
Truth For Truth's Sake

“Evening News” (May 10, 2023)

It Is Still 2016



A corrupt criminal justice system spurred the ultimate presidential victory for Donald Trump in 2016. Who could ever forget the world’s tallest dirty cop reciting a litany of serious (as in espionage serious) charges brazenly performed by Hillary Clinton and her seditious bandits? The phone book of charges would be capped off with the Corleonesque reminder that no reasonable (as in one who would like to continue breathing) prosecutor would bring charges against our ruling class matriarch. Disgust hit critical mass and the country elected DJT in November.


Yesterday, a Manhattan (geography is significant) jury awarded $5 million to a plaintiff who could not produce a witness that she and Trump were ever seen together. The plaintiff borrowed a cheesy storyline from “Law and Order” to describe an unlikely, improbable, possibly impossible meeting between her and Donald Trump. 


The plaintiff was uncertain of the year that the alleged rape transpired. In a TV interview, she went off script and said that most people think of rape as sexy (prompting Anderson Cooper to go to break). She has extensive ties to Trump’s well-heeled political rivals. None of that mattered. The deck had been stacked against Trump.


The sad lesson of Donald Trump’s term is that The Deep State is deeper than we had imagined. The swamp will not drain itself and Trump failed in that endeavor.  Crooked cops still rule our country.


We no longer discuss politics like we used to. No more guns versus butter, saintly regulators versus unprincipled actors, war versus peace. Every election is a referendum on The Deep State. It is still 2016.


The Editor.


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6. We believe it is more important than ever for Americans to monitor world affairs. The most influential man in America is probably George Soros and he is not in America–nor is he an American. Other understated influences on America include World Economic Forum, BBC, and CBC, to name but a few.

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