
Truth For Truth's Sake

“Evening News” Weekend Edition (February 11, 2023)


Another Study Refutes Left’s False Claims Against Voter ID and Secure Elections


House Republicans Block DC Law That Would Allow Illegal Residents To Vote


THREAD: The Project Veritas Coup


Disinformation Inc: Meet the groups hauling in cash to secretly blacklist conservative news


Doctors at Pediatric Transgender Center Could Lose Their Licenses in Wake of Whistleblower Testimony


How Cartels Took Over California’s Desert and Turned It to Lawless Land YT


The Fight To Criminalize Opioid Prescribing


Record Fentanyl Haul in Miami Shows Shift in Trafficking Routes


Jordan Peterson Interviews Victor Davis Hanson: The Downfall Of The Ivy League YT


DIE training is the opposite of all the good it claims to be

…”For example, Glenn Singleton, a wealthy ‘diversity’ trainer, teaches that ‘white talk’ is ‘impersonal, intellectual, verbal’ and ‘task-oriented,’ while ‘color commentary’ is ’emotional.'” 

One would normally expect to hear this sort of thing from a white supremacist, but Singleton is black.  The same goes for the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture, which proclaims, among other things, that emphasis on the scientific method, delayed gratification, planning for the future, and the Protestant work ethic are “white” characteristics.”