A. Overview
1. There exists a transnational political cult.
2. In the US, the Cult’s epicenter is the Democrat Party and includes loyalists who do not necessarily identify as Democrats.
3. The Left vs. Right Spectrum is utter nonsense.
4. The ongoing struggle is insider vs. outsider.
5. The Cult endeavors to benefit the Cult. Concepts like God, family and country, if they are considered at all, are only relevant if and when they benefit the Cult. Cult first, foremost and always.
6. The Cult endeavors to promote the welfare of insiders at the expense of everyone else.
7. The Cult only shows compassion for political pawns.
8. The Cult only values truth when truth is in their favor.
9. The Cult strives to create and promote and enhance hierarchy.
10. The Cult is especially hostile to unsanctioned mobility.
B. Fundamentalism
1. Humans are by nature, fundamentalists.
2. By necessity, primitive man viewed a binary world of friend versus foe, good versus evil.
3. Conscious liberalism–judging without dogma–is an unnatural state.
4. People whose default fundamentalism is premised on religion or on family welfare, or the pusuit of superior health are less likely to pledge allegiance to The Cult.
5. When an individual entertains two concurrent belief systems, the more fundamentalist system will supplant the less rigid set of beliefs.
C. The Nature of Political Cults
1. Political cults share characteristics with religious cults but there are profound differences.
2. Political cults, unlike religious cults, do not, will not, and cannot curb the proliferation and implementation of their dogma.
3. Political cults trek an arrow of enhanced rigidity.
4. Cult members who cannot expand the breadth and depth of their dogma will be punished.
5. Unlike their religious counterparts, political cultists are unable to compartmentalize their beliefs.
6. Unlike their religious counterparts, political cultists often infiltrate existing institutions and alter the very nature of the infected host.
D. The Mind of the Cultist
1. The Cultist is motivated by the need to project superiority.
2. In return for surrending his critical judgment, the Cultist is spoon-fed stylistically superior beliefs and values.
3. Cultists root for proper nouns, noncultists root for principles.
4. The thought processes of the noncultists follow a philosphical method that starts with a question and can proceed in any direction.
5. The Cultist starts with a shelf-ready answer and uses inquiry to support his answer.
6. Cultists believe absolutely in their inherent intellectual, moral, social and intellectual superiority.
7. So certain of their inherent superiority, a Cultist can reverse positions with his opponent on the battlefield and reverse positions again and mantain the certitude that he has held the high ground every step of the way.
E. Heresy and Heretics
1. To paraphrase Thomas Szasz, clear thinking does not irequire intelligence. Clear thinking requires courage.
2. Semantics matter.
3. Liberal and conservative are not antonyms.
4. Leftists are not liberal and vice versa.
5. It is tough to prove a negative but there is no such thing as a right wing.
6. If a right wing does not exist—and it does not—the Cult will invent one.
F. Information Warfare
1. The media serve as a collective papacy for The Cult.
2. The unraveling of the news media, although necessary, will bring with it a high degree of social discord.
3. Talk radio, unfortunately, is not a counter balance to the ongoing tsunami of Cultist propaganda.
4. Talk radio does not offer a counter agenda to the Cult’s designated news cycle.
5. The bulk of talk radio is dedicated to poking holes in the Cult’s professed agenda. While this exercise might be good and noble, talk radio is always reactive, not proactive. Talk radio is always playing defense.
6. To say that Fox News is a counter balance to the Cult’s agenda is insulting for a plethora of reasons.
7. Beware of the Cult’s loyal adverseries, controlled opposition, and sanctioned dissidents.
8. Formal and informal news networks have already formed and they have tremendous growth potential.
9. Formal networks have a lot of advantages, but informal networks are harder to suppress.
10. While we will continue to refute the Cult’s news agenda, we will only be on even footing when we promote our own news agenda. Only when we designate the topics of discussion, will the Mockingbird media be defeated.