
Truth For Truth's Sake

“Evening News” (June 1, 2023)



The Weaponization of the FBI: the Tip of the Iceberg


More Deep State Election Interference? Biden’s DOJ Files Lawsuit Against Gov. Jim Justice’s Son a Month after Governor Announces His Run Against Joe Manchin


Why Leftists Shouldn’t Be Called ‘Progressives’


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Our Fake Spending Debates


WATCH: Chip Roy Goes Nuclear on Republicans Over Debt Ceiling Deal


Propaganda Restricts Speech More Than Censorship Does


Small Business Owner Sues Over Grant Program Open To Everyone Except Straight White Men


Biden’s ‘Equity’ Panel Pushes Woke Farm Policy


Kimberly Guilfoyle Interviews Lee Smith On Russiagate Rumble Note: This is a long interview but a great review of the mega-scandal.


Memorial Day in a Divided Nation


It is important to honor our wartime dead. But Memorial Day has a powerful meaning that we have forgotten. It was the holiday that reunited our country after the Civil War. It began when Americans, from the North and the South, entered the cold gray stone fields of the dead, and decorated the graves of the fallen from the Grand Army of the Republic and the Confederacy with freshly cut flowers.


They followed no presidential order. They acted under no regulation. Instead the mothers and wives of men who would return home no more brought flowers to the graves of their fallen sons and husbands, and to the resting places of the young American men who might have slain them, who had been the enemy, but who still deserved honor and respect.


Those women, of the North and the South, brought America together.


Today a new breed of leftists gleefully tears down Confederate memorials. And it will not end with flags and statues. They will not be satisfied until the cemeteries that were once decorated have been desecrated. It is ominously fitting that the event which marked the end of one civil war now arrives to foreshadow the beginning of another war between brothers.


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An Immodest Proposal Revisited:  Pay Our Legislators A Big Ass Bonus Every Time They Balance The Budget


Years ago, in a different forum, this writer proposed paying our legislators an additional $1 million every year they balanced the budget. $535 million would have been chump change and that pocket money would have yielded wondrous results.


The idea was conceived and promoted (lacking a better term)  at a time when the national debt was still vulnerable to eradication. Actually, it wasn’t that long ago.


Time flows and debt is unconquerable. We will have a not-so-great reset whether we like it or not.  Who sets the terms of the reset remains to be seen.


It is hoped that sanity prevails and we will see America lay the foundation for a prosperous economy. A tall order but we did it repeatedly. We can do it again.


If we can wrestle our country away from Schwab’s Slobs, I hope we install a system where legislators are monetarily rewarded for fiscal responsibility. Currencies and numbers cannot be determined but the annual reward should be a big ass bonus.


Chump change.


The Editor


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