
Truth For Truth's Sake

“Evening News” (February 3, 2023)


Getting Trump Was More Important to Some Journalists Than Getting the Story Right


It’s Far Too Late For A ‘Reckoning’ Of The Trump Years. The Corrupted News Media Are Irredeemable


ChatGPT = Powerful Mind Control Tool Rumble


How Covid Patients Died for Profit


Chinese Spy Balloon Spotted Over Western US,Pentagon Says Shooting Down Is Risky


NIH quashed study because it wouldn’t show what they wanted


US Reopens Embassy in Solomon Islands Amid Tensions With China in Indo-Pacific


The disappearing law-enforcement presence in San Francisco


‘Child Abuse’: President Trump Presents Plan to Stop ‘Mutilation of Our Youth’ in the Name of Transgender Identity


Dr. Robert Malone Breaks Down The Third Dr. J. T. Walker/Pfizer-Project Veritas Video


Vote To Condemn ‘Horrors of Socialism’ Splits Dems: 86 Democrat-Traitors Vote Against

Editor’s Comments: This editor finds himself in agreement with Maxine Waters in that this particular resolution is a non-issue.


The GOP grandstands with this anti-Socialism facade. If they really believed their own verbiage why have they done so little to uncreep the nemesis?


The Republican Party has had opportunities in each of the last 7 decades to apply  Round Up to the kudzu and they balked at every opportunity. Now is the time to stop cursing and start reversing.


Privatizing education would be a great start.