
Truth For Truth's Sake


“Evening News” (February 22, 2023)




New Forensic Expert’s Report Out of Allegheny County, PA Shows Duplicate Ballot Scans and over 50,000 “Non-Unique Tabulator CVR Numbers”


Kansas Republicans Aim To Secure Elections With Fewer Ballot Drop Boxes, More Oversight


U.S. Government Negotiates Deal to Give WHO Authority Over U.S. Pandemic Policies


After US Hearing on Fentanyl, Is It Time to Retire the Word ‘Cartel’?


A National Divorce Isn’t Happening


FOX News Launches ‘Silent Ban’ on President Trump – Daytime FOX Ignores Trump’s Historic Trip to East Palestine, Tunes Out His Speech, But Plays Tim Scott Speech, Only Mention Trump Visit After He Leaves Town


Drama and chaos at the Federal Trade Commission Mainstream


Another Arkancide


The Power of Woke: How Leftist Ideology Is Undermining our Society and Economy

Big companies go woke to eliminate competition. After all, they can afford the costs to comply with woke regulations whereas small companies cannot. Institutional investors warn of prospective risks of government regulation while lobbying for such regulation. In the United States, under the Biden Administration, woke federal regulations are, unsurprisingly, emerging. Perhaps publicly traded companies will privatize to avoid proposed SEC mandates regarding ESG disclosures, but regulation in other forms and through other agencies will come for private companies too.

The woke should question why they’re collaborating with their erstwhile corporate enemies. Have they abandoned concerns about poverty for the more lucrative industry of identity politics and environmentalism? Have they sold out, happily exploiting the uncouth masses, oppressing the already oppressed, and trading socioeconomic class struggle for the proliferating dogma of race, sexuality, and climate change? As wokeness becomes inextricably tied to ESG, we can no longer say, “Go woke, go broke.” Presently, wokeness is a vehicle to affluence, a status marker, the ticket to the center of the superstructure.


Guest  Editorialist:

Elie Wiesel


“The opposite of love is not hate, it’s indifference.


The opposite of art is not ugliness, it’s indifference.


The opposite of faith is not heresy, it’s indifference.


And the opposite of life is not death, it’s indifference.”

“Evening News” (February 22, 2023) Read More »

“Evening News” (February 21, 2023)

Guest  Editorialist

John Greenleaf Whittier:

When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you’re trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest if you must, but don’t you quit.

Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a fellow turns about
When he might have won had he stuck it out.
Don’t give up though the pace seems slow –
You may succeed with another blow.

Often the goal is nearer than
It seems to a faint and faltering man;
Often the struggler has given up
When he might have captured the victor’s cup;
And he learned too late when the night came down,
How close he was to the golden crown.

Success is failure turned inside out –
The silver tint in the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It might be near when it seems afar;
So stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit –
It’s when things seem worst that you must not quit.

“Evening News” (February 21, 2023) Read More »

“Evening News” (February 20, 2023)


James O’Keefe Resigns From Project Veritas (20 FEB 2023) Rumble


Tulsi Gabbard At Rage Against The War Machine Rumble


At Last: A Kissy-Face Interviewer Poses A Valid Question To The Biggest Hypocrite in America. Twitter


Idaho House Approves Talks To Annex Oregon Counties


Corrupt DOJ Continues to Illegally Ignore President Trump’s Attorney-Client Privilege




North Dakota Republicans Are One Step Closer To Banning Ranked-Choice Voting In State Elections


Two Supreme Court cases this week could upend the entire internet Mainstream


Kavanuagh Rape Accuser Confesses She Lied, Was Never Raped, Never Even Met The Man


Is Crime Going Down, Or Have Democrat-Run Cities Just Given Up On Reporting It?

“The left-leaning criminal justice nonprofit The Marshall Project, in commenting on the FBI’s annual release of crime statistics last November, noted, “The nation’s most thorough crime data collection program concluded it’s possible crime went up, went down or stayed the same.” Why the uncertainty? It “largely stems from the fact that 2021’s data was more incomplete than any in recent memory. … This year about 7,000 police agencies, covering about 35% of the U.S. population were missing.” To address the massive holes in the data from large cities such as New York, Los Angeles, and San Francisco, the Justice Department simply made an estimate.”

“In some cases,” Marshall noted, “the FBI didn’t even have enough information to make an estimation.”




When Small Talk With A Lefty Friend Turns To Respective Worldviews:


We know you but you don’t know us.


You don’t know us because you are repulsed by us. To view us is to be contaminated. Better to divert thy eyes and to read descriptions of our coarse and stupid ways than to gaze at the object of your contempt. 


We know you because your overlords (they are we the heretics’ overlords too but we refuse to bow down to them) control communications. We could only escape your propaganda through electronic hermitry. Google, AP, the networks, social media, “public” broadcasting, NYT, WAPO. late-night talk shows, Hollywood, Netflix, award shows,  woke theologians, the fact-checking industry…please excuse the abbreviated list. 


The validity of ideas is moot if they are buried by Google searches or shadow banned or canceled altogether. Thought control means nothing to you. You still have access to your spoon-fed worldview. Curiosity? You learned from the stupid cat’s mistake.


If there is one thing, just one thing,  I could tell you about your opposition it would be…You’re sticking your fingers in your ears. You are humming at a loud volume so you can’t hear me. Now you are cranking “The View” to sanitize your environment. 


I politely depart your presence.

“Evening News” (February 20, 2023) Read More »

“Evening News” Weekend Edition (February 19, 2023)


Murder investigation underway into Bishop O’Connell’s death




15 FACTS on the Dozens of Federal Operatives Who Infiltrated the Trump Crowds on January 6th at the US Capitol


A 29-Minute Report On East Palestine Drawing From Multiple Sources Rumble


Spy Balloons and “Unidentified” Objects Shot Down, What In The Psy-Op Is Going On?


Walkthrough In Sacramento After 2020 Election Showed Dominion Boxes Labeled “Made in China”, a Pallet of Ballots Unsealed, Passwords and Flashdrives Laying Around Tabulation Room


What happened to the story of the two murdered NJ councilmen?


Leftist prison policies around ‘transgenderism’ put women at serious risk


The Myth of the All-Seeing Regulator

“That portion of the public that cheerleads for the elite has been taught to believe the myth of the omniscient regulator. No matter what goes wrong, enough wise regulators could have stopped it.

The truth is rather more prosaic: regulators are generally time-serving drones, with no more insight than anyone else.

On the verge of the 2008 financial meltdown, for example, there were 115 state and federal agencies whose job it was to oversee the financial sector. We’re supposed to believe that if only we’d had 116, everything would have been fine?”



This story is bigger than dead fish, alien balloons, and a nuclear precipice combined:

The Dominion versus Fox Lawsuit.

Once more, a multi-faceted story is reduced to a tagline–and not even an accurate tagline–“There is no such thing as election fraud.”  That is the mainstream takeaway.


Excuse me, there is a second tagline. “Fox News lies.” Yes, Fox News is dishonest to the core, but not for the reasons cited by MSM. Fox News is threading a haystack of needles. They have to support their “alternative news” branding as they slavishly endorse the mainstream agenda. They do an Et Tu Brute on Trump (and his supporters) all the while pretending there is no blood on their hands. They feel the need to destroy the Trump presidency (as well as the will of the people) as they pretend to support Trump’s professed values. They have to smear, if not discredit, anyone who had supporting evidence of election fraud in a way that does not alienate their viewers. They have to fire Lou Dobbs for discussing election fraud without revealing that they fired Lou Dobbs for discussing election fraud. The talking heads are forced to disguise their motives in such a way that it does not prompt millions of cable subscribers to cut the cord when the sole station that justified the pricey subscription–the one reason for paying a monthly ransom to Comcast–spits directly in their faces. And they have to thread these needles without shedding viewers to Newsmax.


The ever-catty Mark Dice is one of the few pundits to examine this story.

Tucker Lying To Us This Whole Time? New Court Documents Reveal His Private Text Messages – YouTube


Dice reveals the most significant aspect of this saga: Internal Dominion documents reveal an ongoing concern for the security of their system. Dice also serves up a montage featuring vintage pre-November 2020  Democrats warning us of the threats presented by flawed voting machines. Yet another facet of the story is that it is being told by Snidely Mark Dice.


Dice grossly misstates Powell’s assertions and calls her “a kook.” This editor is not certain that Powell is a kook, but he is certain that Dice is a buffoon and a shill, who makes Tucker Carlson look great by comparison.


A less Dicey report here: Fox vs. Dominion Discovery Docs Show Employees Admitting Their Products Were “Riddled” With Critical Bugs Leading to Incorrect Results. (


Pam Gellar also delivers a pertinent summary with an even longer headline. 

FOX News Legal Filing: DOMINION Voting Systems Executives Including Eric Coomer Knew Its Voting Systems Had Major Security Issues, Was Hacked, and Was “Riddled with Bugs”


 Here is the discovery with an assortment of embarrassing Fox News texts. Why the redactions? full.pdf (


Here are discovery summaries that expose Dominion.

Washington Post



Note: This is the first time Zamisdat has linked to either NYT or WAPO. As we only grabbed their non-subscription pdf offerings written by outside principals, we do not feel that Zamisdat’s integrity has been compromised by these associations.


1. We do not link To Fox News or Fox Business News.

2. We sometimes link to Fox affiliates.

3. We sometimes link to sites that contain a video that might have a snippet from Fox News (usually Tucker Carlson).

4. We try to avoid second hand news stories that are sourced from Fox News or Fox Business News.

5. We try to not link to sites with pay walls. This eliminates NYT and WaPo (who cares?) but also eliminates WSJ and Epoch Times. We hope that Epoch Times changes their business model because they are one of the best news outlets in the English language.

6. We believe it is more important than ever for Americans to monitor world affairs. The most influential man in America is probably George Soros and he is not in America–nor is he an American. Other understated influences on America include World Economic Forum, BBC, and CBC, to name but a few.

7. Most English language newspapers in non-English speaking countries are paid subscription sites. This presents an ongoing challenge to report on world affairs.

8. We try to avoid linking to mainstream media when possible We are not hesitant to link to mainstream sources if the news story involves raw data, such as the daily stock market or weather statistics or sports scores. Even then, we usually provide a “Mainstream” disclaimer. 

“Evening News” Weekend Edition (February 19, 2023) Read More »

“Evening News” (February 17, 2023)


Biden Administration refusing to help in East Palestine disaster


Michigan Derailment Update: Mainstream


Ask PolitiFact: We’ve seen reports of three train derailments this month. Is this normal? Quasi Mainstream


DEI ideology creates racism


“Project Veritas” Donor Recants Allegations, Defends O’Keefe Twitter


Idaho House Passes Bill to Begin “Greater Idaho” Discussions With Oregon


Bad Schools Aren’t Always Underfunded


“Say Hello To Snow White”: Ex-JPMorgan Exec Emailed Jeffrey Epstein About Disney Princesses


After School Satan Club Provokes Parent Outrage


Attack of The Killer Balloons from Outer Space

The national security threats such as C19 bioweapon injection are not allowed to be spoken about. Questioning the reckless propaganda that has escalated the war with Russia and the potential for nuclear war also appears taboo. Russian hypersonic missiles, nuclear subs off our coasts, an awful lot of nuclear bombs and missiles, that they may be forced to use in response, don’t worry about it. It is those pesty balloons that should occupy your mind. Don’t worry about the fact that graphene oxide and rubbery clots are now also showing up in the blood of the unvaccinated.



Thanks to Woodsterman


A Recycled Editorial From January 27, 2015


David Remnick: Portrait Of A Dupe


I used to read a bit. Some years ago a friend sent me a copy of “King Of The World: Muhammad Ali And The Rise Of An American Hero” by David Remnick.


The book was surprisingly great. It actually focused less on Muhammad Ali than on the forgotten characters around him. I wanted to cry after reading about the tragic lives of Sonny Liston and Floyd Patterson. Select passages haunt me but I had forgotten the title of the book or the name of the author.


Years later David Remnick would capture my attention as an absurd, over the top Obama sycophant. The term hagiographer would understate his position. Reading Remnick, we lay witness to the literal deification of Barack Obama.


I don’t mind repeating my position. Barack Obama is usually an empty suit who seeks constant attention. He sometimes morphs into a stuffed suit and the stuffing is toxic. He is a malignant personality and a sad excuse for a leader. Time will tell that this guy just is not all that bright but that facet of his personality will be overshadowed by his buffoonery, his petulance, his bullying and above all else, his chronic dishonesty.


I know that smart people do stupid things. Cults like Scientology recruit from an upscale, accomplished population. We should not be surprised smart people fall for the charms (for lack of a better term) of Barack Obama. Still, it is troubling that a writer as perceptive as David Remnick could be so easily conned. Writers are supposed to be above this sort of thing, though clearly they are not.


Sometimes a single victim captures a story better than a detailed account of carnage. The senseless mob who voted for the purveyor of Obama phones doesn’t tell the story like one hapless victim of a flimflam artist. David Remnick, gifted and accomplished writer, might be remembered for his iconic value. He would make the perfect poster child for dupes the world over. Who wouldn’t send a contribution?


“Evening News” (February 17, 2023) Read More »

“Evening News” (February 16, 2023)

On The Tyranny Of Proper Nouns


William F. Buckley is said to have remarked about fellow Bonesman, George W. Bush: “He’s conservative, but he’s not a Conservative.” 


I can’t even remember which talking head delivered that quote and I can’t verify that Buckley ever said such a thing. So of course, we can’t get anyone to clarify or elaborate. 


What exactly did Buckley mean? At the time, circa 2000, I took it to mean that Buckley was issuing a half-hearted approval. Yes, it would be so much better to elevate a candidate who hoisted the Big C from their mast, but we will settle for someone who shares our professed values. 


Maybe Buckley meant something different. Maybe he was on to the 1990’s Conservatives, and he witnessed how they had run on conservative principles and ultimately governed with Conservative practices. Gingrich et al, could have defanged the deep state and could have eased our tax burden. They chose not to.


Alinsky’s Rules are not just for Radicals. Every proper noun throws principle overboard and every attack becomes personal. Thus, a Whitewater investigation veered off to perseverate on the sex life of Bill Clinton. Trimming the bloated bureaucracy was scrapped to promote bloated bureaucrats. A pornographer named Larry Flynt would engage in checkbook journalism to expose the gross (in every sense of the word) hypocrisy of several GOP stalwarts. The Republicans would be seen as a party that stood only for themselves.


Can one support a tribe without being tribal? I think so. Are principles and proper nouns mutually exclusive? No, but..


People who identify as Democrat are openly hostile to democratic principles. Their political discourse largely consists of personal attacks.


People who identify as Liberal are invariably illiberal in the extreme. Their political discourse largely consists of personal attacks.


People who identify as Progressive are always retrogressive in their thoughts and actions (But it is such a stylish label, isn’t it?) Their political discourse largely consists of personal attacks.


Conservatives–as in those we might call Con Inc. — are openly hostile to conservative principles. Their political discourse largely consists of personal attacks.


So, what’s the takeaway? No labels?


Labels are unavoidable. So too, are loyalties. No entanglements might be a better credo. Stay true to your beliefs. Stay true to your values. People change over time. Values are timeless.

“Evening News” (February 16, 2023) Read More »

“Evening News” (February 15, 2023)





Dead Chickens Discovered Ten Miles From Toxic Leak YT



LACAG: Louisiana’s SOS Kyle Ardoin Is for the Third Time Pushing Dominion Voting Machines for the State’s Elections



The Federal Government Is Tracking the Unvaccinated



US Postal Service Sharing Private Information From 68 Million Households With Democrat Orgs, Could Be Used For Political Campaigning



Alabama USPS worker sentenced to 18 months for stealing mail



An Alabama Man Was Taken to Jail. Two Weeks Later, He Was Dead From Hypothermia.



A Massachusetts Bill Would Cut Prison Time For Organ Donations



Can the Feds Prosecute Douglass Mackey for His Twitter Trolling?



Sanders calls for minimum salary of $60,000 for public school teachers Mainstream



The Libertarian-Socialist Axis

Americans still benefit from the great civil engineering projects of the 1930s, 1950s, and 1960s. Where would Phoenix or Las Vegas be without Hoover Dam? Seattle without the Grand Coulee Dam? The Tennessee Valley without the rural electrification projects of the 1930s? California without the California Water Project and the Central Valley Projects of the 1950s and 1960s? America, without the interstate highway system? What about trying to get from downtown Boston to Logan Airport before the so-called Big Dig reduced the travel time to 15 minutes?




Should an illiterate young adult seek compensatory damages from the City or County that funded his thirteen years of public education? 

Should an illiterate young adult seek compensatory damages from the administrators of his thirteen years of public education? 

Should an illiterate young adult seek compensatory damages from his teachers in his thirteen years of public education? 

Should an illiterate young adult seek compensatory damages from the involved teachers’ unions in his thirteen years of public education? 

Should an illiterate young adult seek compensatory damages from the counselors who did not screen for neglect?

 Should an illiterate young adult seek compensatory damages from the mandated reporters who did not report ongoing neglect? 

 Should an illiterate young adult seek compensatory damages from his parents for their neglect?


Should an innumerate young adult seek compensatory damages from the City or County that funded his thirteen years of public education? 

Should an innumerate young adult seek compensatory damages from the administrators of his thirteen years of public education? 

Should an innumerate young adult seek compensatory damages from his teachers in his thirteen years of public education? 

Should an innumerate young adult seek compensatory damages from the involved teachers’ unions in his thirteen years of public education? 

Should an innumerate young adult seek compensatory damages from the counselors who did not screen for neglect?

Should an innumerate young adult seek compensatory damages from the mandated reporters who did not report ongoing neglect? 

Should an innumerate young adult seek compensatory damages from his parents for their neglect?


Should a young adult who cannot express the significance of the periodic table seek compensatory damages from the administrators of his thirteen years of public education? 

Should a young adult who cannot express the significance of the periodic table seek compensatory damages from the City or County that funded his thirteen years of public education? 

Should a young adult who cannot express the significance of the periodic table seek compensatory damages from his teachers in his thirteen years of public education? 

Should a young adult who cannot express the significance of the periodic table seek compensatory damages from his teachers in his thirteen years of public education? 

Should a young adult who cannot express the significance of the periodic table seek compensatory damages from the counselors who did not screen for neglect?

Should a young adult who cannot express the significance of the periodic table seek compensatory damages from the mandated reporters who did not report ongoing neglect? 

Should a young adult who cannot express the significance of the periodic table seek compensatory damages from his parents for their neglect? 



Should a young adult who cannot express the significance of the periodic table seek compensatory damages from the City or County that funded his thirteen years of public education? 

Should a young adult who cannot express the significance of the periodic table seek compensatory damages from his teachers in his thirteen years of public education? 

Should a young adult who cannot express the significance of the periodic table seek compensatory damages from his teachers in his thirteen years of public education? 

Should a young adult who cannot express the significance of the periodic table seek compensatory damages from the counselors who did not screen for neglect?

Should a young adult who cannot express the significance of the periodic table seek compensatory damages from the mandated reporters who did not report ongoing neglect? 

Should a young adult who cannot express the significance of the periodic table seek compensatory damages from his parents for their neglect? 


Should a young adult who cannot express the significance of World War II seek compensatory damages from the City or County that funded his thirteen years of public education? 

Should a young adult who cannot express the significance of World War II seek compensatory damages from his teachers in his thirteen years of public education? 

Should a young adult who cannot express the significance of World War II seek compensatory damages from his teachers in his thirteen years of public education? 

Should a young adult who cannot express the significance of World War II seek compensatory damages from the counselors who did not screen for neglect?

Should a young adult who cannot express the significance of World War II seek compensatory damages from the mandated reporters who did not report ongoing neglect? 

Should a young adult who cannot express the significance of  World War II seek compensatory damages from his parents for their neglect? 


Should a young adult who is not provided a detailed history of communism and socialism seek compensatory damages from the City or County that funded his thirteen years of public education? 

Should a young adult who is not provided a detailed history of communism and socialism seek compensatory damages from his teachers in his thirteen years of public education? 

Should a young adult who is not provided a detailed history of communism and socialism seek compensatory damages from his teachers in his thirteen years of public education? 

Should a young adult who is not provided a detailed history of communism and socialism seek compensatory damages from the counselors who did not screen for neglect?

Should a young adult who is not provided a detailed history of communism and socialism seek compensatory damages from the mandated reporters who did not report ongoing neglect? 

Should a young adult who is not provided a detailed history of communism and socialism seek compensatory damages from his parents for their neglect? 


Should a young adult who is not provided a detailed history of communism and socialism seek compensatory damages from the City or County that funded his thirteen years of public education? 

Should a young adult who is not provided a detailed history of communism and socialism seek compensatory damages from his teachers in his thirteen years of public education? 

Should a young adult who is not provided a detailed history of communism and socialism seek compensatory damages from his teachers in his thirteen years of public education? 

Should a young adult who is not provided a detailed history of communism and socialism seek compensatory damages from the counselors who did not screen for neglect?

Should a young adult who is not provided a detailed history of communism and socialism seek compensatory damages from the mandated reporters who did not report ongoing neglect? 

Should a young adult who is not provided a detailed history of communism and socialism seek compensatory damages from his parents for their neglect? 


Should a young adult who is economically ignorant seek punitive damages from the City or County that funded his thirteen years of public education? 

Should a young adult who is economically ignorant seek punitive damages from his teachers in his thirteen years of public education? 

Should a young adult who is economically ignorant seek punitive damages from his teachers in his thirteen years of public education? 

Should a young adult who is economically ignorant seek punitive damages from the counselors who did not screen for neglect?

Should a young adult who is economically ignorant seek punitive damages from the mandated reporters who did not report ongoing neglect? 

Should a young adult who is economically ignorant seek punitive damages from his parents for their neglect? 


Should a young adult who is not provided a vocational skill to compensate for the lack of a core curriculum seek punitive damages from the City or County that funded his thirteen years of public education? 

Should a young adult who is not provided a vocational skill to compensate for the lack of a core curriculum seek punitive damages from his teachers in his thirteen years of public education? 

Should a young adult who is not provided a vocational skill to compensate for the lack of a core curriculum seek punitive damages from his teachers in his thirteen years of public education? 

Should a young adult who is not provided a vocational skill to compensate for the lack of a core curriculum seek punitive damages from the counselors who did not screen for neglect?

Should a young adult who is not provided a vocational skill to compensate for the lack of a core curriculum seek punitive damages from the counselors who did not report the ongoing neglect?

Should a young adult who is not provided a vocational skill to compensate for the lack of a core curriculum seek punitive damages from his parents for their neglect? 


Should an illiterate or innumerate young adult file child neglect charges against the City or County that funded his thirteen years of public education? 

Should an illiterate or innumerate young adult file child neglect charges against the administrators of his thirteen years of public education? 

Should an illiterate or innumerate young adult file child neglect charges against his teachers in his thirteen years of public education? 

Should an illiterate or innumerate young adult file child neglect charges against the involved teachers’ unions in his thirteen years of public education?

Should an illiterate or innumerate young adult file child neglect charges against m the counselors who did not screen for neglect?

Should an illiterate or innumerate young adult file child neglect charges against the mandated reporters who did not report ongoing neglect? 

Should an illiterate or innumerate young adult file child neglect charges against his parents for their inaction?

“Evening News” (February 15, 2023) Read More »

“Evening News” (February 14, 2023)

A Recycled (But Still Relevant) Editorial.


Rush Limbaugh: Iconoclast


Rush Limbaugh was  perhaps the most influential person of his era.


I hate the descriptions. the templates, the cliches that describe this luminary: Right-wing, conservative, political lightning rod, blowhard, etc. He might have been some of those things and he might have been all of those things, but he was bigger than that. Much bigger.


Most of the world only knows the caricature of Rush Limbaugh, as they only know the caricature of anyone who threatens the status quo. Donald Trump, for instance. It is sad, if not tragic, that most people do not understand or appreciate Limbaugh’s significance. 


There were times when I would point out that the media had an overt bias and reflexively, the zombioid would spew “Fox News and Rush Limbaugh.” Let’s skip Faux News for now. The fact that the brainwashed actually considered a man with a microphone and fewer than ten employees with roughly ten hours (minus commercials) of midday programming, a counterbalance speaks loudly about the sheeple’s skewed perceptions. It also says a lot about the power of one David battling an army of Goliaths.


What is frustrating for me is that the Lefties never understood Limbaugh and they were so repulsed by his existence that they never took the time to listen to him. In his limited airtime, Limbaugh did not have the capability to advance a counter news cycle. He might have started out with an agenda, writing books like “The Way Things Ought To Be” but he soon morphed into a media pundit/critic/destroyer. An iconoclast extraordinaire!



As someone who does not consider himself a Conservative and who thinks Ronald Reagan was overrated and felt no allegiance to or fellowship with Jesse Helms, Oliver North, Dennis Hastert, Bob Livingston, Bob Dole, Dick Cheney, Colin Powell, and Phil N. DeBlanc, I am shouting to the heavens that Rush Limbaugh was more inspirational than all of these figures combined. Limbaugh’s  message was universal. His message transcended any ism.


More than anyone else, Rush Limbaugh freed our minds from the vice grip of news media. He might have started his career as a Reagan apologist, but he morphed into something much more powerful. By pointing out falsity after falsity after falsity promoted by MSM, Limbaugh (and other imitators who followed) advanced freedom of thought and expression on a scale never before witnessed.


Rush Limbaugh might be most responsible for the polarization of America (May God bless him once more.) The gulf is not Left vs. Right or Liberal vs. Conservative or any other such empty blather. We are divided by those who believe MSM is authoritative–if not infallible–and those of us who acknowledge that MSM is composed of nothing but high-priced whores who promote truth only when truth is to their advantage. The Hive Mind vs. the free mind.


By paper cut after paper cut after paper cut, Limbaugh bled the MSM and they are now but hollow imitations of their mighty personas.


Rush Limbaugh did not invent freedom of thought. Rush Limbaugh did not invent freedom of speech. Rush Limbaugh did not invent media heresy. Rush Limbaugh did not invent truth. Rush Limbaugh did, however, promote these values more successfully than anyone who has ever lived.

“Evening News” (February 14, 2023) Read More »

“Evening News (February 13, 2023)


What Can We Learn From The Biggest Lies People Believed About Covid?


A Rare Salute To The Boston FBI For Refusing Jan. 6 Improper Investigations On Citizens


Pittsford, NY: Reading Erotica At School Board Meeting Twitter


Baltimore: not one student at these 23 schools can do math at grade level


Ohio’s Apocalyptic Chemical Disaster Rages On


Burglary tourism on the rise in Southern California: OCSD


Pharma funded more than 2,400 state lawmaker campaigns in 2020


Died Suddenly Update


Blowing The Whistle On Medically-Sanctioned Child Abuse


Freelancers Wanted: Help Knock Out the Mainstream Propaganda Machine

“What’s the job?

Assignments will vary, and you’d be working under an editor (not me), but roughly: we’re trying to map a new wing of the U.S. government’s propaganda apparatus that popped into view thanks to the Twitter Files.

State-directed censorship is scary, but the more disturbing activity we’re seeing inside companies like Twitter involves what you might call “offensive” information operations, a type of aggressive official messaging that all governments practice but is supposed to be restricted by law in the United States.”



A Message To An Old Lefty Friend

 Yes, we are still friends in the wedding and funeral sense of friendship, but I do not want to hear your opinions because you don’t formulate your own opinions. You offshored that process years ago. Tell me what Google wants us to think and I will tell you what you think. Please excuse me for cutting out the middle man.


Your position is the consensus viewpoint of ABC, NBC, CBS, AP, Facebook, Yahoo, Bing, and of course, Google. I already heard it. The world has already heard it. No need for you to echo the slogan, the catchphrase, the cliche. We already heard it!


Yes, we can mingle for short periods of time, so long as the conversation stays petty. But for better or worse, small talk does not stay small these days. The elephant is always in the room. I would not care to discuss matters of substance with you, because I would not be talking with the you I had once known. I would be debating the Google Agenda.


Yes, I have changed but so have you, and you have strayed further from your baseline. I would have never befriended the parrot of pabulum you have become.


Is the feeling mutual? Do you also want to avoid talking to me? Thank goodness! What a relief! I don’t want to hear your third hand recital of state-sanctioned slogans, and you don’t want to consume anything that is not pre-chewed for you. Parting has become more sweet than sorrow.


Yes, we can still be old friends. And should you cultivate a non-uniform thought, please give me a call. Should that not happen, I will see you at the next funeral.

“Evening News (February 13, 2023) Read More »

“Evening News” Weekend Edition (February 11, 2023)


Another Study Refutes Left’s False Claims Against Voter ID and Secure Elections


House Republicans Block DC Law That Would Allow Illegal Residents To Vote


THREAD: The Project Veritas Coup


Disinformation Inc: Meet the groups hauling in cash to secretly blacklist conservative news


Doctors at Pediatric Transgender Center Could Lose Their Licenses in Wake of Whistleblower Testimony


How Cartels Took Over California’s Desert and Turned It to Lawless Land YT


The Fight To Criminalize Opioid Prescribing


Record Fentanyl Haul in Miami Shows Shift in Trafficking Routes


Jordan Peterson Interviews Victor Davis Hanson: The Downfall Of The Ivy League YT


DIE training is the opposite of all the good it claims to be

…”For example, Glenn Singleton, a wealthy ‘diversity’ trainer, teaches that ‘white talk’ is ‘impersonal, intellectual, verbal’ and ‘task-oriented,’ while ‘color commentary’ is ’emotional.'” 

One would normally expect to hear this sort of thing from a white supremacist, but Singleton is black.  The same goes for the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture, which proclaims, among other things, that emphasis on the scientific method, delayed gratification, planning for the future, and the Protestant work ethic are “white” characteristics.”




“Evening News” Weekend Edition (February 11, 2023) Read More »