How Career Bureaucrats and Democrats Weaponized the IRS
Trump White House Shakes Up Press Briefing Room With New Blow to Legacy Media: Editorial Comment: This is a more significant story than one might consider at first glance. The consensus media, a collective plural, was and is the essential ingredient for the maintenance of the status quo/the deep state/the ruling class/the Democrat Party. This is a falling tower moment.
The Feds and Their Own Bribery
What Will the Trump Wrecking Ball Hit Next? Insert giddy laughter here.
Court of Federal Claims Vaccine Attorneys
Remember When We Worshipped Unelected Authoritarians?
Bills Keeping Foreign Money Out Of Ballot Measure Campaigns Pick Up Steam In Republican States
Angry Democratic donors turn off the flow of money (Mainstream)
“They Wanted Me to Stay Quiet, But I’m Speaking Up NOW… | Victor Davis Hanson” YT
VOA Kurdish: US increases airstrikes against al-Qaida affiliate in Syria
Eastern and Southern African blocs weigh deployment to eastern DRC
DISASTER: Sweden had 32 bombings in January.
A Visit From Starmer’s ‘Have You Accepted Labour As Your Lord and Savior’ Goons
COVID lockdowns in Canada cost small businesses $60 million in first year alone
Brazil coup charges could end Bolsonaro’s political career − but they won’t extinguish Bolsonarismo
Argentina designates Venezuela’s Tren de Aragua as ‘terrorist’ group (Mainstream)
Orbán: Hungary’s government is introducing Europe’s biggest tax reduction program
Trump Announces $5 Million “Gold Card” To “World-Class” Foreigners To Pay Down Deficit
Protectionism: the -ism which teaches that waste makes wealth | Online Library of Liberty
Top Ten Percent Account for Half of All Spending, Up From 36 Percent (Mainstream Sourced)
Avalanche Visa Card Goes Live Aiming to Further the Mass Adoption of Crypto
Companies are coming to Texas to develop a new generation of nuclear reactors
The Howard Stern Show – Donald Trump on Michael Jackson 2004/01/07 (YT)
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6. We believe it is more important than ever for Americans to monitor world affairs. The most influential man in America is probably George Soros and he is not in America–nor is he an American. Other understated influences on America include World Economic Forum, BBC, and CBC, to name but a few.
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