
Truth For Truth's Sake

“Evening News” Weekend Edition (June 10, 2023)



Who is Really Conducting the Jack Smith Prosecution of Trump? Lawfare’s Andrew Weissmann and Norm Eisen?


The DOJ’s Election Interference Is Worse Than Anything The Russians Ever Did


Jeff Clark Gives Solid Take on DOJ Trump Indictment Scheme


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The Lawfare That Will Destroy The Republic


Strategic Lawfare at Work, They Didn’t Resign – Jack Smith Takes Down Two Trump Lawyers Using Compelled Testimony, Creating Witnesses Within Indictment


We Must Reform America’s Politicized Law Enforcement. Here’s How to Start.


Russiagate Redux: Grassley Calls Out FBI For Leaking False Narratives To Obstruct Biden Investigation


RNC Canvassing Lists: The Gang That Couldn’t Shoot Straight


Robert F. Kennedy Warns Of ‘Unsustainable’ Influx Of Migrants In Video Taken At Southern Border YT


7 doctors hanged in 1947 for violating informed consent: Now COVID has broken the Nuremberg code YT


WAYNE ROOT: Democrats’ Indictment of Trump is a Declaration of War. Why is This Insanity Happening? Here’s How We Fight Back.


Months ago, I laid out the perfect strategy to stop the weaponization of government by Democrats. The dumb GOP didn’t listen. If they had followed my strategy the persecution of Trump would have stopped cold.


My strategy was simple: Republican Attorney Generals and DAs in red states need to indict the real criminals- Obama, Hillary, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Mayorkas, Dr Fauci, etc. The list is endless. These are real criminals who have committed treason. They’ve sold out America to China, the CCP, the Mexican Drug Cartels and Big Pharma.


Go after them. Two can play this indictment game. The best defense is a good offense. Start indicting famous Democrats and the persecution of Trump will end. Democrats will put up the white flag. But as long as they have a “free roll” they’ll keep indicting and intimidating Republicans.


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The difference between Russiagate and the Classified  Documents Fiasco is that Russiagate did not have the full force, support, and cooperation of Conservative, Inc. 


Some surprising sources are already promoting the media narrative at face value.


Think ruffled papers equal an insurrection kind of parroting.


Team DeSantis has some shifty, unscrupulous members.


If you shake their hands, count your fingers.


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