Q And Me
I was never a Q interpreter.
Q arrived at a time when I was overburdened with work, health problems, and bittersour life challenges. Given my compacted schedule, I could not devote time to deciphering the cryptic meanings of Q-drops, but I did find the whole thing intriguing.
To the uninitiated, Q was never racist, unless one can discern racism in DJT posing for a picture with Rosa Parks. There was never anything even a little bit antisemitic unless you count the trolling of Jeffrey Epstein. There were few declarative sentences. Mostly, Q asked questions. “Who controls North Korea? ” “Who really controls North Korea?” That was Q
I post a lot of links. Lots and lots. I have never linked to anything I thought was dishonest, and I try to stay clear of sources who have a track record of intentional deception. The exceptions to that are things like stock market performance or football scores, things that are unlikely to be altered and can easily be verified at another site.
Because of that. I shy away from “alternative media” whose intent is to deceive. We all get our facts wrong from time to time, but some people deliberately promote falsity. I reject those sources on matters big and small.
Q presents one more opportunity to showcase media corruption. I have seen newscasters make inaccurate characterizations of Q and Q monitors (I am a monitor not a follower). I have read every Q drop and I can verify the deliberate falsity of said reporters. If you read the Q drops you will recognize Jimmy Olsen’s efforts to deceive. You will conclude that this particular Olsen and his employer are unreliable sources. If you value truth over bias confirmation, you will no longer pay attention to this fabulist or his benefactor.
Yes, I was hooked on the unfolding mysteries, but I did not have time to go to the boards and discuss the latest drops, and I was not clever enough to figure them out on their own. So, I went to YouTube and listened to Q experts, mostly on my long commutes. My world expanded.
Q was a celebration of diversity. Some, but not all, Q decoders held unusual beliefs. Significantly, they did not all share the same unusual beliefs. That showed me independent scholarship and discernment. For that reason, I reject the idea that Q is a cult. There is no “Q ideology”.
Not every Q decoder could figure things out on their own, but they had the time to jump from board to board to sort through other ideas. They would usually connect Q drops to the news of the day, and again, diversity of perspective was celebrated. Understatement. (Don’t you wish we had a symbol like the exclamation mark to denote understatement?)
Because they posted at regular times, I routinely listened to IPOT (In Pursuit of Truth/Sir Patrick) in the AM and X22 Report in the PM. Even if there were no drops on the prior day, I was hooked on these news sources. If there was a drop they had not yet gotten to, I would listen to Bernie Saurez, Spaceshot76, Jordan Sather, Dustin Nemos, Craig Masson, Katie G, Praying Medic, and Deception Bytes to name but a few. I had been following the resistance underground and these people were underground to the underground. Despite their subterranean nature, these pundits expanded my horizons. (Sort of mixed metaphor, I guess.)
Prior to Q, I thought of alternative media as Fox News and talk radio buttressed by websites like “Hot Air” and “Daily Caller” and “Townhall”. Resistance 1.0. I liked to dig a little bit deeper so I would delve into the blogosphere and I played around with Twitter. Resistance 2.0. As mentioned, time constraints eventually limited my blogosphere browsing. Then came Q and the Q decoders. Resistance 3.0.
Q Content: On October 28, 2017, the first Q drop fell at 4Chan. I was exposed to Q in early December and of course I was hooked. Early on, Q delivered the patently false statement that Hillary Clinton was to be arrested and later stated that she had been detained. When this was clearly debunked, the Q decoders dismissed the falsity as Q trolling HRC.
Q and his decoders soon produced a consensus narrative. America had been hijacked by unelected officials (the deep state. Think latter day J. Edgar Hoovers) whose loyalties extended beyond this country’s boundaries. A second deep state (hereafter called Patriots or White Hats but never Deep State II) emerged from military intelligence with a plan to take back their country. The White Hats approached Citizen Trump and recruited him to seek the presidency. Trump would get elected and soon thereafter, he would unleash “The Storm.”
The Storm! I was gung ho. My only question was, “When?” I thought it was going to happen in February 2018. It did not happen. It still has not happened. I am still asking “When?”
Like other Q balls I grew impatient waiting on The Storm, but I was hooked. Something interesting happened. YouTube used to autoplay a Black Conservative Patriot video (for example) after I listened to a Spaceshot76 video (for example). Then.one day, not sure exactly when it happened, every Q-related vid was followed by a Fox News production.
I had already considered Fox News to be lame, but I did not yet view them as sinister. Can you say controlled opposition? Can you say sanctioned dissident? This was the beginning of the end of Fox News for me.
Then something more nefarious happened. Leading up to the 2020 election, YouTube purged dozens, if not hundreds of Q-related and Trump-supporting channels.
Even though I am still left waiting on The Storm that never was, the purge made me reconsider the merits of Q. A rule of thumb, not a hard fast rule, but a rule of thumb that serves me well is this: Show me what is censored, and I will show you what is probably true. There are not too many exceptions to that rule.
Understand, the YouTube purge was not the first attempt to silence Q. The Q team (or person) went from 4chan to 8chan to 8kun for security purposes. There were efforts to stop Q every step of the way. Who would make an effort to snuff out a LARP? (Live action role play. An overly verbose way to say fraud or prank or scam.)
The Storm! has never arrived. Q hibernated from December 2020 until June 2022. Then he laid down a few perfunctory drops and went back to sleep. He then posted once a day on November 6, 7 and 8. He boldly concluded with “Taking control.”
Now that Q is in his sixth year, I have but one question: “When’s the storm?”