Rudy Giuliani Could Produce 100+ Witnesses Of Election Fraud In 2020 Election Rumble
True the Vote’s Catherine Engelbrecht Responds to GA Charges and Media Smears – With Hard Evidence!
RFK Jr Vows To End ‘Weaponization’ Of Government Agencies For ‘Political Purposes’
Lawsuits Could Bankrupt Election Officials Over Election 2020
What role did NATO expansion and Biden family corruption play in the war in Ukraine?
Hacker Finds HORRIFIC Website with THOUSANDS of Child Predators | Horror Stories with Hackman YT
House Republicans Who Opposed McCarthy Speakership Given Major Gift for Their Re-Election Campaigns
Court: Illinois Must Forfeit Voter Roll Data To Conservative Group
Catholic League Calls Marjorie Taylor Greene a “Disgrace”
Forgive me for bringing this up, but remember the first impeachment of Mr. Trump on the grounds of a phone call to freshly-minted President Z in Ukraine pertaining to some fishy matters around the Burisma gas company? Yes, Mr. T was impeached over a mere inquiry into possible misconduct by a former high US official (being one “Joe Biden,” ex-veep) and his bag-man son. The setup was patently obvious even to us bloggers who enjoy no intimate correspondence with organelles of the DC Blob. A CIA spook “whistleblower” named Eric Ciaramella (sssshhhh) was injected into the scene with help from the devious Col. Vindman at NSA and an assist from Intel Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson… and voila! Recall the solemn pageantry of Nancy Pelosi’s march across the Capitol rotunda with the hallowed bill of impeachment on a satin pillow….
And now, more than three years later, the nation is informed of all the particulars around those Burisma Company’s doings with the Biden family in granular detail ($5-million plus $5-million), laying out just one instance of treasonous moneygrubbing by this family among many grifts in other nations. And in case of any lingering questions — if the news media were not a pseudopod of the Blob — a long roster of bank transfer records has been assembled by Rep. Comer of the House Oversight Committee to validate the deal memos, emails and audio recordings already available for inspection in the
You realize, don’t you, that the DOJ and the FBI had all of this info (a.k.a evidence) in its possession even before Trump impeachment number one? AG William Barr and FBI Director Wray could have stepped up at any time after October, 2019, and said, “Oh, here’s what that phone call to Z was about.” That they didn’t is arguably the most blatant crime among scores of crimes committed by the Blob in the Trump and post-Trump years.
Russia-Ukraine war: List of key events, day 518
Iran And Its Proxies See Opportunity In Israel’s Crisis
I Was Sold Into An Elite P*dophile Network | A Child S*x Trafficking Story YT
Was Covid a Bioweapon That Targets Certain Races?
13 WEF-Infiltrated Nations Agree To Engineer Global FAMINE To ‘Save the Planet’
Quebec Wildfires Intensify Mainstream
“No Limit” On Number Of Ukrainian Refugees To Be Allowed Into Canada: Federal Memo
Guyana on the verge of producing more oil per person than anywhere else in the world
Latest Covid Vaxx Study Is Absolutely OUTRAGEOUS & ENRAGING! YT
Beware the Huge Negative Lag Impact of Three Rounds of Covid Stimulus
Value of world’s 50 biggest mining companies slump $356bn from post-pandemic peak
FedNow Isn’t a CBDC, but It Is Dangerous
Who Buys Hunter Biden’s Masterpieces?
Best Car Insurance Companies For July 2023
US academic body endorses boycott of Israel
Dr. Drew on Young Obama’s Marxism – 5 of 6 YT
The Vax-Scene – The Box Set YT Uber-Mainstream! Editorial Comments: If you can’t read all 12,000+ comments, read as many as you can. This is a creepy time capsule that does not age well. This segment perfectly illustrates entertainment’s descent into propaganda.
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