Trump and Renzi Prosecutors Are Not To Be Trusted
California Moves To Disbar John Eastman Twitter
Ranked Choice Voting Approved in Virginia
Dominion Voting Machine Farce – Going Bankrupt After Getting $787M? To reiterate, this entire story is fishy.
Healthy Adults are Not the Only Ones Who Have Been Killed by Vaccines
Rule by Decree: The Emergency State’s Plot to Override the Constitution
Democrat Donor Arrested for Starting Massive Fire Democrats Blamed on Climate Change
Glenn Greenwald Skewers Bill Kristol Rumble
Let’s Brush Up On The DOJ’s Long History Of Abetting Prosecutorial Misconduct
There Is No Removing Trump Case from Broader Context
Trump’s Republican legal critics would do well to take account of some recent history. Since 2016 the FBI has worked energetically to discredit Trump and if possible, remove him from office. The misuse of the fictitious Steele dossier, eavesdropping on Trump and his team during the 2016 presidential campaign and then on Trump after he became president, phony investigations of Trump’s alleged collusion with the Russian government, leaks of confidential material to a Trump-hostile press, and finally keeping damning information about Biden and his family from reaching the public just before the 2020 election are just a few of the questionable actions carried out by a rogue surveillance organization targeting the former president. Now the same enemies are going after him one more time and making a criminal act out of his holding of classified material.
Greece boat disaster: 800 were on board, says Pakistan police report
Nearly 170 dead amid heatwave in N India
Nigeria: new deadly clashes, 13 dead
Italy Wants to Punish Surrogacy With Jail Even If Done Legally Mainstream
Increase in Orcas Attacking Boats ‘One Incident Every Day’ in June
Canada’s population surpasses 40 million Mainstream
The LGBT agenda has become Canada’s state ideology
Guatemala: An Election Enshrined in Impunity
Secret Pfizer Document Shows Company Observed 1.6 Million Injuries Following COVID Vaccination
.More Federal Debt Means More Taxes, Less Growth, and Weaker Real Wages
Core Inflation is Much Stickier Than the Fed Expected, Now What?
Conservative CEO Will Give ‘Baby Bonus’ to Employees to Help Build Strong Families
Fried Chicken Wars: The Fall of KFC in America YT
American Foods That Are Banned In Other Countries YT
How to think about aliens, UFOs, and Psychological Operations (from Livestream #177) YT
Crocodiles Catch whole herd of migrating Gazelle | CLASSIC WILDLIFE YT
Guest Editorialist
Friedrich Hayek
‘Emergencies’ have always been the pretext on which the safeguards of individual liberty have been eroded.
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