
Truth For Truth's Sake

“Evening News” (March 6, 2023)


Whistleblower: FBI’s D.C. Office Tried To Sic Local Agents On Innocents After Bank Of America Volunteered Gun Records


Southern Poverty Law Center Attorney Charged With Domestic Terrorism


The Flap Over Biden’s Comment About 2 Fentanyl Deaths Obscures Prohibition’s Role in Causing Them


Biden Admin Proposes Nearly $15 Billion In New Regulations Over Just One Week


Riot Tourism: Only 2 of 23 Charged In Atlanta Antifa Mayhem Are Georgia Citizens Mainstream


CNN suppressed lab leak theory to hurt Trump




Louisiana, Missouri AGs Request Court Block Biden Admin From Allegedly ‘Coercing And Colluding With Big Tech’


Texas Tech Suspends Head Basketball Coach For Quoting The Bible


Life Among the Ruins

How did all of this so quickly erode our great country? Our crisis was not the next generation of foreign Hitlers and Stalins. It was not earthquakes, floods, or even pandemics. It was not endemic poverty and want. It was not a meager inheritance from past generations of incompetents. Nor was it a dearth of natural resources or bounty.

Instead our catastrophe arose from our most highly educated, the wealthiest and most privileged in American history with the greatest sense of self-esteem and sanctimoniousness. Sometime around the millennium, they felt their genius could change human nature and bring an end to history—if only they had enough power to force hoi polloi to follow their abstract and bankrupt theories that they had no intention of abiding by themselves.

Guest Editorialist:

Walter Williams


Prior to capitalism, the way people amassed great wealth was by looting, plundering and enslaving their fellow man. Capitalism made it possible to become wealthy by serving your fellow man.