National Popular Vote Is Coming, Whether Conservatives Like It or Not
This is El Paso right now. Even CNN is stunned.
From Sketchy Balloting To Shady Funding, New Montana Laws Say No To Rigged Elections
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EVERYTOWN USA – Bloomberg Taking Your GUNS, Supreme Court & Constitution
Police Groups Blame Broken System as Dem.-Run Cities See Crime Soar
|Judge rules Kim Gardner will go to trial on seven counts of neglect of her duties (Update)
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How Pfizer Bribes Led to Vaccine Mandates
Today’s tech barons — Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, and the like — are much more powerful, much more insidious, and much more dangerous than their counterparts of long ago. They are also just as willing as any Rockefeller to crush their competitors and just as committed as any Carnegie to controlling their workers.
More than that, they are also willing to do the bidding of America’s enemies. Witness Apple’s kowtowing to the “request” of the Chinese communist regime that it shut down communication among Hong Kong anti-regime protesters.
In this country they seem far more interested in cooperating with one major political party than the other. Witness the Zuckerberg “investment” of hundreds of millions in the 2020 election, less to bolster American democracy than to assure a Democrat party victory.
France’s department with highest number of illegal immigrants on brink of civil war
Globalist scientists whose job is to control the “narrative” are named
Over 130 Arrested in ‘Ndrangheta Drug Trafficking Network Across Europe & South America
Great Reset King Charles Has His Head Up His Rear Along With the Rest Of the WEF Crew
Thailand:OPINION: Treat Uyghurs justly
CJNG Reaps Revenues From Tourist Real Estate Scam in Mexico
Interview With Guatemalan Presidential Candidate, Gloria Alvarez YT
Rights commission says Peru crackdown may qualify as a ‘massacre’
The Power of the Vagus Nerve: How Stimulation Improves Mental and Physical Health
Is The Federal Reserve Trying To Cause An Economic Depression?
FDIC Cash Balance Covers 1.27% of ALL Insured Deposits
Does GDP Present an Accurate Picture of the Economy? Not Likely
A warning about solar panels after man’s home almost burns down YT
Vice Media preparing to file for bankruptcy
How Long Can You Store Water Before It Becomes Unsafe To Drink?
Why do People Think Oil Comes From Dinosaurs YT
The Neocons and Their Rise to Power. Note: This is an interesting read that does not necessarily reflect Zamisdat’s view or the views of our sponsors.
South Sudan: 20 suspects arrested over killing in wedding ceremony
The girl’s family wanted to apply the 35-cow rule that was being used by the old rules for the youth age group limit.
The man’s family, however, insisted that the old rule could not apply since the term of the old youth group limit had elapsed. They wanted to pay 25 cows in line with the current rule.
Atari added that after the disagreement, both families rushed home to collect their weapons, only to return before firing indiscriminately.
An Immodest Proposal: Tax The Non-Profits
Frank Zappa wanted to tax the churches. OK, if we go down that road, should we not tax all other non-profit entities as well?
Two steps down that path and we are already looking for exceptions to the rule Tax the Wounded Warriors? Tax my alma mater? Tax my house of worship?
There is already a movement to alter religious entities’ taxation status and its roots are planted not in rabid atheism, but in Christian fundamentalism. Some Christians believe that churches have an obligation to address political issues but in doing so, they would jeopardize their tax-exempt status. Fear of the taxman renders clerical silence on matters such as abortion, gay marriage, criminal justice, election fraud, and of course, tax policy.
At what rate should we bleed the untouchables? I say at the approximate rate that we drain for-profit entities. What is the present corporate tax? What is the current capital gains rate? Non-profits do not always have capital gains, although groups that hold real estate certainly do. Being spared property taxes as well as federal and state corporate obligations, isn’t every dollar Harvard or Yale receives a capital gain?
A system is only as good as its loopholes. Exemptions should be given judiciously and uniformly and should be more the exception than the rule. I will let the many channelers of King Solomon hammer out the details, but I will pound the table and shout to the heavens that certain entities are never spared.
Let us show no mercy to the non-profit healthcare sector. These hospital-gobbling monsters have shamelessly money-grubbed in a style that would make a Murdoch blush. Have they elevated the quality of health care along the way? There was a time when we could reflexively answer more yes than no. That is no longer the case. Let these bloodsuckers start chipping in on a system that has so richly rewarded them.
At the risk of muting the pulpit, let us tax anything that is remotely political. This would include the Brookings Institute, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, anything with ties to Mark Zuckerberg, and Planned Parenthood, to name but a few. Let’s also tax the Democrat and Republican parties, every PAC, and every campaign contribution. Sorry, Jane Sanders. That 15 percent you rake off your corrupt husband’s campaign funds will be pre-taxed moving forward. Even decamillionaires need to pay their fair share.
Tax exemption for non-profits arose in a more innocent time. It was a time when many leaders believed in concepts like “social benefit” and “the greater good”. It was an era when institutions were not vulnerable to political infiltration, capture, and ultimately weaponization. Let’s get with the times. Let’s tax the non-profits.
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