
Truth For Truth's Sake

“Evening News” (July 11, 2023)


DOJ Criminally Charges Gal Luft, the ‘Missing Whistleblower’ Who Was Providing Information on the Bidens’ China Dealings


Why Has Election Day Turned Into Election Month?


Fox News Stock Downgraded as Viewership Plummets


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Best-Selling Author Michael Lewis Pens CIA Covid Propaganda


GOP Is Leaning Into Moderate, Experienced Senate Candidates In 2024 To Avoid Another Failed Red Wave, Experts Say


Illinois Bill Will Allow Illegal Aliens to Police Americans


Sotomayor Took $3M From Book Publisher, Didn’t Recuse From Its Cases


Massachusetts Sued For Working With Google To Secretly Put Spyware On Residents’ Phones


‘I WILL … ERADICATE YOU’: Moms for Liberty Threatened, Treated as ‘Subhuman,’ After SPLC Attack


My Forty-Year War on Reefer Madness


In 1992, I headed to Guatemala to give a few speeches on perfidious US protectionist policies. Outside of Guatemala City, I met farmers and small businessmen who explained to me how the US drug war was ravaging their country. A Guatemalan banker told me that the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) was involved in shooting down or forcing crash landings of small planes suspected of carrying drugs. A prominent Guatemalan politician told me, “If you criticize the Drug Enforcement Administration, you might lose your visa” and be banned from visiting the US.


Shortly after Bill Clinton’s inauguration in 1993, the Washington Times published my report on Guatemala: “U.S. anti-drug activities are wrecking the environment, terrorizing the people, and subverting the market economies that the U.S. loves to champion.” US aid was pouring into the coffers of military forces notorious for committing genocide against the Mayans and other minorities. I observed, “Giving the Guatemalan army more weapons to fight marijuana growers is like giving the Mafia bazookas to combat jaywalking in New York City.” Just in case I hadn’t riled up officialdom enough, I tossed in a closing line: “Exporting our drug war to Guatemala and other Latin American nations is Yankee Imperialism at its worst.”


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Reprint From “Post Obotomy Syndrome” October 16, 2020


Youtube Bans Dozens of Pro-Trump Channels

Here is a partial listing of expunged channels:


1 X-22 Report…all three shows. The Weekly Spotlight as well as the two Sunday through Friday shows. Of course, pirated versions of Dave’s old shows are still in circulation. I listen to Dave almost every night on my drive home.


2. Citizens Investigative Reports…Katie G. is an incredibly smart Bible scholar and Q decoder. I disagree with some of her opinions and I am sometimes critical of her conclusions–she might see too many Luciferian influences for example–but she is a dogged researcher.Gone.


3. In Pursuit of Truth…Sir Patrick, a mysterious member of the entertainment industry who also has a weakness for cute dog snippets, has been banished from Youtube. Gone.


4. Truth and Art TV….Bernie has a Truth and Art TV2 channel that is a showcase for his musical compositions.


5. Spaceshot76…I stopped listening to Mike from Rhode Island because he started doing more livestreams and I hate livestreams.


6. Praying Medic…Gone.


7. DeceptionBytes…Michelle from Canada has been scrubbed from Youtube.


8. Amazing Polly…Yet another brilliant Canadian woman. I cannot find her channel but it seems that other parties are posting her older vids.


9. Dustin Nemos…This guy is the poster child for Big Tech Censorship. I feel bad for this guy because his channel was not originally a hobby. He wanted to monetize it and support his family. He was banned and harassed and shunned long ago but he kept coming back. This guy is a fighter and he is also a plaintiff in a class action suit against Google.


10. Jordan Sather….This guy is out there. Secret moon colonies. Antarctica. Adrenochrome. Antivaccine. Not the most discriminating of conspiracy palates. What gets this iconoclast banned from Youtube? The non-conspiracy/non-theory that got the others banned. Why is Google afraid of a scam?


11.wherewego1wegoall….seems to have been disappeared…Not sure if I was a subscriber or if Google even erased the subscription.


12. SGT Report….This guy is a professed Christian who is not above bearing false witness against people he does not like. Think satanic ritual abuse, murder, etc,, that has never gotten beyond the rumor stage…SGT Report2 is also gone.


13. Lori Colley…another brilliant lady and a pitbull of a researcher who happens to be a devout Christian…Gone.


14. Craig Mason…Another correspondent I stopped listening to because he started doing nothing but livestreams. I have yet to see/hear a videographer who improves in a live setting. The videographer is stroking his own ego (this ain’t MTV jackass) as he responds to comments we do not see and greets new arrivals while thanking the donors. If you like vapid Academy Awards speeches….


15. A Posterior Flurry of Logical Faction….recently created this channel because Youtube harassed his original channel…Gone.


16. Patriots Soapbox…Gone.


17. Truth in Context….Gone.


18.TruReporting…I confess that I confuse this channel with a couple of the above mentioned. Then again, if the video thumbprints were displayed, I might be able to tell you more.


So many more, I am trying to find some trace of the lost channels.


BTW, I loathe Fox News. Worse than their phony ass shills, is their pretense of being an alternative to MSM. Fox News is sanctioned dissidence, controlled opposition. Time was, I could watch an In Pursuit of Truth vid and autoplay would deliver s Citizens Investigative Report or something from that shelf.


Then one day, and every day thereafter, every alternative video was followed by a Fox News video. Which was in turn followed by another Fox News video. Google and Fox are not as strange bedfellows as some might think.


The tip of the iceberg. I hope to give some leads on the backup channels and direct readers/viewers to their old favorites in their new settings.


Postscript 7/11/2023.

The YouTube purge was highly effective at crushing an informal network. The flow of information has been impeded.  Some of these pundits have resurfaced at Rumble, BitChute, Truth Social, and elsewhere, but I doubt if any of them have the reach they all enjoyed in the Summer of 2020. 


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1. We do not link To Fox News or Fox Business News.

2. We sometimes link to Fox affiliates.

3. We sometimes link to sites that contain a video that might have a snippet from Fox News (usually Tucker Carlson).

4. We try to avoid second hand news stories that are sourced from Fox News or Fox Business News.

5. We try to not link to sites with pay walls. This eliminates NYT and WaPo (who cares?) but also eliminates WSJ and Epoch Times. We hope that Epoch Times changes their business model because they are one of the best news outlets in the English language.

6. We believe it is more important than ever for Americans to monitor world affairs. The most influential man in America is probably George Soros and he is not in America–nor is he an American. Other understated influences on America include World Economic Forum, BBC, and CBC, to name but a few.

7. Most English language newspapers in non-English speaking countries are paid subscription sites. This presents an ongoing challenge to report on world affairs.

8. We try to avoid linking to mainstream media when possible We are not hesitant to link to mainstream sources if the news story involves raw data, such as the daily stock market or weather statistics or sports scores. Even then, we usually provide a “Mainstream” disclaimer.