
Truth For Truth's Sake

“Evening News” (January 31, 2023)


South Africa In “State of Disaster” Following Devastating Floods


22 million people at risk of hunger in horn of Africa due to drought


DISCUSSION WITH PROF. DR. SUCHARIT BHAKDI NEWS FROM THE ROYAL PALACE IN THAILAND The interviewer, Pascal Najadi, has filed criminal proceedings against the Swiss Government. The Presumption of Innocence applies for President Alain Berset..Bitchute


UK Plumbers Are Not Sufficiently Diverse


Excess deaths in 30 countries YT


20,000 docs obtained by Russia expose US biowarfare program in Ukraine


“Take Down the BBC” – Anti-Vaxx Protestors Rally Outside BBC Headquarters (VIDEO) Editor’s Comments: The people standing up to the diabolical news media? A dream come true!


500+ Lab Tests Available



Canada’s Deputy PM: U.S. Middle Class ‘Needs a Pay Cut’


Lula’s Brazilian “Indigenous” Charity Embezzled $6.5 Million


Vancouver Embarks On Bold Experiment To Decriminalize Hard Drugs Editorial Commentary: These opinions are expressed about America and things are a little different in Canada, but there are proabaly more similarities than differences.We see a lot that could go wrong with this initiative. “Decriminalization” renders the worst of prohibition with the worst of legalization. Succinctly, if junkies cannot sue their providers, it awards the drug dealers a status on par with vaccination tycoons.