FollowBombshell Trump Indictment UNSEALED, Truth Revealed YT
National Popular Vote Bill Advances To Michigan House
On Trump And Everything Else, The Regime Has Gaslighted America Into Oblivion
Why Trump’s Espionage Act Indictment is A Manufactured Process Crime
American ISIS Removed Another Revolutionary War Hero
In 2023, Forcing Women to See Penises Isn’t Sexual Harassment. It’s the Law.
Walker’s first point about the decline in moral values and political incivility has reached civil war instigating levels of degradation, deviancy, and treasonous political activity. Not in Walker’s wildest dreams did he envision the grooming and trafficking of children, drag queen story hour for toddlers, pushing children to be mutilated and propagandized into believing they are the opposite sex, promoting deviancy, and having this degenerate behavior jammed down our throats by the government, corporations, and the media.
Destroying our culture, promoting abnormality and sloth, tearing the fabric of our society to shreds, encouraging lawlessness, looting and murder, and persecuting normal white Americans who dissent, is actively promoted, and funded by Soros, Gates, and the rest of the Davos – WEF globalist psychopaths. The devaluation of our lives was never more evident than during the covid plandemic, where the annual flu was weaponized to lockdown the world, create havoc and chaos, institute totalitarian measures to abscond with our liberties and freedoms, destroy the lives of vaxx dissenters, and ultimately destroy the lives of millions who obeyed and were injected with the untested, gene altering, spike producing, Big Pharma enriching concoction.
To put a Roman Empire slant on it, what has been wrought by Clinton, Obama, Comey, Wray, Brennan, Clapper, Pelosi, and their gaggle of treasonous co-conspirators since 2016 has marked our current day crossing of the Rubicon. Politics has always been a dirty game, but the machinations to bring down a duly elected sitting president, which continue to this day under the direction of Biden’s handlers, is reminiscent of the plots, coups, and murders as the Roman empire descended into corruption, madness, and deviant behavior.
Opposition Group Accuses Iran Of Act Of Terror In France
The forgotten prisoners in Qurain Military Prison
Terrorists kill 25 farmers, abduct women, girls in Niger communities
Terrorists kill businessman, kidnap traditional rulers, others in Bauchi
Canadian operations halted as miners grapple with record wildfires
CRTC says ‘thousands of Canadians’ want Fox News cable packages banned from Canada
The Most Infamous Gangster Masterminds of El Salvador: The Faces of Terror YT
Full Episode 80: Vaccine Injuries: How to Sue? ( Rumble
Consumer Credit Surges to a New Record High Led by Credit Card Debt
Meanwhile, the Turkish Lira Has Gone Downhill
Editor’s Note: As Moderna and Pfizer stocks return to pre-C19 vax levels, should we brace for a new pandemic? Meanwhile, the tout is out.
Is Pfizer Stock A Buy As It Leaps Into The Red-Hot Weight-Loss Race?
Is Moderna Stock A Buy After Unexpectedly Turning A First-Quarter Profit?
Dog Meat Cooking, How to Eat Dogs and Dog Slaughter YT
MANDELA EFFECT: How To JUMP Into A Parallel Universe. This CHANGES Everything! Cynthia Sue Larson YT Upgraded physiology 42:00. Who got the kidney’s desk?
81 Million Votes, My Ass (Kari Lake Music Video) Rumble
My harshest criticism of Donald Trump:
You can judge a man by his enemies and in the case of Donald Trump, he checks all the boxes. Has there ever been a human being who has compiled a better gallery of antagonists? From Hollywood to Silicon Valley to Wall Street, and of course, DC, the worst of the worst have risen from their crypts to attack Donald Trump, his supporters, and the best things American.
The latest lawfare attack by Jack Smith and his band of Latter-Day Nazis serves to enhance DJT’s iconic value. He is the only thing evil fears. No one else scares them.
The Trump Administration was successful in bringing peace and prosperity. Better than both predecessor and successor. Trump hit the light switch Obama would never touch and Biden tripped over himself to turn the switch off. A second Trump Administration might be even more successful, but…
We were told by more than one pundit that Donald Trump is a sharp judge of character with a keen eye for talent. His intuitive business skills stemming from his looking someone in the eye from across the table served him well. A perfected skill honed over decades of practice. People sense. Social IQ. A character accountant more accurate than those mystics who read auras or chakras or energies. The master.
Why then, was every Trump appointee a disaster? Even before he landed on the White House lawn, Trump had selected Mike Pence as a running mate. His first appointee turned out to be a dud. Let’s not be too harsh, even Jesus selected a Judas. You pick 12 people and the law of averages catches up with everyone. But how do you select a turncoat every time?
Jeff Sessions would be Trump’s first Attorney General. Sessions would open the door for Rosenstein, Mueller, Weissmann, CNN, the FBI, et al, to hold the Trump administration hostage and to boost Democrat performance in the 2022 mid-terms. One bad apple?
Sessions would eventually be replaced by deep-state heavyweight, William Barr. Yes, Mr. President, you outdid yourself. Rotten apple gave way to cyanide apple. Three years into retirement, Barr is still working to destroy your administration’s great work.
Trump fired the world’s tallest dirty cop and replaced him with the equally corrupt Christopher Wray. Was there no one else available? No one?
Usually, a president can find a general who won’t betray the country, but Trump seemed to fail in that endeavor. Yes, he did select Michael Flynn but remember that Flynn got waylaid by two other Trump selections: Mike Pence and Jeff Sessions. Chief of staff is usually a safe bet but not in the Trump Administration. Were there any good selections at any office? Mike Pompeo? Nikki Haley? John Bolton? Rex Tillerson? It isn’t even crystal clear that Trump’s three Supreme Court appointees are who they claimed to be.
If I was advising Ron DeSantis, I would tell him to publicly support Donald Trump’s war against the deep state. Yes, he fought the good fight and his values are sound, and his policies were damn near flawless and his enemies are my enemies, but he failed to crush those enemies. Trump is a good soldier but not a great general.
Not sure what campaign slogan to give DeSantis. “Fewer Benedict Arnolds Appointed” does not roll off the tongue. “Not As Many Loser Appointments”? Needs some work. “Lesser Disappointments!”? “Lower Quisling Content!”?
How about this one, Ron? “Drain The Swamp”.
The Editor
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