Republicans Should Not Bet On Ballot Harvesting
The FBI Must Be Held Accountable for Russiagate
Louisiana House Approves Constitutional Amendment To Keep ‘Zuckbucks’ Out Of Elections
Supreme Court: IRS Can Obtain Bank Records Of 3rd Parties Not Under Investigation
FISA Court Report: FBI Continued to Abuse Surveillance Tool After Trump-Era Abuses
COVID Vaccine Pulled From US — No Comment from CDC YT
Ban the Jab Update: Seminole County GOP Passed Ban the Jab resolution! 90-95% of vote!
Sundance’s Sad And Serious Commentary On The Durham Report
Historians of the future, boiling up a nice spring bouillabaisse of nettles, cattail tubers, and frogs over their campfires, will pore over John Durham’s mystifying RussiaGate report for clues as to what begat the smoldering wreck of the legal system that once girded all the rough-and-ready ways of the old America, turning us into a land of simpering zombies. There was, apparently, a strange, Satanic cult called the FBI that cast a spell over the land, giving license to wickedness and depravity that transformed a once-upright folk into liars, until nobody knew what was the right way to do anything anymore….
Of course, we do not live in the future, only on the thrilling edge of it, and it is still possible to see through the fog of mystification creeping over our lives. Though one Rachel Maddow yet raves on, and the FBI still sends SWAT teams hither and yon to cow the righteous, and an evil mummy resides at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, our country knows the score. It was hoaxed, played, bamboozled. A trip was laid on us. The law was turned against the people by the very officers of the courts: the lawyers. Shakespeare had the right idea — and forgive me for not spelling it out (but consult Henry VI, Part II Act IV Scene II at your leisure).
Turkish Interior Minister Accuses Sweden of Electoral Meddling
Hundreds of refugees cross into western Ethiopia from Sudan every day
Uruguayans march in memory of victims of state terrorism
Europe’s Weakest Border? Smuggling Between Suriname and French Guiana
The Week in Canadian Press Releases: 10 Stories You Need to See
7 people are sentenced in Panama for smuggling of migrants
Graphic shaky phone cam: Papantla, Veracruz: We Are The Fucking Absolute Gente Nueva
Biden: I’m Not Willing to Strike a Deal With ‘Crypto Traders’
Thanks to Sanctions, The US Is Losing Its Grip on the Middle East
What a Real, Fully Capitalist Energy Transition Would Look Like
Meta’s next round of layoffs will start next week
India: Illegal Sand Mining Continues
How to Hunt with a Slingshot *CONTAINS HUNTING FOOTAGE* YT
Rothbard: Essentials of Money and Inflation
The Crazy Nastyass Honey Badger (original narration by Randall) YT Classic
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