
Truth For Truth's Sake

“Evening News” (March 10, 2023)


Has the FBI Been ‘Weaponized’ by Politics? – Rasmussen Reports®


Here Are Five Horrific and Unforgettable Videos of January 6 Police Violence That Were Not Yet Picked Up in Tucker Carlson’s January 6 Capitol Hill Coverage This Week


Boston Mayor Faces Lawsuits Over Discrimination Against White People Mainstream


RNC, Vermont GOP Sue City Of Winooski For Letting Noncitizens Vote On Spending State Funds


IRS audit finds 42,000 feds cheating on taxes


‘It’s Appalling’: QAnon Shaman’s Lawyer Says DOJ Lied, Withheld Videos Aired By Carlson


Virginia Teachers Union Pushes Senate Democrats To End ‘Anti-Asian’ Victims Of Communism Day


Dear Conservatives, I Apologize. Dr. Naomi Wolf


All Hell Breaks Loose After Sylvia Garcia Demands Matt Taibbi Tell Her About His Sourcing YT


The Censored Generation

But what is society to expect when those doing the censorship seem to see absolutely nothing wrong with it, and that it didn’t even occur to them that what they were engaged in—often at the specific request of governmental agencies—was at all a problem?

For a generation that has grown up with speech codes, enforced nicety, automatic deference to the feelings of others, and has been swaddled in bubble wrap against the vagaries of life, censoring of speech is not only not an ethical leap, it is the right thing to do.

Couple that with a permanent, purposeful self-infantilization that makes them defer to (or incoherently rage at for NOT censoring speech) anyone they perceive to be a grown-up—such as former FBI bigwig James Baker at Twitter—and the stage is not only set, but the terrifying end of the play writes itself.



America is Losing on Crypto


So Far In 2023, Announced Job Cuts Are Running 427 Percent Higher Than They Were At This Time In 2022


OPEC Is Back In Control Of The Oil Market

500+ Lab Tests Available



NBA Betting Trends


Why Funeral Homes Are Vanishing Across America YT


Utah 2022 Deer Harvest Reflects Double Digit Hunter Success



Upper Cervical Manipulation YT. Note: Don’t try this at home. 



The Dominican Republic – The Caribbean’s Cocaine Hub




Alex Jones Interviews Roseanne Barr Rumble. Note: This is the meeting of two oversized personalities. The editors are both respectful and leery of each of these pop culture icons. We have never quite figured out either one of them, but they are always full of surprises. And they keep rising from the ashes again and again and again…Roseanne appears circa 1;25:00



The Case For The Second Amendment: Twitter


Guest Editorialist:

Thomas Szasz 


A person cannot make another happy, but he can make him unhappy. This is the main reason why there is more unhappiness than happiness in the world.