
Truth For Truth's Sake

Top 25 News Stories (December 10, 2024)


Trump Shreds FBI Director Christopher Wray—’He Invaded My Home’


Feds Use Bank Loophole To Surveil Americans’ Financial Data Without Warrants, House Judiciary Says


How Democrats ‘debanked’ political opponents in shocking attack on American freedoms (Mainstream)


   500+ Lab Tests Available


Taylor Lorenz Loses Podcasting Deal After Celebrating Murder


Mass Immigration and Socialist Sanctuaries


Trump Already “Basically Running Things”


CIA vs Pentagon In Syria? (X)


Glenn Beck JUST MET with Donald Trump — Here’s What He Learned (YT)


Julie Kelly EXPOSES New RAID By FBI of January 6th Protester | ‘Kash Patel Will REVEAL the Truth!’ (YT)


Congressional Committee Condemns (Nearly) Every Feature of the Covid Response

Coming in for heavy criticism: gain-of-function research, the deference to the WHO, the lab-leak coverup, the funding of pharma cutouts, business and school closures, mask mandates, the lack of serious attention to disease monitoring, vaccine mandates, the sloppy approval process, the vaccine injury system, the banning of off-the-shelf therapeutics, social distancing, the rampant fraud in business loans, the effects of monetary policy, and more…

…Ignored in the report: the rental moratorium, the frenzy of Plexiglas and air filtration, the push for sanitizing all things, the reopening racket designed to prolong lockdowns, domestic capacity restrictions, the division of the workforce between essential and nonessential, the role of CISA and the intelligence agencies, the CDC’s push for mail-in ballots that might have been decisive in the national election, and the astonishing gibberish over the infection fatality and case fatality rates.


There is so much more to chronicle and criticize that the report could have been 10 or 100 times as long.

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1. We do not link To Fox News or Fox Business News.

2. We sometimes link to Fox affiliates.

3. We sometimes link to sites that contain a video that might have a snippet from Fox News.

4. We try to avoid second hand news stories that are sourced from Fox News or Fox Business News.

5. We try to not link to sites with pay walls. This eliminates NYT and WaPo (who cares?) but also eliminates WSJ and Epoch Times. We hope that Epoch Times changes their business model because they are one of the best news outlets in the English language.

6. We believe it is more important than ever for Americans to monitor world affairs. The most influential man in America is probably George Soros and he is not in America–nor is he an American. Other understated influences on America include World Economic Forum, BBC, and CBC, to name but a few.

7. Most English language newspapers in non-English speaking countries are paid subscription sites. This presents an ongoing challenge to report on world affairs.

8. We try to avoid linking to mainstream media when possible We are not hesitant to link to mainstream sources if the news story involves raw data, such as the daily stock market or weather statistics or sports scores. Even then, we usually provide a “Mainstream” disclaimer. 

Top 25 News Stories (December 10, 2024) Read More »

Top 25 News Stories (December 9, 2024)


The Political Castration of Joni Ernst


Lara Trump suggests federal streamlining of electoral process is next in election integrity fight


IRS Expands Its Armed Wing To Highest Level In Nearly A Decade


   500+ Lab Tests Available


Let Democrats Have Their Blanket Pardons, It’ll Screw Them In The End


Just in Case You Hadn’t Heard the Woman Prosecuting Daniel Penny


Outgoing DCN Chair: Keep Racist Identity Politics as Party Central


Restoring Equality in Employment: Sinking the DEI Ship


Politics of Economic Redistribution, RIP


Re-Creating the “Asylum Farm”


Millions of Entries Erased from World’s Largest Obituary Database

Deleting random records to reduce the overall count


Given the intense scrutiny of various databases to try to figure out the numbers of excess deaths around the world after the rollout of the mRNA shots, someone might be deleting large numbers of obituary records simply to lower the overall death count.


This explanation makes the most sense to me, considering what csofand has found in terms of key words. It also makes sense because if millions of recent records were removed, the friends and relatives who commemorated the deceased on might notice. But if millions of much older records (say from the late 1990s and early 2000s) were deleted, it’s less likely that anyone would notice.


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1. We do not link To Fox News or Fox Business News.

2. We sometimes link to Fox affiliates.

3. We sometimes link to sites that contain a video that might have a snippet from Fox News.

4. We try to avoid second hand news stories that are sourced from Fox News or Fox Business News.

5. We try to not link to sites with pay walls. This eliminates NYT and WaPo (who cares?) but also eliminates WSJ and Epoch Times. We hope that Epoch Times changes their business model because they are one of the best news outlets in the English language.

6. We believe it is more important than ever for Americans to monitor world affairs. The most influential man in America is probably George Soros and he is not in America–nor is he an American. Other understated influences on America include World Economic Forum, BBC, and CBC, to name but a few.

7. Most English language newspapers in non-English speaking countries are paid subscription sites. This presents an ongoing challenge to report on world affairs.

8. We try to avoid linking to mainstream media when possible We are not hesitant to link to mainstream sources if the news story involves raw data, such as the daily stock market or weather statistics or sports scores. Even then, we usually provide a “Mainstream” disclaimer. 

Top 25 News Stories (December 9, 2024) Read More »

Top 25 News Stories: Weekend Edition (December 7, 2024)


Julie Kelly: Graves Is Going To Try To Shove This In The Face Of Donald Trump And His Supporters (Rumble)


WAGOP files lawsuit disputing 18th LD state senate general election race


How’d Trump do it? Here’s his secret weapon (Wayne Allyn Root)


   500+ Lab Tests Available


Feds Accuse HelloFresh Of Employing Migrant Kids At Factory In Sanctuary State Illinois


Ashli Babbitt’s Murderer Not All That Popular With Capitol Police Force, Either


Liberty Under Siege: The Largest Mass Surveillance Effort in American History


GOP Senators Who Could Block Tulsi Gabbard’s Confirmation Took Huge Checks From Defense Industry


Read the full federal indictment of Boston City Councilor Tania Fernandes Anderson (Mainstream)


We Won’t Have Paul Krugman To Kick Around Anymore


Hunter Biden’s Ukrainian Adventure

In America today, the mafia isn’t a group of Sicilian ex-pats running prostitution, gambling, and protection rackets—it’s the President of the United States, his n’er do well son, and many members of Congress on both sides of the aisle, who continue to send billions to their oligarch friends in Ukraine—a country long ago identified as the most corrupt in Europe — or second most corrupt (after Russia) depending on which international watchdog is making the assessment. To learn more about corruption in Ukraine, see this 2021 Special Report issued by the the European Court of Auditors and this 2024 report by Foreign Policy magazine.


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1. We do not link To Fox News or Fox Business News.

2. We sometimes link to Fox affiliates.

3. We sometimes link to sites that contain a video that might have a snippet from Fox News.

4. We try to avoid second hand news stories that are sourced from Fox News or Fox Business News.

5. We try to not link to sites with pay walls. This eliminates NYT and WaPo (who cares?) but also eliminates WSJ and Epoch Times. We hope that Epoch Times changes their business model because they are one of the best news outlets in the English language.

6. We believe it is more important than ever for Americans to monitor world affairs. The most influential man in America is probably George Soros and he is not in America–nor is he an American. Other understated influences on America include World Economic Forum, BBC, and CBC, to name but a few.

7. Most English language newspapers in non-English speaking countries are paid subscription sites. This presents an ongoing challenge to report on world affairs.

8. We try to avoid linking to mainstream media when possible We are not hesitant to link to mainstream sources if the news story involves raw data, such as the daily stock market or weather statistics or sports scores. Even then, we usually provide a “Mainstream” disclaimer. 

Top 25 News Stories: Weekend Edition (December 7, 2024) Read More »

Top 25 News Stories (December 6, 2024)


Biafra Declares Independence: A Renewed Quest for Freedom


Sophisticated Vishing Campaigns Take World by Storm


Interpol Arrests Over 5,500 Suspects Behind Cybercrime, Online Scams


Microsoft Teams to Offer AI Voice Cloning and Instant Translation in 9 Languages


Soros, sanctions, propaganda: How the US government secretly controls the ‘world’s largest investigative journalism organization’



Water Tanker Scandal Forces Colombian Minister Out (Mainstream)


Israel, Argentina to expand defense cooperation


Behind Bars, Beyond Control: The Fall of Ecuador’s Prisons and the Rise of Its Mafias

Ecuador’s Original Sin: Punitive Laws and Overcrowded Prisons:

The beginnings of Ecuador’s prison crisis can be traced back to one of the most
punitive drug laws in the western hemisphere. Introduced in 1991, Law 1081
placed drug-related crimes on the same level as murder, armed robbery, rape
and kidnapping, and brought in mandatory minimum sentences of 10 years for
anyone caught in possession of illegal substances, no matter the quantity. It also
introduced the principle of inversion of proof, meaning that those accused of
drug offenses were assumed guilty unless they could prove their innocence.




Your heart has a hidden brain, game-changing study discovers



1. We do not link To Fox News or Fox Business News.

2. We sometimes link to Fox affiliates.

3. We sometimes link to sites that contain a video that might have a snippet from Fox News.

4. We try to avoid second hand news stories that are sourced from Fox News or Fox Business News.

5. We try to not link to sites with pay walls. This eliminates NYT and WaPo (who cares?) but also eliminates WSJ and Epoch Times. We hope that Epoch Times changes their business model because they are one of the best news outlets in the English language.

6. We believe it is more important than ever for Americans to monitor world affairs. The most influential man in America is probably George Soros and he is not in America–nor is he an American. Other understated influences on America include World Economic Forum, BBC, and CBC, to name but a few.

7. Most English language newspapers in non-English speaking countries are paid subscription sites. This presents an ongoing challenge to report on world affairs.

8. We try to avoid linking to mainstream media when possible We are not hesitant to link to mainstream sources if the news story involves raw data, such as the daily stock market or weather statistics or sports scores. Even then, we usually provide a “Mainstream” disclaimer. 

Top 25 News Stories (December 6, 2024) Read More »

Top 25 News Stories (December 5, 2024)


1. We do not link To Fox News or Fox Business News.

2. We sometimes link to Fox affiliates.

3. We sometimes link to sites that contain a video that might have a snippet from Fox News.

4. We try to avoid second hand news stories that are sourced from Fox News or Fox Business News.

5. We try to not link to sites with pay walls. This eliminates NYT and WaPo (who cares?) but also eliminates WSJ and Epoch Times. We hope that Epoch Times changes their business model because they are one of the best news outlets in the English language.

6. We believe it is more important than ever for Americans to monitor world affairs. The most influential man in America is probably George Soros and he is not in America–nor is he an American. Other understated influences on America include World Economic Forum, BBC, and CBC, to name but a few.

7. Most English language newspapers in non-English speaking countries are paid subscription sites. This presents an ongoing challenge to report on world affairs.

8. We try to avoid linking to mainstream media when possible We are not hesitant to link to mainstream sources if the news story involves raw data, such as the daily stock market or weather statistics or sports scores. Even then, we usually provide a “Mainstream” disclaimer. 

Top 25 News Stories (December 5, 2024) Read More »

Top 25 News Stories (December 4, 2024)


1. We do not link To Fox News or Fox Business News.

2. We sometimes link to Fox affiliates.

3. We sometimes link to sites that contain a video that might have a snippet from Fox News.

4. We try to avoid second hand news stories that are sourced from Fox News or Fox Business News.

5. We try to not link to sites with pay walls. This eliminates NYT and WaPo (who cares?) but also eliminates WSJ and Epoch Times. We hope that Epoch Times changes their business model because they are one of the best news outlets in the English language.

6. We believe it is more important than ever for Americans to monitor world affairs. The most influential man in America is probably George Soros and he is not in America–nor is he an American. Other understated influences on America include World Economic Forum, BBC, and CBC, to name but a few.

7. Most English language newspapers in non-English speaking countries are paid subscription sites. This presents an ongoing challenge to report on world affairs.

8. We try to avoid linking to mainstream media when possible We are not hesitant to link to mainstream sources if the news story involves raw data, such as the daily stock market or weather statistics or sports scores. Even then, we usually provide a “Mainstream” disclaimer. 

Top 25 News Stories (December 4, 2024) Read More »

Top 25 News Stories (December 3, 2024)


1. We do not link To Fox News or Fox Business News.

2. We sometimes link to Fox affiliates.

3. We sometimes link to sites that contain a video that might have a snippet from Fox News.

4. We try to avoid second hand news stories that are sourced from Fox News or Fox Business News.

5. We try to not link to sites with pay walls. This eliminates NYT and WaPo (who cares?) but also eliminates WSJ and Epoch Times. We hope that Epoch Times changes their business model because they are one of the best news outlets in the English language.

6. We believe it is more important than ever for Americans to monitor world affairs. The most influential man in America is probably George Soros and he is not in America–nor is he an American. Other understated influences on America include World Economic Forum, BBC, and CBC, to name but a few.

7. Most English language newspapers in non-English speaking countries are paid subscription sites. This presents an ongoing challenge to report on world affairs.

8. We try to avoid linking to mainstream media when possible We are not hesitant to link to mainstream sources if the news story involves raw data, such as the daily stock market or weather statistics or sports scores. Even then, we usually provide a “Mainstream” disclaimer. 

Top 25 News Stories (December 3, 2024) Read More »

Top 25 News Stories: Long Weekend Edition (November 30, 2024)


1. We do not link To Fox News or Fox Business News.

2. We sometimes link to Fox affiliates.

3. We sometimes link to sites that contain a video that might have a snippet from Fox News.

4. We try to avoid second hand news stories that are sourced from Fox News or Fox Business News.

5. We try to not link to sites with pay walls. This eliminates NYT and WaPo (who cares?) but also eliminates WSJ and Epoch Times. We hope that Epoch Times changes their business model because they are one of the best news outlets in the English language.

6. We believe it is more important than ever for Americans to monitor world affairs. The most influential man in America is probably George Soros and he is not in America–nor is he an American. Other understated influences on America include World Economic Forum, BBC, and CBC, to name but a few.

7. Most English language newspapers in non-English speaking countries are paid subscription sites. This presents an ongoing challenge to report on world affairs.

8. We try to avoid linking to mainstream media when possible We are not hesitant to link to mainstream sources if the news story involves raw data, such as the daily stock market or weather statistics or sports scores. Even then, we usually provide a “Mainstream” disclaimer. 

Top 25 News Stories: Long Weekend Edition (November 30, 2024) Read More »

Top 25 News Stories (November 27, 2024)


1. We do not link To Fox News or Fox Business News.

2. We sometimes link to Fox affiliates.

3. We sometimes link to sites that contain a video that might have a snippet from Fox News.

4. We try to avoid second hand news stories that are sourced from Fox News or Fox Business News.

5. We try to not link to sites with pay walls. This eliminates NYT and WaPo (who cares?) but also eliminates WSJ and Epoch Times. We hope that Epoch Times changes their business model because they are one of the best news outlets in the English language.

6. We believe it is more important than ever for Americans to monitor world affairs. The most influential man in America is probably George Soros and he is not in America–nor is he an American. Other understated influences on America include World Economic Forum, BBC, and CBC, to name but a few.

7. Most English language newspapers in non-English speaking countries are paid subscription sites. This presents an ongoing challenge to report on world affairs.

8. We try to avoid linking to mainstream media when possible We are not hesitant to link to mainstream sources if the news story involves raw data, such as the daily stock market or weather statistics or sports scores. Even then, we usually provide a “Mainstream” disclaimer. 

Top 25 News Stories (November 27, 2024) Read More »

Top 25 News Stories (November 26, 2024)


1. We do not link To Fox News or Fox Business News.

2. We sometimes link to Fox affiliates.

3. We sometimes link to sites that contain a video that might have a snippet from Fox News.

4. We try to avoid second hand news stories that are sourced from Fox News or Fox Business News.

5. We try to not link to sites with pay walls. This eliminates NYT and WaPo (who cares?) but also eliminates WSJ and Epoch Times. We hope that Epoch Times changes their business model because they are one of the best news outlets in the English language.

6. We believe it is more important than ever for Americans to monitor world affairs. The most influential man in America is probably George Soros and he is not in America–nor is he an American. Other understated influences on America include World Economic Forum, BBC, and CBC, to name but a few.

7. Most English language newspapers in non-English speaking countries are paid subscription sites. This presents an ongoing challenge to report on world affairs.

8. We try to avoid linking to mainstream media when possible We are not hesitant to link to mainstream sources if the news story involves raw data, such as the daily stock market or weather statistics or sports scores. Even then, we usually provide a “Mainstream” disclaimer. 

Top 25 News Stories (November 26, 2024) Read More »