’s most-wanted fugitive
Donald Trump Suggests Mexico Could Become a State (Mainstream)
A Case for Extending the 2017 Tax Cuts
Why are no trillion dollar companies being created in Europe?
Canada Post strike involving more than 55,000 has hit 25 days (Mainstream)
100 Life Hacks for Preppers and Homesteaders
Prescription for disaster: 1 in 3 pharmacies have closed since 2010
The Average Age of Cars Keeps Rising But People Can’t Afford Maintenance
The Return of Beer: A New Deal Policy Worth Toasting
Boy Returns From Death With A HORRIFYING WARNING From Heaven (YT)
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Top 25 News Stories (December 10, 2024) Read More »