
Truth For Truth's Sake

“Evening News” (January 30, 2023)


Playing with Nuclear Fire


Tracking a Fraudulent Ballot in Real Time


Election Day Footage of Unbelievable Ballot Rejections in Maricopa County. It Seems Like More Than Just a Few Ballots


Radical Activists Illegally Protest Outside Amy Coney Barrett’s Home


When Study Shows Transgender Medicine Hurts Kids, Activists And Media Allies Slant The Science


The (Further) Case for the Free Market in Education


DHS Released 1,100 criminals From Detention in December


 More proof that the reparations hustle is all about greed and inciting race war

First, They Lied About the Range . . .


The Wrong Question

“Of course, the contretemps about the effort by the vandals of WOKE to remove any and all Confederate along with other “American” cultural monuments is nothing new. Perhaps the newest thing about this one – though there had been earlier intimations on the matter – is the possibility of the removal of the bodies of those relatively few Confederate soldiers also buried in Arlington! After all, these low-lifes have already disinterred Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest and his wife and General A.P. Hill whose body was, according to reports, desecrated by the thugs involved.”


Why Do Wages Rise? Not Because of Minimum Wage Laws, New Data Show


Yellen says there would be ‘devastating’ consequences if Congress fails to raise debt ceiling


Can A Federal Reserve’s Counterattack Stop The Crypto Bull Run?



Secret Blockchain Suffers Departures as Foundation Head’s $2M-Plus Dividend Sparks Outcry


“This Is Not A Normal Situation”: A Semiconductor Rout Is On As Supply Balloons And Demand Dissipates


Drone Fishing On Lake Champlain (How long will this be legal?) YT



How to Never Get Another Cavity Ever Again YT

    No Insurance Needed       



How Wisconsin Streetfighters Disrupted a Democrat Ballot-Gathering System



How Twitter Rigged the Covid Debate Editor’s Comments: Usually when a story emerges, it arrives in fragments (maybe that is why it is called breaking news?)  With the passage of time, a concise summary will sometimes–not always–surface. Zamisdat has posted links to facets of the COVID censorship narrative, but this article  is a masterpiece of multi-facetism.



Seasons of Blood: 525,600 Minutes of BLM Riots Babylon Bee. Rumble



5 McDonald’s Fights 2018 (A mixed bag that violates the purity of the genre by featuring non-patrons and non-employees) YT