1. Larry Sinclair might be the most underrated and underreported figure in US history.
2. Speculatively, I do not believe Obama would have chosen Joe Biden as his running mate in 2008 were it not for Larry Sinclair.
3. Had Biden never served as vice president, he would never have become president.
4. Had Biden never become president the US might not have blown up the Nord Stream pipeline, we might not be funding a proxy war in Ukraine, we might not have discussed the increased probability of nuclear war, we might not see a global de-dollarization movement, we might not experience runaway inflation, product shortages, and endure economic calamity on the home front. “Let’s go Brandon” would not be part of the zeitgeist.
5. I am not entirely buying Tucker Carlson’s newfound integrity, his midlife professional crisis, his great awakening or whatever he is now selling. Once a Foxhole, always a Foxhole. Thanks for coming to the party 15 YEARS too late, Mr. Moneybags Journalist!
6. The suppression of the Larry Sinclair story challenges the integrity of every Con, Inc. luminary, including Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, and Mark Levin.
7. The Sinclair saga unmasked the news media as suppressors of truth. It would usher in an era where news media would attack independent voices rather than evaluate the legitimacy of their stories.
8. At this site, we posed the question “If Mitt Romney’s choir director, who openly bragged about having sexual relations with Romney, was gunned down days before the launching of Mitt’s presidential campaign, would the story make national news?” It’s a rhetorical question. Kind of like asking do Black lives matter? Yes, Black lives do matter unless your name is Donald Young. Will Carlson “go there”?
An overview: In 2008, Larry Sinclair attempted to steal the national spotlight by declaring that he had twice performed oral sex on Barack Obama. More significantly, he reported that Obama smoked crack cocaine during each encounter.
The news media tried to ignore Sinclair. He would be dismissed as a Clinton dirty trick, sometimes referred to as “the Hillary guy.”
Suddenly, Larry Sinclair was removed from the public’s view, He would be transported to Delaware to face charges that he previously defrauded a Rodeway Inn. These charges would later be dropped but coupled with the hijacking of Sinclair’s websites as well as the instant discontinuance of his Social Security disability payments, the Hillary guy would be silenced until after the November election.
Despite his wrongful incarceration and further abuses, Larry Sinclair would write “Barack Obama & Larry Sinclair: Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder?” It would be the first Kindle purchase and I have to say, it did not disappoint. In 15 years of media shunning and harassments innumerable, Sinclair has not changed his tune.
Here, I speculate a little bit. Why did Barack Obama select Joe Biden as his running mate? With a name like Barack Hussein Obama, the Dems wanted a mainstream white person to “balance the ticket.” Hillary or Gore would have wrecked Obama’s food-taster budget. Bill Richardson might have been a little too ethnic and Joe Lieberman was a little too tribe. Why not John Kerry? Or John Edwards? Why not some 40-year-old who would be well-groomed and well-recognized for 2016? Why Joe Biden?
Joe Biden performed terribly in his presidential primary efforts because he was not popular or particularly likable. Journalists who like the word “charisma” left it on the shelf when discussing Joe. Biden’s intellect was not respected by his fellow senators. But Biden was a team player. And yes, Biden played ball.
In 2008, Joe Biden’s late son, Beau, served as Attorney General for the state of Delaware. Would the Biden Family fabricate charges against an innocent man to silence him until after the election? Would the Bidens engage in brazen criminal recklessness to ultimately rig a presidential election? Is that how Joe Biden muscled his way onto the ticket?
Could I prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the Bidens conspired to illegally incarcerate an innocent man? I couldn’t. Could I present a preponderance of evidence that would suggest that Joe Biden had used Stasi tactics to unlawfully jail a political dissident and help rig a presidential election, all for the price of becoming the Democrat vice-presidential nominee? It has already been done.
When Larry Sinclair needed a lifeline, Republican stalwarts and Conservative icons dutifully tossed him their bricks. We, the scattered Davids armed with pea shooters would be effortlessly ignored by the army of Goliaths. Larry Sinclair deserved better treatment than we could provide. Maybe, just maybe, the upcoming Carlson interview will provide a morsel of justice for this wrongly persecuted man. We can dream, can’t we?