
Truth For Truth's Sake

“Evening News” (February 20, 2023)


James O’Keefe Resigns From Project Veritas (20 FEB 2023) Rumble


Tulsi Gabbard At Rage Against The War Machine Rumble


At Last: A Kissy-Face Interviewer Poses A Valid Question To The Biggest Hypocrite in America. Twitter


Idaho House Approves Talks To Annex Oregon Counties


Corrupt DOJ Continues to Illegally Ignore President Trump’s Attorney-Client Privilege




North Dakota Republicans Are One Step Closer To Banning Ranked-Choice Voting In State Elections


Two Supreme Court cases this week could upend the entire internet Mainstream


Kavanuagh Rape Accuser Confesses She Lied, Was Never Raped, Never Even Met The Man


Is Crime Going Down, Or Have Democrat-Run Cities Just Given Up On Reporting It?

“The left-leaning criminal justice nonprofit The Marshall Project, in commenting on the FBI’s annual release of crime statistics last November, noted, “The nation’s most thorough crime data collection program concluded it’s possible crime went up, went down or stayed the same.” Why the uncertainty? It “largely stems from the fact that 2021’s data was more incomplete than any in recent memory. … This year about 7,000 police agencies, covering about 35% of the U.S. population were missing.” To address the massive holes in the data from large cities such as New York, Los Angeles, and San Francisco, the Justice Department simply made an estimate.”

“In some cases,” Marshall noted, “the FBI didn’t even have enough information to make an estimation.”




When Small Talk With A Lefty Friend Turns To Respective Worldviews:


We know you but you don’t know us.


You don’t know us because you are repulsed by us. To view us is to be contaminated. Better to divert thy eyes and to read descriptions of our coarse and stupid ways than to gaze at the object of your contempt. 


We know you because your overlords (they are we the heretics’ overlords too but we refuse to bow down to them) control communications. We could only escape your propaganda through electronic hermitry. Google, AP, the networks, social media, “public” broadcasting, NYT, WAPO. late-night talk shows, Hollywood, Netflix, award shows,  woke theologians, the fact-checking industry…please excuse the abbreviated list. 


The validity of ideas is moot if they are buried by Google searches or shadow banned or canceled altogether. Thought control means nothing to you. You still have access to your spoon-fed worldview. Curiosity? You learned from the stupid cat’s mistake.


If there is one thing, just one thing,  I could tell you about your opposition it would be…You’re sticking your fingers in your ears. You are humming at a loud volume so you can’t hear me. Now you are cranking “The View” to sanitize your environment. 


I politely depart your presence.