
Truth For Truth's Sake

Top 25 News Stories (February 23, 2024)


Odysseus craft touches down, becoming first U.S. lunar landing in decades


Report: 186 Now-Removed Arizona Voter Roll Names Were Foreign Nationals


NY City Council Calls for Investigation into Mayor Eric Adams’ Plan to Hand Illegals $10K Pre-Paid Debit Cards


CBS faces uproar after seizing investigative journalist’s files (Mainstream)


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Business People Will Flee NY & Judge Engoron Continues Abusing His Power


Number of Chinese migrants crossing the border at San Diego now exceeds Mexicans and is second only to Colombians with 21,000 entering there in the past five months


What We are Witnessing in the Democrats’ Administration of Justice Is Totally Corrupt Weaponized Law Used As a Weapon


Google pauses Gemini’s ability to generate people after overcorrecting for diversity in historical images (Mainstream)


Former Deadspin staffer charged with 14 federal crimes (Mainstream)


A Digital Coup d’Etat

Among that which was censored was criticism of the inoculation potion that was being rolled out and which would eventually be forced on populations all over the world. They said it was 95 percent effective, but it wasn’t clear what that could mean. No coronavirus had ever been controlled by any vaccination. How could this be true? It wasn’t true. Nor did the shot stop the spread.

Many people said this at the time. But we couldn’t hear them. Their voices were muffled or silenced. The social media companies had already been taken over by government-connected interests working on behalf of intelligence agencies. We had believed that these tools were designed to increase our connections with others and enable free speech. Now they were being used to broadcast a preset regime narrative.

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The Mother of All Fiscal Cliffs


70% of largest U.S. cities don’t have enough money to cover costs


More Truckers RISE UP against NYC as Civil War Fears SURGE!!! (YT) Editor’s Note:  Steve Turley is pompous, frequently wrong in his electoral predictions and his analysis is big-word/shallow pool. And his hucksterism annoys me more than most hucksterites.On the matter of how a civil war might play out, however, he is on target. The power elite might not feel so mighty when food and Evian, and fuel are in short supply and their infrastructure crumbles. The immediate question is  are ther enough truckers onboard with a NYC boycott to make a difference?



15.5 million Toshiba laptop adapters recalled for fire and burn hazards (Mainstream)


26 Stores are Leaving NYC… Because of Theft (YT)


Trump BREAKS Internet With Surprise GOLDEN Sneaker Drop, Sold OUT in Seconds (YT)



Dave Grohl on vaccine requirements for Foo Fighter shows  (Mainstream) (YT)


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1. We do not link To Fox News or Fox Business News.

2. We sometimes link to Fox affiliates.

3. We sometimes link to sites that contain a video that might have a snippet from Fox News.

4. We try to avoid second hand news stories that are sourced from Fox News or Fox Business News.

5. We try to not link to sites with pay walls. This eliminates NYT and WaPo (who cares?) but also eliminates WSJ and Epoch Times. We hope that Epoch Times changes their business model because they are one of the best news outlets in the English language.

6. We believe it is more important than ever for Americans to monitor world affairs. The most influential man in America is probably George Soros and he is not in America–nor is he an American. Other understated influences on America include World Economic Forum, BBC, and CBC, to name but a few.

7. Most English language newspapers in non-English speaking countries are paid subscription sites. This presents an ongoing challenge to report on world affairs.

8. We try to avoid linking to mainstream media when possible We are not hesitant to link to mainstream sources if the news story involves raw data, such as the daily stock market or weather statistics or sports scores. Even then, we usually provide a “Mainstream” disclaimer.