
Truth For Truth's Sake

“Evening News” Weekend Edition (July 8, 2023)


House Republican Bill Would Keep Foreign Nationals From Voting In U.S. Federal Elections


Chestfeeding? For Real?


Indigenous Chief Wants ‘Stolen’ Ben & Jerry’s HQ Land


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THE FIX IS IN: Joe Biden Has No Campaign Headquarters, Has No Plans to Hold Campaign Events, Is Not Spending Campaign Money, and Democrats Aren’t Worried


217 Pages Reveal Obama Admin’s Building of Trump-Russia Narrative


Tucker Says Capitol Police Chief Told Him Jan. 6 Crowd Was ‘Filled’ With Feds


6 charged in alleged straw donor scheme to help get Eric Adams elected New York City mayorMainstream


Evidence of Covid ‘Vaccine’ Crimes Submitted to Florida Grand Jury Investigation


Here’s How Congress Can End The FBI’s Reign Of Terror Editor’s Comment: Too little, too late. DEFUND! Retract pensions! 7th floor to Guantanamo!


When Slave Owners Chose Federal Power over Local Sovereignty


A recurring theme in American politics is the cynical use of federal power by those who simultaneously pretend to favor “states’ rights” or “local control.” We see this today when Republicans one minute say they favor local control with gun laws or Obamacare—and then demand the federal government impose nationwide drug prohibitions. We see it among Democrats who want local control over “sanctuary cities” for illegal immigrants, but then denounce the idea that states ought to decide for themselves on abortion policy.


The basic logic goes like this: if you’re negotiating from a position of relative weakness at the federal level, take a faux “principled” stand in favor of local or state sovereignty. However, once it looks like you might have the political power necessary to force federal laws down everyone’s throat, declare the issue to be “too important to be left up to state or local control.”
This habit of declaring every “important” issue to be a matter for federal intervention is very much the story of American politics over the past century. From alcohol prohibition to social welfare benefits to an out-of-control FBI, American policymakers never tire of “discovering” new ways that every alleged problem must be solved by a federal “solution.”


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Brace Yourself For The War On Pets


The 90  million American domestic canines and 60 million American domestic felines leave behind a huge carbon pawprint (someone else thought that one up).  Sparky and Mittens subsist largely on meat. Processed meat that has been cooked and bagged or canned and driven to your doorstep. How soon will be before the Ecozoterrorists chant “No more dogs” and vandalize veterinary hospitals?


America’s dogs and cats snarf down more than 200 petajoules worth of food per year — roughly the same as the entire human population of France. Which group smells better?


“I’m not a vegetarian, but eating meat does come at a cost,” he continued. “Those of us in favor of eating or serving meat need to be able to have an informed conversation about our choices, and that includes the choices we make for our pets.”


According to Patrick Hanson, the CEO of Luxaviation, a Luxembourg-based luxury airline firm, having pets can be just as polluting as travelling by private jet.


They came for the tetrapods but I wasn’t a tetrapod…




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