
Truth For Truth's Sake

“Evening News” Weekend Edition (March 19, 2023)


Trump Announces On Social Media That He Expects To Be Arrested On Tuesday


Elon Musk says Trump will win in a ‘landslide victory’ if he’s indicted


Jonathan Turley Destroys Manhattan DA’s Case Against Trump


Kari Lake On X22 Report Rumble


A ‘Spill’ of FBI Secrets


The CDC’s Vaccine “Misinformation” List


Here Are the Tech Companies, Liberal Media Outlets, and Prominent Democrats Saved by Biden’s Bank Bailout


“The New Normal”: New York to Lower Math and English Proficiency Standards Due to Poor Test Results


3 Years to Slow The Spread: Covid hysteria and the creation of a never-ending crisis


DEI Takes America’s Eyes Off Prize

What could go wrong?


Defunct Silicon Valley Bank had no chief risk officer between April 29 and Jan. 3. That’s when it wolfed down Treasury bonds whose value slid while the Federal Reserve jacked up interest rates. Silicon Valley Bank also should have broadened its customer base, rather than till Big Tech’s narrow soil.

SVB did have a chief diversity officer on duty. It also loaned to shaky clean-power companies.

SVB’s board might have demanded more corporate attention to these matters, but what did they know? Only one member had a clue about banking—former Barclays Investment Bank executive Tom King.



Why QAnon™ is a wicked falsehood – by Martin Geddes

So here goes… I am (by implication) accused of being:


far-right… which is the slur used against anyone who asserts individual rights that oppose communist goals.


conspiratorial… which suggests I am the false accuser, the classic role reversal of the Alinskyite method.


ideological… which removes any debate about the factuality of the criminal acts of those in power, or the holiness of the framing.


extremist… which is never defined, and is a codeword for “unacceptable” to those being held to account.


anti-Semitic… the go-to insult when all others fail, but never evidenced, and indeed I have stated the opposite, and rather unlikely to those who know my personal history.


coordinated… by whom and with whom?


insurrectionist… in what way against whom?


new age… which I don’t think I have written about once.


occult… a topic I write about, but do not participate in, my purpose being to de-occultise the world.


esoteric… a neutral label along with exoteric that simply states that something is hidden.


alternative reality… the reversal of what they themselves are doing.


Cicada 3301… never mentioned it once AFAICR, but the music video is a nice curiosity, and who cares anyway if this is all legal.


agent of Russian and corporate entities… wow, really?!?


undermining democratic processes… by exercising free speech.


promoting “magical” thinking… even if true, is this unlawful, and who decides?


ostracising Democrats and liberals… who somehow never get deplatformed or shunned by their families.


a propagandist… even though my interest in evil, psychopathy, mind control, media, and crime predates Q.


ethnonationalist and white supremacist… who had a Malaysian-Chinese boyfriend, so I must be homophobic too.


deceptive… if so, a contest of ideas in free speech will show me up!


cultist… who saw the Jehovah’s Witnesses from the inside, but never fell for any of it.


astroturfer… do let me know where to send the invoices.


violent neo-Nazi… 🤣.


fascist… 🤪.


inauthentic… 🥳.


unnatural… 😎.


represent a danger to society… 😛.


socially divisive… 😘.


damaging… 👍.


coercive… 😱.


ostracising… 😫.


Discordian… no, I hadn’t heard of it either, so at least I learned a new word.


Do you ever get the feeling that criminals don’t like being held accountable, and that name calling and character assassination is their preferred method of maintaining power?



1. We do not link To Fox News or Fox Business News.

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3. We sometimes link to sites that contain a video that might have a snippet from Fox News (usually Tucker Carlson).

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6. We believe it is more important than ever for Americans to monitor world affairs. The most influential man in America is probably George Soros and he is not in America–nor is he an American. Other understated influences on America include World Economic Forum, BBC, and CBC, to name but a few.

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