“Evening News” (October 19, 2022)
Putin Declares Martial Law In Annexed Territories
Almost 1 Million People In Chinese City Near iPhone Factory Under Lockdown
Swedish Government Scraps Country’s Pioneering ‘feminist foreign policy’
The “Exit NATO” Movement In France
There seems to be a story coming out of France that is being spun a little more than most news articles. It seems that there is a growing Anti-NATO movement that has expressed itself through street protests.
The world press titans have downplayed if not ignored the protests. NATO is not mentioned in mainstream reports. The French are protesting the high cost of living.
Protests sometimes address more than one grievance. The cost of living has gotten bad everywhere. It is even more oppressive in the EU where the once mighty Euro is sliding off the table. So yes, it is plausible that many of the marchers are railing against inflation and that it is a secondary complaint for others. Others, have expressed strong opinions about projected fuel shortages and vaccine mandates. Still, there seems to be an “Exit NATO” chorus that is being drowned of the soundtrack.
The Editor posted this story recently.
We immediately went to France24 and then to Euronews for details. Le zero.
A recent search of those two sites as well as Reuters and AP revealed nothing about recent “Exit NATO” activity. It turns up this interesting clarification at AP, however.
This video surfaced on YT Octotber 11. Unfortunately, it is over 11 hours long and our French is, how do you say, cul de sac?
Once more, there is the unmistakable pattern where legacy media report a story one way and upstart media report the same story differently.
InfoWars took some of the common footage and emphasized “Exit NATO”
Russia Today might not be unbiased but they at least cover the story in a relatively balanced manner.
Is It Possible The Chinese Really Did Hack Our Elections?
Rich Dad’ Robert Kiyosaki: “This Election Was Stolen!”
Wholesale Fraud In Arizona And This Is The Big Fish?
Fort Hood Is Being Renamed Fort Cavazos
Alex Berenson Tells RFK, Jr.: ‘I Can Now Bring A Claim Directly Against The White House’
Google Employees Are Laughing At You For Thinking ‘Incognito Mode’ Is Private
Hedge Fund Manager, A Recent Florida Transplant, Coughs Up $100 Million To Defeat Democrats
University Settles With Student Punished for Sharing About Religious Exemption
Conservative Students At University Of Iowa Frustrated As Harassment Incidents Mount
Why I Believe That Both Gwen Casten And Doug Brignole Were Killed By The COVID Vaccine
New Brunswick Joins Prairies In Opposing Use Of Police For Ottawa’s Gun Confiscation Program
‘Quebec Doctors Back Euthanasia For Newborns
The Most Telling Chart On Inflation You’ve Ever Seen
Young Adults Neither In School Nor Work ‘surged by about 1 million’ In Recent Years
Amazon Warehouse Union Vote Fails In Upstate New York Mainstream
PayPal Impedes Cancellations Twitter
Microsoft Lays Off Around 1,000 Across Multiple Divisions
Injury Cases & Deaths Following New COVID Bivalent Booster Shots
Antifa Caught Changing Into MAGA Gear J6 YT
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“Evening News” (October 19, 2022) Read More »