
Truth For Truth's Sake

“Evening News” (February 23, 2023)


Why the 2020 Election was Unverifiable


Lunatic’ Forewoman In Trump-Georgia Case Shocks Media With Overt Bias, Trump Lawyers Pounce


2023 Greg Abbott Declares War On 2020 Greg Abbott


J6 Police Brutality Montage Twitter


J6 Random Tasing Twitter


J6 Indiscriminate Shooting Order Twitter


ANDY NGO REPORTS: Antifa ringleader faces 16 felony charges in brutal San Diego attack—mob used tear gas, beat teenagers in ‘MAGA’ clothing


JEROME CORSI: Obama Went After General Flynn Because He Was a Risk of Indicting Him and Hillary for High Crimes and Misdemeanors


Fact Check: Pete Buttigieg Blames Trump for Ohio Train Disaster


Biden’s Wonderful World of ‘Equity’

The use of the word “equity” is a deliberate attempt to hoodwink the American public, who are fully are on board with a similar-sounding word “equality.” Equity, unlike equality, isn’t equal access to opportunity or equal protection before the law. Equity, per the American Marxists, is the redistribution of societal status, legal protection, and economic goods (i.e., jobs and material possessions) in accordance with their politized assessment of disadvantages and demographics.


Equity, in the Marxist context, requires a clearly defined villainous group, and not coincidentally a political adversary, in order to manipulate the masses into believing that they have the best interests of the people at heart. But first the population has to be segmented or tribalized and then indoctrinated into believing they as distinct groups have been and continue to be victimized and, thus, deserving of equal outcomes as merit or ability is immaterial.



Guest Editorialist:



Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.