
Truth For Truth's Sake

“Evening News” (July 10, 2023)


The Bidens’ Existential Threats to the American Rule of Law


CVS clerk kills serial looter, chaos ensues


CDC admits not including diagnostic codes showing COVID vax as ’cause’ on some death certificates


 500+ Lab Tests Available


The Latest Assault on Mayor Giuliani


US Destroys Last Of Its Chemical Weapons Stockpile


Michigan House passes ‘hate speech’ bill criminalizing criticism of transgender ideology


Everything Wrong With COVID “Science” Has Been Wrong With Global Warming “Science” Longer


Matt Gaetz proposes end to cannabis testing for military Mainstream


LA Mexican Mafia Leader Michael “Mosca” Torres Stabbed to Death in California Prison


500+ Lab Tests Available


Father of Our Country


American Finance now is in the business of receiving free money (loans at minimal interest) from government-chartered central banks (issuing “credit” from nowhere), that banks, hedge funds, private equity outfits, and sundry freebooters can roll into instruments such as interest-yielding bonds (loans back to government) and derivatives (algorithmic bets derived, abstracted from, and tuned to market movements) magically multiplying money that finally produces nothing of value — though it may translate into yacht purchases, alimony payments, luxury suites at ballparks, private Caribbean islands, and traffic in humans for use as sex toys.


The Biden business model also applies nicely to medicine and higher education, two endeavors saturated in prestige and pomp, like the doings in the White House, but which, similarly to that hotbed of policy and action, in the case of medicine, produces shocking amounts of unnecessary death (est. 251,000 a year from iatrogenic treatment errors), and in the case of higher ed, the production of specious and harmful Big Ideas — while both endeavors expand like turbo-tumors within the dying body of an expiring manufacturing economy.


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Not Exactly A Film Review: “Sound of Freedom”


I tried to watch “Sound of Freedom” on July 4 but the theater was sold out.


I caught a matinee on July 8.


People voiced the concern that the movie might be too graphic or too disturbing. I voiced the concern that I might get suckered into a docudrama.


Understand, I like fiction movies and I like documentaries but docudramas are another matter. Docudramas have their place and that place is television. People should not be charged to view a docudrama.


The movie is NOT a docudrama. It is entertaining with enough stealth, stunt, and chase to satisfy the popcorn eater. Hero. Resistance. Tension. Conflict. MacGuffin. Detailed sets. Great acting. Check all the boxes. 


James Caviezel performs a lecture as the credits roll. He addresses child trafficking and I found it unusual, but it was brief and viewers seem to like it. What seemed strange to me is that Caviezel complimented the audience for their bold action in viewing his movie.


Understand, I am a big, big fan of creative marketing even when I am the mark. “The Sound of Freedom” promoters sold us on “doing our part’ while sticking it to Disney and sticking it to Hollywood and sticking it to the Man, too, I guess.  Sit there for two hours, munch on some overpriced Jujyfruits,  and the official scorer will credit you with an assist in the battle against child exploitation. Not quite stolen valor but possibly the same zip code.


All in all, a great movie that will please both the tweed coat and the knuckle dragger, the righteous as well as the indifferent. One measure of a good movie is how much chatter it generates. By this standard, “Sound of Freedom” is a blockbuster.


A rule of thumb I have expressed before: Tell me what is suppressed and I will tell you what is probably true. I am tempted to put “vast, high-reaching child sex network” conspiracies in the same circular file that contains flat Earth or Biden clones or Quantum Financial System material. Counter that position with the content producers who were chased off of YouTube after discussing pedophile networks. Counter that with the Pizzagate pundits who have been banished from social media. Counter that with MSM hacks railing against “QANON conspiracies”.  I can’t prove the crime but I can prove the coverup. 


Proving the coverup does not prove the crime but it should prompt us to reexamine the alleged crime. This brings us to this interesting clip from the most trusted name in news.


I should credit Patrick Gunnels with mentioning the absurdity of trotting out a guy named Rothschild to attack baseless conspiracy theories. And even though I usually do not rag on people’s looks, this Rothschild gives off a major creep vibe. Remember, this network is an ongoing confirmation of rampant pedophile master conspiracies.


Who could forget this CNN producer who was sentenced to 19 years in prison for crimes involving a 9-year-old? 


Whereas most of Rothschild’s verbiage is an effort to divert the viewer from both “SoF” and Q, there are two points that deserve our attention. One, the statistics tossed around involving the number of slaves, trafficked children, dollar value of human trafficking, etc. Two, I hate to agree with Rothschild but he nailed the audience participation angle that I referenced earlier. Rothschild:


These films are created out of moral panics. They’re created out of bogus statistics. They’re created out of fear. And with something like Sound of Freedom, it specifically is looking at QAnon concepts of these child trafficking rings that are run by the high-level elites and only people like Tim Ballard and only people like Jim Caviezel, and by extension, only people like the ticket buyer can help bring these trafficking rings down. So, there’s a very participatory element. You’re not just going to see a movie, you’re just killing two hours on a hot day. You are helping bring down these pedophile rings and save children. Now, it’s not true, but it’s a very comforting and it’s a very warm feeling to have.


“Sound of Freedom” has succeeded in raising awareness but we should also credit CNN, Rolling Stone, et al.  What subject deserves closer inspection?


  1. The existence of unicorns? Not suppressed. Not worth examining.
  2.  Flat Earth? Not suppressed. Not worth examining.
  3. Quantum Financial System? Not suppressed. Not worth examining.
  4. 9/11 Counter Conspiracies? Not suppressed. Not worth examining.
  5. Biden Clones (And every other story that involves the Xeroxing of a grown person)? Not suppressed. Not worth examining.


We could add to this list, but that is enough for now. What is currently being suppressed? Child sex trafficking.  Insert Academy Award acceptance speech here: “I want to thank my agent…my wife…my Aunt Sophie…the citizens of Cartenega…and most of all, I would like to thank the most trusted name in news who validates our claims with their actions, both onscreen and off…


“Sound of Freedom”  5 stars out of 5. 


Don’t miss it!


Postscript: I saw the movie at a strip mall anchored by a grocery store. I went to the 4:20 showing so I was in the store at about 6:45 on a Saturday night. This is not a high-volume period for grocers. 


In the smattering of customers, I spotted a middle-aged man wearing a MAGA hat and a  black t-shirt that read “Kill  All Pedophiles” in white lettering. Naturally, I walked across the bakery section to ask him if he had just seen “Sound of Freedom”. He confirmed that he had been in the audience with me and we agreed that it was a good movie and I moved on to the express line. 


My fellow viewer caught up with me at the checkout and we discussed the film further, inviting our cashier into our brief conversation.


Two things struck me about this guy. First, he slightly resembled one of the pedos in the movie. Second, he seemed like he should have been fitted with a peasant’s pitchfork. I thought to myself, this is the face of the angry mob in 2023. If someone would have shouted out “Let’s storm the castle!” my MAGA friend would have led the charge. Perhaps I had been given a sneak preview of a coming attraction.



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1. We do not link To Fox News or Fox Business News.

2. We sometimes link to Fox affiliates.

3. We sometimes link to sites that contain a video that might have a snippet from Fox News (usually Tucker Carlson).

4. We try to avoid second hand news stories that are sourced from Fox News or Fox Business News.

5. We try to not link to sites with pay walls. This eliminates NYT and WaPo (who cares?) but also eliminates WSJ and Epoch Times. We hope that Epoch Times changes their business model because they are one of the best news outlets in the English language.

6. We believe it is more important than ever for Americans to monitor world affairs. The most influential man in America is probably George Soros and he is not in America–nor is he an American. Other understated influences on America include World Economic Forum, BBC, and CBC, to name but a few.

7. Most English language newspapers in non-English speaking countries are paid subscription sites. This presents an ongoing challenge to report on world affairs.

8. We try to avoid linking to mainstream media when possible We are not hesitant to link to mainstream sources if the news story involves raw data, such as the daily stock market or weather statistics or sports scores. Even then, we usually provide a “Mainstream” disclaimer.