$20M and Counting: Tally on Foreign Money to Biden Family Rises With Release of New Bank Records
These ballots were in sequential order which is impossible for mail in ballots. X
Republicans Investigating J6 Committee Suggest Dems Destroyed Evidence In Apparent Cover Up
FBI Director Lied Under Oath on Memo Targeting ‘Radical Traditional Catholics,’ New Memo Suggests
What Biographer Garrow Missed in His Obama Takedown
How the DNC Rigs the Primaries
Will They Ever Come Clean About the Damage They Caused?
We’ve all seen this same denialism regarding other instances of misbehavior. Initially, the transgressor denies any wrongdoing. Then, when confronted with specific proof, he understates the magnitude and/or frequency of the misconduct. These incomplete, and thus ultimately dishonest, admissions assuage his guilt and allow him to, at least in his own mind, save face and continue his self-deception. Like the child who hides his eyes and thinks you can’t see him because he can’t see you, the self-deceiving misrepresenter thinks he’s also deceiving the listener.
After 41 months, Coronamania exponents find themselves in the same place as unrecovering alcoholics. For nearly three-and-a-half years, they’ve wildly lied about Covid’s danger. In particular, they cited grossly inflated death tolls to build panic and to justify their failed interventions. Nearly all of those said to have died “from Covid” were old, sick and/or obese and would have died soon whether infected or not. Those who didn’t fit this profile likely died iatrogenically from destructive hospital protocols, such as ventilation and kidney-damaging Remdesivir.
France, Niger and Why Five Basis Points Continue to Change the World
U.S.-Led NATO Drowns Ukraine in a Bloodbath
Leaked cipher points to US role in ex-Pakistani PM Khan’s ouster
Germany compensates homosexual soldiers for historic systemic discrimination
The Left Loves Humanity But Hates People
Who was Fernando Villavicencio, presidential hopeful shot dead in Ecuador?
Corrupt Officials Key to Trafficking Networks in Venezuela
Three Armed Men Captured on Camera Crossing Border into Texas
Fauci successor at NIAID peddled dangerous Remdesivir drug as ‘silver bullet’ against Covid-19
Easy Money Is a Much Bigger Economic Problem than Debt
Bonds of China’s Largest Property Developer Crash to 25 Percent of Notional Value
Thank Unions: Hottest Job Is $170k UPS Driver
SEC settles with Bittrex and its ex-CEO for $24M following ‘scrubbing’ charges
How blockchain is helping Northern Trust self-execute contracts
Chris Miller Thanks VP Pence for Efforts in Most Complex Military Operation in History? YT Editor’s Note: This clip is still a head scratcher.
1. We do not link To Fox News or Fox Business News.
2. We sometimes link to Fox affiliates.
3. We sometimes link to sites that contain a video that might have a snippet from Fox News (usually Tucker Carlson).
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6. We believe it is more important than ever for Americans to monitor world affairs. The most influential man in America is probably George Soros and he is not in America–nor is he an American. Other understated influences on America include World Economic Forum, BBC, and CBC, to name but a few.
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