
Truth For Truth's Sake


“Evening News” (March 16, 2023)


Boone County, Missouri has joined a left-wing, dark money-linked election organization one watchdog warns could endanger election integrity


Here’s Where GOP Election Officials Stand On Their State’s Ties To A Leftist-Controlled Voter Roll ‘Maintenance’ Group


Obama and Other Democrats Are Destroying the First Amendment by Design


‘We Are Under Siege,’ Border County Sheriff Tells House Republicans as Democrats Skip Hearing


Joe Biden’s partisanship helped make the Silicon Valley Bank failure possible


At first, I was fine with the lockdowns. I should have known better


Feds’ Foreign-Corruption Double Standard: They Protected Bidens Even as They Bore Down on Trumpworld


Exposing the DEI Scam


Portland: Neighbors describe hellish conditions living near squatters


Overschooled and Undereducated

You mention that before the Industrial Revolution, most human beings of both sexes had to be devoted to their families and getting through from one winter to the next; but if you did want to find great numbers of highly literate women, you had best look to where the Christians were. It won’t matter. You won’t change anybody’s mind, because there isn’t a mind in play to change. You have been assuming that you are engaged in a search for truth, when it has always been a matter of what the right people are supposed to say.

“Evening News” (March 16, 2023) Read More »

“Evening News” (March 15, 2023)


SVB collapse: Chuck Schumer and Maxine Waters to relinquish political donations


Reaction To Silicon Valley Bank Collapse YT


Great Depression II: Collapse of banks exposes chinks in US financial system


Paul Sperry reports DEVELOPING story on startling connection between Janet Yellen and #SVBCollapse


Gross Incompetency v. Greed: Zach Abraham Gives ‘Inside the Machine’ Intel on the Silicon Valley Bank Collapse


Bank Failures, Bailouts Show How to Crash Economy, Big-Government Style


How Biden’s New Washing Machine Regulations Could Ruin Laundry Day


The sad state of free speech in America illustrated by three top universities


Half of Americans think most national news orgs intend to mislead or misinform the public, new report finds


The J6 Committee’s Obstruction of Justice

Princess Pelosi and her minions on the J6 Committee concealed over forty thousand hours of video. In that library are segments documenting how multiple people were beaten, and some even killed. Others have died in jail without being able to present a defense. Other video shows what appear to be agents provocateur working to stir up the crowd. In short, the J6 Committee concealed evidence of their own criminality while preventing innocents from presenting legitimate defenses to trumped-up criminal charges. This is “concealing” and “covering up” evidence “with the intent to impede, obstruct, or influence the investigation or proper administration of any matter within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States.”

A message from Zamisdat Editor-in-Chief and Primary Snow Shoveler


We put out two editions yesterday. Pats on the back and giant group hug. We have anticipated an economic downturn for a long time. When not if.  


Is the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank the start of the avalanche? Oh, by the way, Signature Bank went belly up also. Nothing to see here, folks. 


What about Silvergate? Are banks that begin with the letter ‘S’ jinxed? That’s probably it. 


Zamisdat editors generally let others give advice, but it might be a good idea to stockpile things like batteries, paper products, drinking water…sure, a generator and an arsenal would be nice, but at least safeguard those things you are going to use eventually. 


Zamisdat will offer irregular updates as the collapse unfolds (how’s that for mixed metaphor on a plaid and polka dot scale?) 



“Evening News” (March 15, 2023) Read More »

“Evening News” Snowstorm Edition (March 14, 2023)


Looming Bank Failures Point to More Price Inflation as Real Wages Fall Again


Bailouts Should Not Be the Norm


The Cover-up Begins


House Democrats Attack Messengers in ‘Politicization of Government’ Hearing


Clif High Predicts The Near Future Bitchute


A Bank Crisis Was Predictable. Was the Fed Lying or Blind?


It is poetic that Barney Frank was serving as the director of Signature Bank at the time of its capture. This emergency action from the feds signals the failure of Frank’s key legislative accomplishment, the 2010 Dodd-Frank Act. The bill designated large financial institutions as “systemically important financial institutions,” with an additional layer of regulatory scrutiny as a means to end “too big to fail.”


Instead, the bill consolidated community banks into larger regional banks and empowered financial regulators that have now proven to be blind to the underlying risks of the banks. After all, it was state bank regulators, not the feds, that raised the flag on both SVB and Signature. Meanwhile, the hyper-fragile environment of the post-2008 financial crisis has created an environment where most financial institutions are treated as too big to fail, with no one too small to bear the costs.


Guest Editorialist:
Joseph Campbell



. “Life is like arriving late for a movie, having to figure out what was going on without bothering everyone with a lot of questions, and then being unexpectedly called away before you find out how it ends”.

“Evening News” Snowstorm Edition (March 14, 2023) Read More »

“Evening News” Early Edition (March 14, 2023)


Silicon Valley Bank Provided Massive Amounts of Capital to Chinese Tech Ventures


Was Silicon Valley Bank’s collapse triggered by a NEWSLETTER? Well-regarded tech expert’s mailer first flagged bank’s 185:1 debt-to-asset ratio in February, spooking VCs who follow him avidly


Exchanges halt trading of several bank stocks, amid volatile trading after two banks fail Mainstream


Is A Wild Bank Implosion The Meltdown That Will Eclipse ’08?


Senator Mark Kelly Called For Social Media Censorship To Prevent Bank Runs


How Biden and the Fed Caused Silicon Valley Bank to Tank


‘Bail Out Rich People’: What You Need to Know About Biden Administration’s Silicon Valley Bank Action


Retail Shoplifting On A Wholesale Basis, Woodland, CA Rumble


USA BANK RUN PANIC as Third Bank COLLAPSES in 5 Days. Signature Bank Closed by FDIC after BANK RUN YT


More Speculation From Badlands Media

If you enter “Schedule F” into the search query on their homepage, as I did recently, you’ll get quite a range of articles. Clearly, Schedule F is a subject of existential interest to our overlords hovering around the federal government.


Side note of interest to me: I performed a similar search on the “Reason” magazine website, an online gathering place for libertarians, a group reportedly deeply interested in “limited government,” etc., and to my genuine surprise, no results for Schedule F were presented. My, my, my.

Guest Editorialist:
Milton Friedman


The only corporate social responsibility a company has is to maximize its profits.


“Evening News” Early Edition (March 14, 2023) Read More »

“Evening News” (March 13, 2023)


SVB Bank Went Woke, Then Broke


The Parliamentary Motive Behind the J6 Fedsurrection – The Last Refuge 


NJ Dad Arrested After Letting His Child Walk Outside


Inspectors General Estimate $276 Billion of Fraud, Waste in Pandemic Relief Funds: ‘Biggest Fraud in a Generation


Peter Navarro: Who Does Tucker Think He Is?




Tucker Carlson Interviewed On Redacted YT. Two takeaways: Carlson was asked why he was given the Capitol video archive. “Because we asked for it.” Later, in the interview, Carlson asks that the contents of the video collection be crowd-sourced. We second that proposal.


Statement from President Joe Biden on Actions to Strengthen Confidence in the Banking System“The Titanic has emerged unscathed from its close enocunter with an iceberg and will arrive at its destination on schedule.”


Newark accidentally enters into ‘sister city’ deal with fake city


Medical Freedom – LewRockwell

As Weinstein explains, there are several things in dire need of discussion. For starters, there’s the issue of YouTube’s community guidelines and posting rules, which are so vague that it’s impossible to determine beforehand if something is going to be deemed in violation.

Violations, in turn, threaten the ability of people like Weinstein to make a living. His entire family depends on the income generated through his YouTube channel. He now has two strikes against him, where YouTube claims he’s been posting ‘spam” and “medical misinformation.’ One more, and the entire channel will be demonetized.

A central problem here is, who determines what misinformation is? YouTube has taken the stance that anything that goes against what the World Health Organization says is medical misinformation. However, the WHO doesn’t always agree with other public health agencies.


Guest Editorialist:
Eric Hoffer


Far more critical than what we know or what we don’t know is what we don’t want to know.




Thanks To David Strom At Hot Air

“Evening News” (March 13, 2023) Read More »

“Evening News” Weekend Edition (March 11, 2023)


6 Takeaways From House’s Hearing on Clean Elections


Tucker Carlson’s Naysayers Self-Identify for All to See


Jason Chansley: “Donald Trump Has Asked Everybody to Go Home…We’re Going to Obey Our President!” Rumble


DOJ Admits They Didn’t Have Discovery for the Surveillance Video


The Censorship Complex Isn’t A ‘Tinfoil Hat’ Conspiracy, And The ‘Twitter Files’ Just Dropped More Proof


How Deep Is The Censorship Rabbit Hole?


THREAD: Undeniable Proof that Climate Change Will End the World in 2024 If We Don’t Act Now!


NYC Residents Say City’s New Climate Law Could Ruin Their Lives




Status of the Everything Bubble Created by the Fed

Stated differently, the unfolding recession is a long overdue and necessary purge of artificial economic activity stimulated and subsidized by the central bank’s own financial repression policies.


The Fed’s belated attempt to “normalize” interest rates, therefore, is not a mean-spirited policy to deliberately cause labor, manufacturing capacity and other economic resources to be idled. To the contrary, it’s a belated attempt to unshackle markets from the excesses, bubbles, malinvestments, inefficiencies and unsustainabilities that were the inherent results of decades of reckless money-printing


Guest Editorialist:

John Taylor Gatto


“Independent study, community service, adventures and experience, large doses of privacy and solitude, a thousand different apprenticeships — the one-day variety or longer — these are all powerful, cheap, and effective ways to start a real reform of schooling. But no large-scale reform is ever going to work to repair our damaged children and our damaged society until we force open the idea of “school” to include family as the main engine of education. If we use schooling to break children away from parents — and make no mistake, that has been the central function of schools since John Cotton announced it as the purpose of the Bay Colony schools in 1650 and Horace Mann announced it as the purpose of Massachusetts schools in 1850 — we’re going to continue to have the horror show we have right now.”

― John Taylor Gatto, Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling

“Evening News” Weekend Edition (March 11, 2023) Read More »

“Evening News” (March 10, 2023)


Has the FBI Been ‘Weaponized’ by Politics? – Rasmussen Reports®


Here Are Five Horrific and Unforgettable Videos of January 6 Police Violence That Were Not Yet Picked Up in Tucker Carlson’s January 6 Capitol Hill Coverage This Week


Boston Mayor Faces Lawsuits Over Discrimination Against White People Mainstream


RNC, Vermont GOP Sue City Of Winooski For Letting Noncitizens Vote On Spending State Funds


IRS audit finds 42,000 feds cheating on taxes


‘It’s Appalling’: QAnon Shaman’s Lawyer Says DOJ Lied, Withheld Videos Aired By Carlson


Virginia Teachers Union Pushes Senate Democrats To End ‘Anti-Asian’ Victims Of Communism Day


Dear Conservatives, I Apologize. Dr. Naomi Wolf


All Hell Breaks Loose After Sylvia Garcia Demands Matt Taibbi Tell Her About His Sourcing YT


The Censored Generation

But what is society to expect when those doing the censorship seem to see absolutely nothing wrong with it, and that it didn’t even occur to them that what they were engaged in—often at the specific request of governmental agencies—was at all a problem?

For a generation that has grown up with speech codes, enforced nicety, automatic deference to the feelings of others, and has been swaddled in bubble wrap against the vagaries of life, censoring of speech is not only not an ethical leap, it is the right thing to do.

Couple that with a permanent, purposeful self-infantilization that makes them defer to (or incoherently rage at for NOT censoring speech) anyone they perceive to be a grown-up—such as former FBI bigwig James Baker at Twitter—and the stage is not only set, but the terrifying end of the play writes itself.



America is Losing on Crypto


So Far In 2023, Announced Job Cuts Are Running 427 Percent Higher Than They Were At This Time In 2022


OPEC Is Back In Control Of The Oil Market

500+ Lab Tests Available



NBA Betting Trends


Why Funeral Homes Are Vanishing Across America YT


Utah 2022 Deer Harvest Reflects Double Digit Hunter Success



Upper Cervical Manipulation YT. Note: Don’t try this at home. 



The Dominican Republic – The Caribbean’s Cocaine Hub




Alex Jones Interviews Roseanne Barr Rumble. Note: This is the meeting of two oversized personalities. The editors are both respectful and leery of each of these pop culture icons. We have never quite figured out either one of them, but they are always full of surprises. And they keep rising from the ashes again and again and again…Roseanne appears circa 1;25:00



The Case For The Second Amendment: Twitter


Guest Editorialist:

Thomas Szasz 


A person cannot make another happy, but he can make him unhappy. This is the main reason why there is more unhappiness than happiness in the world.

“Evening News” (March 10, 2023) Read More »

“Evening News” (March 9, 2023)


“They Lied To The Public!” – Reaction To Tucker Carlson Leaking January 6 Footage YT


Has Fox News Already Squelched The J6 Coverage? Twitter


Why Democrats are dreading a full Jan. 6 reveal Mainstream


Jan. 6 committee chairman denies panel selectively edited Capitol footage


Did the “QAnon Shaman” Get Shafted on Sentencing? New Footage Raises Questions Over the Chansley Case


Bannon: The Murdoch’s “Blood Oath” To Keep President Trump Out Of Office Rumble


BLM Rioters Get $6M Because Cops Didn’t Wear Face Masks


Matt Taibbi’s Statement To Congress




BlackRock’s tyrannical ESG agenda

But for huge investors such as BlackRock, attending shareholder meetings remained a rather inefficient method of coercing company managers into accepting the Good News of ESG. By 2012, Larry Fink had already discovered a far better method: the royal proclamation.

Fink’s first few letters contained tell-tale signs of the revolution to come, particularly in 2015, when he chastised managers for returning too much money to their investors in dividends and buybacks. Then, in his 2018 letter, he went a step further, advocating that CEOs step away from traditional shareholder capitalism and toward ESG by embracing the idea of “stakeholders”. In his words: “Companies must benefit all of their stakeholders, including shareholders, employees, customers, and the communities in which they operate.” “Every company,” he wrote, “must not only deliver financial performance, but also show how it makes a positive contribution to society.” Allow me to translate: On behalf of millions of shareholders I’ve never met, I declare that they no longer truly own the companies they have invested in. Society does.

As Vivek Ramaswamy convincingly argues in his book Woke, Inc., this feint of widening the pool of “stakeholders” beyond shareholders marginalises the shareholder and elevates the manager. By making companies answerable to everyone, proponents of stakeholder capitalism make them answerable to no one.


A Concise Open Letter To Speaker McCarthy


Honorable Mr. Speaker; Please release the 40,000 hours of January 6, 2023 video footage to more sources than Tucker Carlson and Fox News. Fox News has demonstrated a chronic deficit of journalistic probity and Carlson has shown himself to be a coward, at least where election integrity is concerned. Carlson has delivered so far, but many of us fear that he will turn off the faucet if his bigger-than-NBA salary is threatened. In this case, disclosure to one party is better than disclosure to zero parties, but disclosure to ten or twenty, or thirty parties would be better secure the exercise of transparency. Thank you in advance for your assistance.


Zamisdat Editor-in-Chief

“Evening News” (March 9, 2023) Read More »

“Evening News” (March 8, 2023)


Weaponized FTC Demands Twitter Hand Over Journalists’ Work


DAVID MARCUS: The $3M, two-year January 6th committee was destroyed by a single devastating cable news segment – because the left was never interested in truth. They just wanted revenge


Elon Musk Slams Mitch McConnell Over Criticism Of Tucker Carlson’s January 6 Broadcast


Biden ‘Weaponizes’ Feds to Boost Democratic Voter Turnout, Ohio Secretary of State Says


The red-state education revolution


Masked Youths Ransack New York City Restaurant (Video)


How the Biden White House, Federal Agencies, and Federal Contractors eliminated disfavored information on COVID-19


Anger As Djokovic Withdraws From US Open; STILL BANNED From Entering U.S. Due To Vaccination Status


Media distortions: What’s really going on in effort to silence Fox News


The battle to control America’s mind

Enter the fact-checkers. As a profession, fact-checking was once a minor ornament of the grand edifice of mid-20th-century American journalism. As that edifice collapsed in the face of competition from internet platforms, which hoovered up all their advertising dollars, fact-checkers began to replace actual journalists. Between 1990 and 2017, US newspapers lost more than a quarter of a million jobs, a decline of more than half. Meanwhile, between 2014 and June 2021, the number of fact-checking organisations in the US — employing mostly freelance workers with no particular qualifications or prior experience — rose from 44 to 341, an increase of nearly 800%, the vast bulk of that rise having been funded in order to support the false assertion that “foreign disinformation” had swung the 2016 election in favour of Trump.



As Fox News Becomes The News Cycle


The biggest news story this week is Tucker Carlson. Speaker McCarthy recently gave the Fox News host over 40,000 hours of video related to the fiasco known as the January 6 Insurrection. Carlson has released less than 40 minutes of video, and he is already dominating the news cycle.

Zamisdat has a policy of not linking to Fox News. We have linked to “Mother Jones”, “Slate”, “Salon”, “Los Angeles Times”, “Tass”, “Al Jazeera” and to a pdf posted by “Washington Post” as well as a pdf posted by “New York Times”. We have never linked to Fox News or Fox Business News.

It is Zamisdat’s position that Fox News engages in enhanced deception by promoting a faux “alternative news” perspective as well as a fake “just the facts” practice. They were MIA on all things COVID until they could no longer ignore the flimflam and they fired the one correspondent who addressed election fraud in 2020. Fox News is the poster child for sanctioned dissidence.

But if Fox News is the story–and for now Tucker Carlson is bigger than the J6 narrative–then the Zamisdat editors are duty bound to watch Tucker Carlson. He is pretty easy to find these days. So, we watched.

In fairness to Carlson, he delivered a journalistic grand slam. In just one segment Carlson destroyed the January 6 Committee’s credibility. A two-year soap opera is reduced to a discussion of things like perjury, oath of office and exculpatory evidence. The only video more satisfying than the revelations are the media’s whining and complaining and protesting against transparency.

As good as Carlson’s reports are, we will not be waving the Fox News pennant. Fool us once, shame on them. Fool us ten thousand times…Fox News has taken a “Report No Evil” stance on election fraud and their Anti-Trump bias shows no sign of abating.

Let’s come back to a pertinent question. Why did McCarthy give the video evidence only to Carlson? If not the entire world, why not hand the evidence to a half dozen trusted souls? Does McCarthy want something in particular to be occluded? Can Carlson be trusted to keep silent? We know the answer to the second query.

Let us reap our rewards where we find them. Some people are leery of Elon Musk but let’s not forget to savor “The Twitter Files.” Carlson might be a turncoat and a coward, but his J6 coverage has been about as good as journalism gets. As long as Carlson stays on J6, Zamisdat will be watching.


“Evening News” (March 8, 2023) Read More »

“Evening News” (March 7, 2023)


Secret CDC Reports confirm 535k American Children & Young Adults have died since the FDA approved the COVID-19 Vaccine, resulting in a shocking 50% increase in Excess Deaths


Why Hasn’t the FDA Recalled the COVID ‘Vaccines’?


If Connecticut And Washington Democrats Get Their Way, Voting Will Become Mandatory


Even More AZ Election Law Abuse


NYC official says city is spending an estimated $5M a day on housing, feeding migrants Mainstream


China Openly Infiltrates Our Political System, and America’s Media Doesn’t Seem to Care


Blockchain, Good. Blockchain Voting, Bad.


‘Do As I Say, But Not As I Do?’ Bill Gates Slammed as ‘Climate Hypocrite’ Over Private Jet


More On The Pfizer Offshoot That Is Pushing Mandatory Chicken Vaccinations


If Trump Had Prevailed in 2020

Biden’s predecessor implemented a strategic series of policies that were successful in reversing the destructive leftist agenda of the Obama administration. Donald Trump restored America’s economy, lowered unemployment, made us energy independent, stood up to China’s expansionist foreign policy and one-sided economic practices, took the U.S. out of the pernicious Paris Accord, enhanced peace in the Middle East, and stabilized conditions on the southern border.


All of Trump’s actions accrued to the benefit of the nation. “I don’t care whether you like Trump or not,” said Bill O’Reilly. “Trump governed this nation in a responsible way where everybody prospered. And if you don’t believe that, you’re a moron.” Despite these achievements, voters rejected the prosperity of the Trump years in favor of Joe Biden and his left-wing lunacy. Joe set out right away to reverse everything Trump accomplished. As a direct result, the country is in terrible shape.


As we approach the 2024 presidential election, it is a good time to contemplate what kind of shape the U.S. would be in if Donald Trump had prevailed in 2020.

“Evening News” (March 7, 2023) Read More »