
Truth For Truth's Sake

“Evening News” (May 9, 2023)


Savor Trump’s Electoral Landslide — Until the Phantoms Vote


Democrats’ Far-Reaching ‘Reforms’ Are The Real Threat To Election Security, Not Violent Conservatives


J6 Jackals Circle Trump


   500+ Lab Tests Available


America First Legal Releases New Internal DHS Documents Revealing The Government Is Funding Trainings Intended to Target Conservative Americans


The Smoke and Mirrors of the Debt Ceiling Crisis


Can Google Maps Locate Larry Page?


Lara Logan: Texas Officals Are Complicit With Southern Border Invasion Rumble


The COVID vaccines have an estimated death rate >1,000 higher than the acceptable safe limit


US Postal Service Aids Cockfighting YT


The Militia IRS Training Agents to KILL Americans! The Last BATTLE! – Helena (


Having announced the IRS militia a year ago, no one believed the administration was capable of actually achieving the necessary number of Americans for indoctrination of this mercenary group. A mercenary acts and reacts based on MONEY. They are typically highly trained special ops who have no other skillsets. As I have stated, mercenaries don’t have allegiance, or honor, they fight because fighting is a job. These newly indoctrinated IRS Agents fight Americans for one thing – MONEY! They must sign a document attesting to their willingness to kill Americans/


Of course, the ‘mafia government’ claims they vet these IRS mercenaries. But likely that vetting is to determine which ones have absolutely ZERO conscience over their kills.


And the DISTRACTION would thus be the American historical military, those branches we call – Army, Navy, & Marines. Those branches have been demeaned into infamy with shoddy training, a recruiting nightmare, horrific conditions and diseases that so transpired. The focus is on the military we know and believe is our military. Except it isn’t, our Army, Navy and Marines are instead dying of a mass execution drug called the CoVid Vaccine.


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Commentary On Articles Like The Following:


Conservatives, Get Busy Ballot Harvesting Or Get Busy Losing By Eoin Lenihan. (The Federalist)


“While there are useful legislative steps being taken at the party level to ensure election integrity for future elections, the reality is that if the RNC wants to be competitive in 2024, it needs to get busy harvesting or get busy losing.”


Let me emphasize that Lenihan does not promote or support election fraud.  With that stated, ballot harvesting is effective for the Democrats only because it provides opportunities to cheat. Residents of campgrounds, public housing, nursing homes, student dormitories, etc., are routinely assisted in their voting selections by the ballot harvesters. There is a reason why these absentee ballots come back overwhelmingly Democrat. It is called cheating.


To those Republicans who advocate for ballot harvesting, what exactly are you suggesting? To show up first at the Alzheimer’s ward? To show up first at skid row and tent city? To harvest the ballots from immigrante neighborhoods ahead of the Democrats?


Institutionalized cheating escalates and it escalates rapidly. It is open-ended.


Maybe the Republicans feel the necessity to counter-cheat in order to preserve their mortality which is threatened by predatory Democrats.  Who can deny Merrick Garland’s bloodlust? But if it is the case that cheating skills determine our elections, we have lost our republic.


The Editor



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